TUESDAY 8TH MARCH 2011 – 9.30-11:30 – Committee Room 1, GosportTown Hall


Charlie Adie (Interim Co-Chair) / Hampshire Alliance (Motiv8)
Eric Halton / District Manager, Education & Inclusion (Gosport), HCC
Steve Cottrell / New District Manager, Education & Inclusion (Fareham & Gosport), HCC
Steve Newton / Head of Housing Options, GBC
Marion Runalls / Centre Manager, Haselbridge Children’s Centre
Maria Calway-Kennedy / Hants Youth Service
Di Lloyd / St VincentCollege
Marion Clist / GEIP / Headteacher, AlverstokeInfant School
Neil Cole / CCRA Project Director,WCC CCRA
Lisa Humphreys / District Manager – Children and Families
Mary Lilley
Jane Cook / Chair, Havant LCP
Jenny Bonsor (Interim Co-Chair) / GEIP / Deputy Headteacher, BayHouseSchool
Linda Pearcey / Early Years Adviser, EECU
Scott Hickman / Senior Development Officer (Childcare), EECU
Wendy Lee / Centre Manager, The Tree House Children’s Centre
Leone Hill / JobCentre Plus
Joy Lowman / GEIP / Headteacher, St John’sGosportPrimary School
Lucy Manger / Educational Psychologist, HCC
Steph Morley / Fareham & Gosport Locality Team Manager
Chief Inspector Jason Kenny / Hampshire Police
Simon Crouch / Hampshire Adult Services, Local Supporting People Coordinator
Mike Newman / Quality and Performance Officer, Children’s Centres
No response/Substitute:
Jamie O’Reilly / Community Safety, GBC
David Retter / Area Strategic Manager (Alternative Provision), HCC
Rosellen Lambert / ESCo, BridgemaryCommunitySportsCollege
Carly Northcott / Co Chair Raising Aspirations, Community Safety, GBC
Hilary Robbins / Deputy County Services Manager, Educational Psychology
Jeanie Low Ying / Area Principal EP, HEPS
Linda Pearson / Naval Services
Paul Briggs / Team Manager South East Hants Youth Offending Team (YOT)
Jill Corbett / Health Improvement Partnership and Programme Manager, NHS Hampshire Commission
Tim Houghton / Hampshire Alliance (Groundwork Solent)
Mia Wren / Locality Clinical Manager (Fareham)
David Martin / Leisure Services Manager
1. / Welcome and Introductions
Charlie welcomed everyone and explained that Jenny has sent her apologies as Bay House have had the Ofsted call for 9th and 10th March. Round table introductions followed.
2. / Apologies noted
Matters Arising from meeting 1st December, all either complete or covered within agenda below.
The question of admin comes up later on the agenda but Jane will be moving over to the Havant area with Eric so thanks were expressed to her for the admin support she has provided.
Dashboard –Ericcirculated a ‘Gosport Dashboard’ identified by strategy groups as Hampshire Key Performance Indicator (HKPI) in blue and Gosport Key Performance Indicator (GKPI) identified in black and then grouped loosely by Strategy Group. Whilst there are a myriad of further outcomes and indicators it was agreed that this set will form the basis of monitoring performance for the time being.
Info source has been included and needs to be updated, GLCP will be looking to strategy groups to ensure the Gosport Dashboard is kept up to date. Eric explained the structure of the dashboard:
-the two orange columns are HCC information.
- benchmark for Gosport data based on worst or oldest info available
- RAG rating showing trend and current performance to be completed by strategy groups
- last 3 columns are for targets, to be completed by strategy groups. Very roughly, in a cohort there are about 1000 kids so a 1% shift is 10 kids so if we aim to improve in a year by 3% we need to do something different and identifiable for 30 kids otherwise the targets are meaningless.
Charlie thanked Ericon behalf of the strategy groups for doing all this work. We now need to go back to the strategy groups to discuss further and come up with targets.
3. / Hampshire Children’s Trust and Local Children’s Partnerships:
Copy of e-mail from Deborah Harkin circulated. Charlie provided some context stating that two years ago LCPs were not considered a direct part of the Children’s Trust Boards but this has changed with Chairs of LCPs now invited to jointhe Hants Children’s Trust Boards. The first meeting of the new structure is on 30th March. LCPs now seen as an important part of how Hampshire delivers services for children. The e-mail outlines some of the things to make this a reality. We will seek to do the very best of our ability to help children and young people in Gosport, but appreciate that there are capacity challenges. The role of the District Manager is very important in this;Steve Cottrellshared that the development of clear strategy is definitely the way forward and depends on interaction with other organisations.
Mary Lilley (Chair of Havant LCP) thought this was a great idea to start with. She now has reservations as the governance framework gives an awful lot of responsibility to the chair. If we have responsibility why are we not then influencing some of the decisions being made at the design stage – eg children’s centres. We were not consulted on the governance framework.
Charlie said timescales have put a real pressure on trying to cope with the almost weekly changes since the new government came inMay 2010 as well as coping with changes within our day jobs.
Marion Csaidfrom the schools point of view things have changed massively since partnership working came into place. Eric said in talking to other authorities Hampshire County Council is in a very privileged position maintaining its political commitment to partnership working. There is no reason to suppose there might not be a turn for the better financially in the future.
Neil Colesaid it was only the second LCP meeting he has attended. CCRA and cultural community services are looking at how we join up services at a local level and want to bring this joined up resource to the LCP. Linked to that he is presenting a paper to the Corporate Management Team tomorrow.
Steve Newtonasked about the roles and responsibilities for chairs.
Charlie said they are required to sit on the Children’s Trust Board – this needs to be taken seriously and is a role in its own right. Since January they have had two areas of funding which have needed to be sorted and distributed. Hampshire Safeguarding Board have invited LCP chairs to attend their meetings. Commissioning – Gosport on occasions has been pointed to as one of the more advanced LCPs.
Di shared that Post 16 are being told they don’t need to be within the LCP however she thinks they should remain within the partnership.
In summary it was agreed we need to hang in through the difficult times and keep the LCP going.
4. / Partnership Case Study- The G Team
Following on from Colin Farmery’s presentation at the last SMB, Charlie showed a 5 min DVD on a project delivered in the LeeslandPark area of Gosport which had involved lots of different local organisations.
Charlie said he would like to keep this slot at future meetings and would welcome input from people. Please let Charlie know if you have anything to share at future meetings.
5. / Feedback from Cross Cutting Objectives
Verbal update on progress and discussion of next steps in each objective:
  1. CC1&4: Targeted support panel and identification strategy (Charlie Adie), set up to look at NEET reduction and they are continuing to meet. Now split into two groups:
    CC1A (14-16 year olds):which has a list of 150 young people in Y10 and Y11 at risk of becoming NEET. The last meeting tried to find out who is the main practitioner/lead professional for each young person and the next meeting is 25th March. It is hoped to identify a long term lead for this group by Easter 2011.
CC1B(16-19 year olds): to be chaired by Colin Farmery with a specific focus on those that are NEET.
CC4: prevention and early intervention strategy which will be informed by CC1A/B.
  1. CC2: Make a Lifelong Difference Project (Jeanie Low Ying)
Jeanie was not at the meeting so Marion explained what the project is, she also explained that there is no more money for this project. The Gosport Education Improvement Partnership are looking at how we can maintain the learning through a similar project in schools.
  1. CC3: Assessment and Observation Unit (David Retter)
Lennox Centre has now opened. It is a Centre for KS1 and 2 for Fareham and Gosport.
6. / Refreshment Break
7. / Feedback from Strategy Group meetings (completed summary forms already circulated)
Raising Aspirations
Neil Cole asked about the paired reading project, it was explained that this includes students from St VincentCollege and Bay House. Readingis the single biggest issue/focus area.
Promoting Health and Well Being
Marion Runalls’ said the biggest concern was that the teenage pregnancy staffing team has been significantly reduced. Looking to get advice from staff before they leave and Haselbridge Children’s Centre takes the lead in Gosportfor TP and are looking at taking on some of this work. Discussed the scale of the issue with the Connexions worker having a case load of 50 young mums and 134 young mums have accessed Haselbridge this year. Local Implemention Team (LIT group) – Maria is becoming chair as Taryn is going. There are health and well being centres in schools. Lisa to advise who should be leading on this and feedback to SMB, she added that the target is reducing teenage conception. Teenage pregnancy/conception is the single biggest issue in Gosport.
HWB strategy group had asked the SMB if we are considering getting charity status to draw down funding? Charlie said the answer to that is‘not at this particular time’.
Supporting Families and Communities
Maria said there was a lot of discussion at the meeting about what services/posts are going. Barbara was the key person in this group and she has now moved on. There is a lot of discussion about plugging the gaps and managing transition. Co chair is Maria Anderson from an education perspective. Need a second non educationalist co-chair – an open invitation to someone to take over. Parenting support and who can provide it is the priority issue at this time.
Action for ALL 3 strategy groups: feedback at next SMB on progress for the single priority issue per group (as underlined above).
8. / Funding proposals: Gosport LCP has received two pots of money in early 2011:
-£10K given to each LCP regardless of size, intended to support admin within 2010/11. As this has not been spent on admin it was opened up to strategy groups and a range of requests were received and 5 have been approved totalling £10K. Panel that met were Eric, Marion, Jenny and Charlie; any conflicts of interest were avoided by not getting involved in ones that individuals had a direct involvement in. Raising Aspirations made an additional request that will be met by the GEIP.
-£37,883 to Gosport: paper circulated explaining background and proposed use. Lisa requested that a clear item about young people’s participation be added – this was agreed. There was a discussion about existing Extended Service coordination. Subject to the addition about Participation the Recommendation as per paper was agreed. GEIP to be requested to provide functions.
9. / Information Sharing:
Developing a parenting strategy (Marion Clist):
Paper circulated. Lots of things that were in place will not be by April 2011, however the LCP has been provided with a spreadsheet (list) of people in Gosportwho have been trained to deliver parenting programmes – it is noted that the majority have not yet delivered programmes. The HCC Threshold chart has been amended and has more detail about who to contact. Lisa is involved with Stuart Ashley for Home School Link Workers.
It was agreed that parenting should be the main focus of the SFC group with clarity needed of how to match up request for additional support with the long list of people who can provide it.
Action: Marion C/Lisa to liaise with Volker about attending a future meeting..
Children’s Centres consultation:
Everyone hadseen the documents regarding Children’s Centre consultation, and there was a far ranging discussion about both the process and content. To date the LCP has not provided a specific response, but Charlie stated that he would be happy to provide a covering letter supporting any paper prepared by SMB members. Marion R stated that now there was an extra month to get responses in, this might be useful, she added that the proposed link of Gosport and Fareham was not a good idea.
Mary Lilley (Chair of Havant LCP)
Thank you for the invitation to attend this meeting today. She was very impressed with Gosport LCP. She is here because she is doing a MSc in organisational psychology with a dissertation on partnership working and collaborations. Having contacted Deborah Harkin to find out which LCPs would be the best in the county to visit, she has gone to Gosport and East Hants. Mary would like to interview as many people as possible on their participation in the LCP. She passed around the participation sheets for anyone willing to take part. If anyone is willing to take part please give contact details to Mary and she will ring to make an appointment. If anyone would like to take part and wasn’t at the meeting you can contact Mary on 02392 264701 (e-mail: ). Benefit to Gosport LCP would be that we will receive the final paper.
Any other business
1.Maria provided a brief update on the Youth Support Service which is going through a further restructure having taken a big hit due to funding reductions, this will result in reductions in practitioners. Info advice and guidance will move into schools. Places to go things to do and participation strand are proposed to move to the voluntary sector with approx. £1.5 - 2M allocated across the county. The LCP is expected to play a part in this. Targeted youth support is core aspect of YSS – care leavers, supporting children in care, homelessness work and youth justice system and youth pregnancy work. Maria is supporting LCPs in this area. Community development workers 16-20 across county so we will hopefully get a couple, will help to bolster and support work the voluntary sector will be doing in the area.
Action: Maria to provide an update at the June meeting.
2. Consultation around future of Quayside. £7.3M capital money identified, which is sufficient to rebuild Quayside and provide support for in-school inclusion.
3. 16+ provision consultation closed 28th Jan. Di Lloyd had initial discussion re paper for Cllr Roy Perry which will be available at the earliest May/June.
8. / Date of next LCP SMB meeting: 16th June 2011- 9.30-11.30, GosportTown Hall
Future meetings:
Strategy group Co-Chairs: 14th March 2011 / 20th June 2011
RA strategy Group: 8th April/6th July (St Vincent)
HWB Strategy Group: 4th May/11th July (Holbrook Pr)
SFC Strategy Group: 6th May/13th July (Rowner Youthy)