consultant in old age psychiatry

inverclyde area

Information pack

REF: 35981D

cLOSING DATE: nOON 13th February 2015

As you may be aware, the new South Glasgow University Hospital and new Royal Hospital for Sick Children are due to open on the current Southern site early in 2015.

With this in mind, please note that positions based within the Victoria Infirmary, Mansionhouse Unit, the Western Infirmary and the current Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Yorkhill will change location and move to the new hospitals.

Gartnavel General Hospital and Glasgow Royal Infirmary will also have some services affected by moves to the new Hospitals.

These changes mean your base may change after joining us and you will be informed as soon as possible prior to any change of base.


Post: consultant in old age psychiatry (2 POSts)

Base: inverclyde area

These posts are full-time (10PA’s) based in the Inverclyde area with Greenock as the main population centre. There is an over 65 population of around 14,500. Consultant cover for this is provided by the two posts advertised.Inpatient beds are at Inverclyde Royal Hospital and Continuing Care beds at Ravenscraig Hospital. Due to changes in service provision it is planned that liaison services to local care homes and the general hospital at Inverclyde Royal Hospital will be provided by nursing staff with consultant supervision.

Applicants must have full registration with the General Medical Council, a licence to practice and be eligible for inclusion in the GMC Specialist Register. Those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher Specialist Training leading to a CCT or eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) or be within six months of confirmed entry at the date of interview. Non UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training.

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde /


Consultant Psychiatrist in Old Age Psychiatry – Inverclyde

10 PAs

REF: 35981D

Job Description

Consultant Psychiatrist in Old Age Psychiatry – Inverclyde

Current Psychiatric Services – Inverclyde Area

Inverclyde is situated on the side of the River Clyde as shown on the map below. The main towns are Greenock, Port Glasgow, Gourock, Kilmacolm, Inverkip and Wemyss Bay. The population is mainly urban with a small rural component.

Inverclyde has a population of around 85,000 with areas of significant deprivation. Recent population trends have shown a general reduction in the number of working age adults with a steady rise in the number of the elderly population. Around 17.4% of the population are elderly (over 65 years) and comprise 14,500 people, it is anticipated that this will increase by 13% to 15,821 by 2016.

Benchmarking exercises have revealed some useful data regarding the local population. About 9.8% of the elderly receive homecare and 4.2% are resident in care homes, these figures only being the second highest in the benchmarking exercise. Eurodem figures would suggest that there are around 1258 people (of all ages) with dementia in Inverclyde.

There are two hospital sites in Inverclyde:-

Inverclyde Royal Hospital

Inverclyde Royal Hospital is a modern 370 bed District General Hospital situated in Greenock. This hospital has all major acute specialities. The Elderly Mental Illness Acute Ward and Day Hospital are situated in the new Larkfield Unit annex of the hospital. Medical staff and secretarial support are also based in this unit. The hospital also hosts on-call facilities, library and an educational centre. The Old Age Psychiatry Services are in the same unit as the Day Hospital and wards for Medicine for the Elderly. The specific facilities for Old Age Psychiatry are :-

Ward 4.This is the main acute ward for Old Age Psychiatry. This 20 bedded unit is divided into two separate 10 bedded wards : 4A for patients with organic disorders and 4B for those patients with functional disorders.

Argyll Unit: The Argyll Unit is the EMI Day Hospital. This operates 9-5 Monday to Friday and has 25 places per day. It has its own dedicated transport and operates separate days for patients with functional and organic disorders. Increasingly staff at the Day Hospital are involved in initial fast track assessments of patients.

In addition there are two facilities in the Larkfield site which provide input to older people with mental health problems if required. These are

S.S.P.U.:The Short Stay Psychiatric Unit is the acute ward for Adult Mental Health Services in Inverclyde. Old Age Psychiatry Services have admitting rights to this ward for patients who would be better served on this site.

I.P.C.U.:Patients over the age of 65 who require the input of the Intensive Psychiatric Care Unit may be admitted there and would remain under the care of Old Age Psychiatry Services.

Ravenscraig Hospital

Ravenscraig Hospital is situated within walking distance of Inverclyde Royal Hospital. The hospital dates back to 1879 and has an interesting history involving a period spent as the headquarters of the Canadian Navy during World War II. Although the hospital has shrunk greatly in size over recent years it still provides a range of facilities. The facilities directly used by old age psychiatry are :-

Dunrod E & F: These are two 24 bedded continuing care wards. One specialises in the management of patients with challenging behaviour, the other in the care of patients with dementia who have become very physically frail.

Responsibilities of Post Holder

At the moment there is no substantive consultant in Old Age Psychiatry in place in Inverclyde. Two posts are being advertised at the same time. With the small catchment size and the greatest concentration of the population in Greenock, the plan would be that both consultants would cover the whole of the Inverclyde area between them. There can be some flexibility in determining how this will be accomplished and job plans will be organised so that responsibilities are shared equally between each consultant. The post holders will provide and develop comprehensive psychiatric services in Inverclyde for people developing a functional mental illness after the age of 65 years and for patients with a primary diagnosis of dementia of any age who require the input of mental health servives. They will also provide a service to patients who developed functional psychiatric disorders before the age of 65 but who have not been in active treatment for the last 18 months. Other 'graduate' patients may be taken into the Old Age Psychiatry Service after individual case-based discussion if it is felt that it would be to their clinical benefit.

The post holders will be expected to provide medical leadership and have a particular role in the development and supervision of nursing staff who have taken on the role of liaison to the general hospital and local nursing homes. Currently the capacity within care homes in Inverclyde is 716 beds. There is a planned development for a Specialist Dementia and Mental Health Social Care Facility for up to 12 beds, to provide intermediate care for people whose mental health needs require additional care out with the hospital setting. This is currently being commissioned by the CHCP. This will be supported by the Liaison Nurse and Consultant providing weekly input.

It is anticipated that the post holders will take a key role in the shaping of future service development.

The post holder will be expected to cover for colleagues during absences in line with the arrangements set out in the National Terms and Conditions. He or she must be approved under Section 22 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) ( Scotland) Act 2003 and be able to act as RMO and AMP to patients.

The final timetable is flexible, subject to the needs of the service and would be discussed with the successful candidate.

The on-call commitment is currently 1 in 32 (non-resident) as part of South Glasgow and Clyde rota with continuous rota of higher trainees.

The post holder will have a junior trainee attached to the post, and will act as clinical supervisor.

The Lead Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry for South Clyde is Dr Rob Gray, Consultant Psychiatrist, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley.

Services in Inverclyde

There are inpatient multi-disciplinary teams; nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and dietetics are fully represented.

Out-patient clinics are held in both the hospital (Inverclyde Royal Hospital) and health centre setting (Greenock, Gourock and Port Glasgow Health Centres).

There is a liaison service which operates in the medical and surgical units in I.R.H. Due to redesign this service will be supported by a Specilaist Liason Nurse with supervision from the Consultant.

There is a full range of laboratory and radiology services based in Inverclyde Royal Hospital.

A Specialist Liaison Nurse has been appointed to provide input to Care Homes under the supervision of the Consultant.

Supporting Staff

The community multidisciplinary team is based at Crown House. This is a recently developed facility based in the centre of Greenock. The old age and adult mental health teams are both based here. Also on this site are medical records services and the psychiatric educational centre.

The Old Age Community Mental Health Team is a joint team accountable to both Health and Social Services. The team comprises the following members :-

Team Manager Assistant Service Manager (MHO)

5 CPNs 4 Social Workers

2 Occupational Therapists

1 Social Work Assistant 4 Social Work Support Workers

1 Resource Worker 1 Clinical Support Worker

2 NHS Clerical Assistants (P/T) 2 SW Clerical Assistants (P/T)

The post holder will have a medical secretary.

There is a strong clinical psychology service in Inverclyde. In addition to access to general clinical psychology services there is also a specific neuropsychology input to the department of geriatric psychiatry which is provided by a consultant neuropsychologist (Currently Dr K Dawson).

Provisional Timetable 1

AM / Team Meeting
Clinical Administration / Liaison Activity / SPA / Teaching / Ward Round
PM / Ward Round
Ward 4 Larkfield Unit / OPC / OPC / Ward Round Continuing Care
Dunrod / OPC

Provisional Timetable 2

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
am / Team Meeting
Clinical Administration / CMHT Meeting / OPC / Teaching
Admin / Day Hospital
pm / Ward Round
Ward 4 Larkfield Unit / Liaison/Home Visits / SPA / Cont. Care Ward Round / Case Conf/Admin
Ward Work

A split of 9:1 between Direct Clinical Care PAs and Supporting Professional Activities is now standard for all new Consultant job plans within NHSGG&C. The one SPA minimum will reflect activity such as appraisal, personal audit and professional development occurring outside study leave time.Once the candidate has been appointed, more SPA time may be agreed for activities outside direct clinical care, as well as research and/or management. These activities must be specifically and clearly identified and be agreed with the candidate and desired by the department.

Multidisciplinary Teaching

There is opportunity for multidisciplinary teaching within the service from time to time and this is encouraged as a contribution to team / staff development. Medical students are regularly on attachment from Glasgow University


There are a number of research projects on going in Inverclyde and the post holder will be encouraged to become involved in research if they wish.

Continued Professional Development

Study Leave

There is a study leave budget and medical staff are encouraged to ensure that they keep their practice up to date.


There is a West of Scotland CPD Programme with which the Clyde Consultants Clinical Governance Meetings dovetail. Systems are being implemented to support Consultants appraisal within the Trust.

Consultants Clinical Governance Meetings

There is a regular programme of fortnightly meetings on External Teaching Thursday mornings during term time on topics relevant to consultants and non-training grade staff.

Consultant and other senior staff meet weekly on a Thursday to review local matters.

Management/Administrative work

The Mental Health Division has recently undergone a management restructure primarily to support clinical governance and to focus on clinical service delivery. The current Sector Management Team would encourage the post holder to be active in clinical input to managerial planning.

Clyde Division of Psychiatry

The post-holder would be a member of the Clyde Division of Psychiatry and may represent clinicians' views to the Division via the Division’s Psychiatric Advisory Committee. The post holder will be encouraged to be an active member of the Division.

Date when post is vacant.

From as soon as possible

REF: 35981D
Essential / Desirable
Qualifications / ·  Medical degree (MBChB or equivalent)
·  Applicants must have full GMC registration, a licence to practise and be eligible for inclusion in the GMC Specialist Register for Old Age Psychiatry. Applicants must be on the Specialist Register or be within 6 months of the anticipated award of a CCT or CESR(CP) at the time of interview for the post.
·  MRCPsych or FRCPsych or equivalent
·  Able to be approved by Health Board under s20 of the mental health act. / ·  Additional relevant qualification such as DGM, MRCGP, MSc, MPhil, MD or PhD
Knowledge & understanding / ·  Extensive knowledge about mental disorders and issues affecting older people .
·  Good knowledge of service organisation
·  Up to date awareness of government policy on issues affecting older people, particularly with regard to dementia
·  Understanding of principles of clinical governance. / ·  Knowledge of range of service systems and their relative merits
·  Advanced knowledge of a relevant aspect of the specialty
Abilities & skills / ·  Ability to apply knowledge to clinical practice and service development
·  Ability to diagnose and treat mental illness of older people.
·  Ability to apply service procedures (such as Care Programme Approach) and mental health law.
·  Ability to make good medical notes
·  Ability to communicate effectively with other professionals.
·  Ability to work effectively in a multidisciplinary team.
·  Evidence of having ability to teach and coach junior medical staff, medical students as well as other staff groups
·  Computer literacy (basic word processing, email and internet use) / ·  Advanced skills in clinical assessment and treatment of older patients
·  Excellence in communication
·  Analytical approach to problems
·  Evidence of potential to develop specialty skills
·  Advanced computer skills (statistics package, database, spreadsheet)
·  Evidence of working with carers’ groups
Motivation / ·  Commitment to care of older people
·  Commitment to evidence-based practice
·  Commitment to lifelong learning.
·  Commitment to clinical governance
·  Ability to organise own learning and time. / ·  Enthusiasm
·  Punctuality.
·  Initiative (for example, evidence of initiative in a clinical governance project)
Personality & attitudes / ·  Honesty
·  Reliability
·  Flexibility
·  Ability to undertake responsibility
·  Ability to cope calmly with stressful situations
·  Ability to work with other consultants in the service
·  Demonstrates leadership
Experience / ·  Experience of delivering a mental health service for older people
·  Experience of leading a multidisciplinary team
·  Evidence of participation in clinical governance activities, including medical audit.
·  Experience in clinical research
·  Presentations to various groups / ·  Experience of working in more than one model of health service provision
·  Experience of leading a clinical governance activity
·  Publications
Other requirements / ·  Satisfactory fitness for employment / ·  Independently mobile (car driver)


The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the Hospital and Medical & Dental Whitley Council.