June 22, 2015

The Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00 a.m. M. Manus was excused.


Consent Agenda –Motion was made byK. Skoogto approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded byS. Kiss. Motion carried. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, thecorrected minutes of the Board’s June 15, 2015 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earnings: June 1-19, 2015: $2,107.11

Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Voluntary Employee Benefit Association (VEBA) Integration with Employers’ Group Medical Plan Policy

Payroll Change Notices:

Sheriff –Corrections: Morgan Johnson, $3,094.60, Step 2, Effective 07-01-2015

Sheriff- Corrections: Jeff Nichols, $3094.60, Step 2, Effective 07-01-2015

Sheriff- Communications: Breanne Mangis, $2,787.27, Step 2, Effective 07-01-2015

Agreement Between Pend Oreille County Weed Board and the Public Utility District No. 1 of Pend Oreille County Utilizing the Neighborhood Cooperative Cost-Share Program.


Advancement of Assessor’s Office employee due to receipt of accreditation


Public Works Director Sam Castro and Solid Waste Coordinator Amanda Griesemer presented an agreement for the pickup of recycling at the Transfer Station. S. Castro requested approval of the Agreement with Weddle Trucking Co. & Metal Recycling for $75.00 per ton for all metals commodities removed. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the agreement with Weddle Trucking Co. & Metal Recycling as presented. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

Metal Commodities Payment AgreementWith Weddle Trucking Co. & Metal Recycling


Motion was made by K. Skoog granting authority to the Public Works Director to sign future recycling agreements. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


K. Skoog discussed water banking and last week’s meeting at Riverside.


Sheriff Alan Botzheim discussed a vacated deputy position and requested approval to fill that position. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the request. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


A. Botzheim discussed the need for an evidence storage facility and noted he has drug forfeiture funds that have limited usage, but can be used for evidence storage. He has $60,000 available and requested authorization to move forward seeking requests for proposals for a storage building. Also present was S. Castro and Community Development Director Mike Lithgow to discuss the Capital Projects Plan. It was noted a storage facility for the Sheriff is on that Plan. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve moving forward for RFPs for an evidence storage building with drug forfeiture money to pay for the building. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


Bid Opening – 2015 Pavement Striping Services. The hearing was opened and the notice read. Present was County Engineer Don Ramsey. Three bids were opened and read. The hearing was closed. D. Ramsey noted after review of the bids, they will return to the Board with an award recommendation.


The Board recessed for lunch.


S. Castro and D. Ramsey were present to open bids received for 2015 road salt. Five proposals were received. After review for conformance and business standing, Public Works will return with an award recommendation.


Public Hearing – Surplus Vehicles. The hearing was opened and the notice was read. Present were D. Ramsey and Fleet Manager Brian Egland. The purpose of the hearing was to declare six ER&R vehicles as surplus and to identify the means of disposal. Also set was the minimum bid amount for each vehicle. The vehicles will be disposed via an on-line auction house. The hearing was closed. Motion was made by K. Skoog to declare the six vehicles surplus and to dispose as requested. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

Surplus Property in the Equipment Repair and Replacement Fund



Prosecuting Attorney Dolly Hunt provided a legal update. Among the items discussed were water banking and a feasibility study, as well as the extension of time to advertise for the prosecutor opening.


S. Castro and Temporary Engineering Assistant Christie Wendle were present to discuss the five 2015 salt bids received and requested the award be made to the Totem Pacific as the lowest bidder. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the 2015 Road Salt bid be awarded to Totem Pacific. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


Public Comment –No members of the public were present.


Public Hearing –Lester Sloan Preliminary Plat Alteration.The hearing was opened and the notice was read. Present was M. Lithgow and County resident Bob Eugene. M. Lithgow discussed the plat alteration request for the re-plat of Lots 13, 14, 15, 24, 25 of Birchwood Homes and vacation of right of way. The property is located within Section 18, T35N, R44EWM and is located at 403500 Highway 20, Cusick, WA. Comments were received from Bob Eugene.


Motion was made byK. Skoogto continue the meeting to June 23, 2015. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

June 23, 2015

The meeting was resumed. M. Manus was excused.


Elected Officials & Department Heads - Present were ITS Director Chad Goodhue,M. Lithgow, Assessor Jim McCroskey, D. Ramsey,D. Hunt, S. Castro, Weed Coordinator Sharon Sorby, County Clerk Tammie Ownbey, Auditor Marianne Nichols, Office Manager/Risk Manager Teresa Brooks, Human Resources Coordinator Shelly Stafford and Counseling Services Director Annabelle Payne. Also present was county resident Bob Eugene.

K. Skoog discussed a revision of the Colville Forest Plan, water bank policy advisory group and a feasibility study on water banking. T. Brooks noted there will be some classes offered in the Fall regarding risk management topics. M. Nichols noted it is time for 2016 budget planning, work is being done on a new credit card policy, there will be no primary election in August, and the General Election in the Fall. She also noted they are still deciding if there will be a primary presidential election next spring. T. Ownbey discussed concerns regarding the possibility of the State government shutting down due to not coming up with the budget. She noted the Attorney General’s Office has cancelled all their hearings from July 1 – 15 and discussed the effect that will have on local courts. Also discussed was Joel’s Law and the potential effect on mental health cases. D. Hunt noted she attended the prosecutor’s conference in Chelan last week. Legislative changes were a topic of that conference. D. Ramsey discussed the following: the Coyote Trail project will begin right after the 4th of July weekend; chip sealing will begin the second week of July; low water pressure in Courthouse; City of Newport has notified us that their water supply from Idaho has been cut off due to a water shortage and requested the County lower their usage. They are also raising their water rates. J. McCroskey attended the Assessors’ conference early in June and noted changes to the Senior Exemption program with a $5,000 increase per exemption category. He also noted that new construction numbers are up. M. Lithgowdiscussed the following: attendance at a project planning training in Spokane last week which was organized by C. Goodhue, roll-out of projects; fish hatchery at Box Canyon, Mill Pond dam removal, real estate market is beginning to turn around and there is an increase of small projects. C. Goodhue discussed the following: completion of two phone system upgrades (County and E-911);the deadline for the new website is the end of August as the current site will be turned off at that time due to it being antiquated;this week is the rollout of Office 365. S. Sorbynoted field inspection has begun with two inspectors in the field, preparation of grant suspensions to hold grant funds in place in case the Legislature does not pass a state budget, within the next month there will be a joint aquatic workshop with the PUD and the PUD has granted $5,000 for a weed cost share program. S. Kiss noted work is taking place on the contract bid documents for the Garden Building roof. He also noted we are working cooperatively with Stevens and Ferry counties on the revision of the Forest Plan for the Colville forest. A. Payne discussed local courts handling mental health cases and the associated costs. Also discussed was the Prevention program. S. Stafford discussed the wellness program and noted we have a grant of $3,000 from Washington Counties Insurance Fund. Also discussed was the Relay-For-Life team and fundraising.


Counseling Services June update provided by A. Payne. - Developmental Disabilities – Counseling Services will be terminating the lease of the Quail Manor clubhouse. A letter has been sent to Rural Resources to address transferring of maintenance and use.At a recent meeting with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation it was learned that the Department will only contract with CARF (national accreditation) accredited providers. A. Payne noted this level of accreditation is cost prohibitive for the County DD program.

Substance Abuse- A presentation was provided to the Spokane County RSN Mental Health Advisory Board on June 16th.

Mental Health- In preparation for becoming an integrated advisory board when the Spokane County Regional Support Network becomes a Behavioral Health Organization, the Mental Health Advisory Board is reviewing how substance abuse programs and services will work within counties. The Regional MHAB membership includes various sector representation, such as law enforcement, as well as consumer representation from each participating county. Many psychiatrists at Sacred Heart have terminated or intend to terminate due to concerns with high caseload management. At last report, Sacred Heart intends to keep their psychiatric unit open and will utilize alternative means for psychiatric medication management.

The Spokane Tribe intends to have an evaluation and treatment facility in the Spokane county area. This evaluation and treatment facility will be utilized for Native Americans throughout the state.


The Board recessed for lunch.


S. Castro discussed the one bid received for 2015 cover stone. The bidder was Versatile, Inc. S. Castro requested approval to award the bid to Versatile, Inc. It was noted the cover stone will be used on the Sullivan Lake corridor. Motion was made by K. Skoog to award the bid to Versatile, Inc. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


S. Castro recommended the Board sign the contract with Old Castle Pre Cast for the Smalle Creek Bridge project. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve and sign the contract with Old Castle Pre Cast. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

Contract with Oldcastle Precast, Inc. regarding SP-132 Smalle Creek Culvert Elimination Bridge



ITS update – Present were: C. Goodhue and GIS Manager Josh Shelton. Among the items discussed were: phone system update completed, website update, projects to complete: mobile command vehicle and phone system compatibility, Office 365, recording system for courts, Telemed for Counseling Services regarding remote care, backup of Auditor’s records to the Secretary of State, panic and duress system, and storage area network.


S. Kiss presented the following bills that were approved by the Hotel Motel Tax Board and recommended payment: Newport Miner, Inc. for PORTA web advertising, Visitor’s Guide, 2015 Map & Business Directory: $624.50; KXLY PORTA airtime advertising for October through December 2014: $500.00; Newport Area Chamber of Commerce: Staffing to promote County tourism for January through March, ½ of the utilities for the Visitor’s Center for January through March: $1,173.18; and Out There Monthly, LLC for a ½ page ad in the June issue: $500.00. The bills total: $2,797.68. Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve payment of the bills as presented. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.


Correspondence Received (Non-electronic):

6.12Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington-Schedule of public hearings on the proposed 2016-2019 Area Plan on Aging

6.13Washington State Liquor Control Board-Liquor License Renewal-Store ‘n More


As of this date the Board approved vouchers for payment as listed and made available by the Auditor’s Office. The following voucher/warrants/electronic payments are approved for payment:

Salary and Claim

Current Expense$ 119,107.00

Counseling Services$ 9,820.48

Fair$ 714.71

Park$ 362.41

Road$ 33,785.52

Emergency 911 Communications$ 21,105.02

Homeless Program/2163$ 4,848.62

Capital Projects$ 24.36

Solid Waste$ 20,828.80

Risk Management$ 5,478.56

Equipment R&R$ 16,864.51

Sheriff’s Trust$ 507.00

TOTAL: $ 233,446.99

Check Numbers 148552through 148695 dated June 10, 2015 totaling $230,943.41

Electronic Funds Transfers: 2830; dated June 10, 2015 totaling $2,503.58


Motion to adjourn was made K. Skoog. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried.

ATTEST:______APPROVED: ______

Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board

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