2017 Supplementary information form: BA/BSc Hons / PGDipSci/Arts
& Certificate of Proficiency PROGRAMMES
This form must be returned to Psychology Reception, (Please note: the School of Psychology is moving. Before 1 November, the location is: Room 660, Level 6 Human Sciences Building, 10 Symonds Street. From 1 November the location is; Science Centre, level 2, 23 Symonds Street) before 1 December 2016 (by post to: Postgraduate Applications, School of Psychology, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand; Courier mail must be sent to the physical address NOT the Private Bag.). If you are intending a mid-year start in a PGDip or COP this application form must also be submitted to the School of Psychology before 1 December 2016
This form is for students applying for the General BA/BSc Honours in Psychology programme or the PGDipArts/Sci in Psychology. You must complete this form in full and attach the required documentation where requested.
You must also complete the University of Auckland admission process through Student Services Online; for details see the University of Auckland website www.auckland.ac.nz. If you are an Arts student you will also need to complete the Faculty of Arts Postgraduate online (PG) Course Enrolment form; see the Arts faculty website for more details http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/
Full namePreferred Name
University of Auckland ID
Postal address
Telephone number
E-mail address
Student Signature
(Note: If you change your address details during the selection and enrolment period (Dec – Feb) please advise the School).
(i) Applicants who completed their previous tertiary study at The University of Auckland DO NOT need to attach any documentation.
(ii) Applicants who completed their previous tertiary study at any other institution either in NZ or overseas must attach a copy of their academic transcript. If you do not provide this documentation, you may not be considered for selection. The section on recognition of previous tertiary study on the University of Auckland admission application must also be completed in full.
(iii) If you are applying from another university and you do not yet have a complete academic transcript, please attach you most up to date transcript and please sign the following statement.
I give permission for the School of Psychology at the University of Auckland to access preliminary results from my current tertiary institution.
Signed: ______
Date: ______
Course of Study (tick as applicable)
BA Honours in Psychology *Complete Sections 3 and 4 and complete the Arts PG web application if you are applying under Arts. http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/
BSc Honours in Psychology *Complete Sections 3 and 4Postgraduate Diploma of Arts in Psychology *Please check the Faculty of Arts website and complete the Arts PG web application form http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/
Postgraduate Diploma of Science in Psychology
Certificate of Proficiency
Full time
Part time
If you have applied for both Honours and Postgraduate Diplomas please number in order of preference.
Tickthis box if you have also applied to any of the Applied Programmes (Clinical; ABA; Speech Science; Health).SECTION 3 - ENROLMENT NOTES
In addition to this application form to the School, and applying for enrolment for your courses on Student Services Online (www.auckland.ac.nz), you must list your intended courses on the Student Services Online ‘Intended Courses’ worksheet (for Science students) or the Faculty of Arts Postgraduate (PG) Course Enrolment Form (for Arts students – this is a necessary step for enrolment under Arts).
Please list in the tables above the degree in which you would like to enrol, and below those courses you would like to take for your programme. Please make sure you have entered the same information on the online Student Services Online Intended Courses Worksheet (Science) or the online PG Course Enrolment form (Arts). Please check your admission and course enrolment online after you have been sent confirmation of your place in the programme.
NOTE: A full-time course of study should total 120 points.
* Please note that clinical courses are highly competitive (PSYCH 708 A&B, PSYCH 718 and PSYCH 723), please only list these courses if you have an A- average or better.
Degree Programme Applied for:(e.g. BA (Hons), BSc (Hons))
Course Number / Course Title / Point Value
PSYCH 788 A & B / Research Dissertation / 45
Please rank at least 5 or more potential supervisors for the research dissertation component. You may give equal rankings to any number of staff for example you might have two staff that are both equally at the top of your preference list, you could give them both a ranking of 1.
Please make sure you are aware of the supervisor requirements which can be found at the end of this document. We will try and place you with a supervisor in the area of your preferred choice, however we cannot guarantee this. Please see the section at the end of this application form which details the supervisors and topics available for 2017.
Honours Supervisor Availability and Topics 2017
Supervisor / RankBraun, Virginia
Corballis, Paul
Cowie, Sarah
Dowrick, Peter
Elliffe, Doug
Gavey, Nicola
Groot, Shiloh
Hamm, Jeff
Harre, Niki
Hayward, William
Hughes, Barry
Kirk, Ian
Lambert, Tony
Le Grice, Jade
McCann, Clare
Miles, Anna
Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh
Osborne, Danny
Overall, Nickola
Peterson, Elizabeth
Roberts, Reece
Purdy, Suzanne
Sibley, Chris
Taylor, Alex
Tippett, Lynette
Virues-Ortega, Javier
Waldie, Karen
Note: Further details of staff and their interests are available on the Psychology Website and the document at the end of this form. You should understand that, in order to gain maximum benefit from the dissertation you must work within the supervisor’s area of expertise, and the supervisor has the right to assign a particular project, although there may be some room for negotiation. The dissertation should be seen as a research apprenticeship rather than a project of your own choice. As part of the application process, please approach lecturers in the department in your field of interest to discuss potential dissertation topics.
If we can’t place you with one of your supervision choices we will undertake to allocate a supervisor and a project to you. Alternatively, you may wish to switch to the Postgraduate Diploma of Arts/Science, which does not involve a dissertation.
Atkinson / Quentin
Cooper Thomas / Helena
Hautus / Michael
Henderson / Annette
The following staff will not be available for Honours supervision in 2017:
NB: The Clinical Psychology staff are not available for supervision in the general Honours programme.
4B. In a few sentences please describe your interests in Psychology and which areas of Psychology you are most interested in. (Max 150 words) * This information will be used to help us guide the assignment of supervisors to students.
Degree Programme Applied for:(e.g. Postgraduate Diploma in Arts/Science)
Course Number / Course Title / Point Value
Please explain your reasoning for selecting your preferred supervisor/s:
2017 Postgraduate Psychology Course Semester AllocationFIRST SEMESTER / SECOND SEMESTER
PSYCH 700 / Political Psychology / PSYCH708B / Clinical Neuropsychology
PSYCH 707 / Forensic Psychology / PSYCH 711B / Advanced Operant Behaviour
PSYCH 708A / Clinical Neuropsychology / PSYCH 717 / Community Psychology
PSYCH 711A / Advanced Operant Behaviour / PSYCH 718 / Psychotherapeutic Assessment & Formulation
(Must have PSYCH 723 as a pre-requisite)
PSYCH714 / Cognitive Neuroscience / PSYCH 721 / Consciousness and Cognition
PSYCH 715 / Psychology and Sustainability / PSYCH 724 / Perceptual Neuroscience
PSYCH 716 / Social Psychology and Interpersonal Processes / PSYCH 726 / Emotion and Identity
PSYCH 722 / Human Learning and Development / PSYCH 731 / Social Psychology and Intergroup Processes
Psych 723 / Mental Health Problems: Aetiology and Assessment / Psych 737 / Work and Well Being
(Please note: This cause may be unavailable for 2017. If selecting, please also give optional alternatives)
PSYCH 725 / Evolutionary Psychology / PSYCH 746 / Perception, Cognition and Action
PSYCH 727 / Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging / PSYCH 755 / Gender Power and Sexuality
PSYCH 740 / Sensory Science
PSYCH 743 / Critical Qualitative Research
PSYCH 742 / The Neuroscience of Awareness
PSYCH 743 / Critical Qualitative Research
PSYCH 744 / Quantitative Methods
PSYCH 761 / Organisational Psychology
Applied Behaviour Analysis Specific Courses. Students should apply for the ABA programme.
PSYCH 750A / Applied Behaviour Analysis - Methods / PSYCH 750B / Applied Behaviour Analysis - Methods
PSYCH 751A / Applied Behaviour Analysis - Behaviour Modification / PSYCH 751B / Applied Behaviour Analysis - Behaviour Modification
PSYCH 754 / Applied Behaviour Analysis – Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities