Agenda for English Teachers, 12/5/12 ERPD
West Iredell Middle School - 1:00 – 4:30
Items to Bring:Lessons aligned to specified standards (individual email will be sent by 11/20) on J drive, USB drive, DropBox, or Google Docs, etc. You do not need to bring your laptop this time; you will be working in computer labs.
Learning Targets:
I can revisit quality questioning by specifically looking at how to rebuild questions.
I can understand the purpose and value of the Quality Review Rubric.
By analyzing a sample lesson using the Quality Review Rubric, I can reflect on the lesson’s alignment to Common Core.
Criteria for Success:
I will submit newly rebuilt lessons to kshoffner or victoria_hogg.
I can focus on the work for the entire work time (1-4:30).
I can actively participate by planning future lessons, sharing my knowledge, and seeking to clarify any questions I may have.
I can assume positive intent for my work and the work of my colleagues.
Agenda Item / Time / Notes1. Welcome, Celebrations, Norms, Learning Targets and Criteria for Success / 1 – 1:20
L. Asbury,
K. Shoffner
CELEBRATE! / - Celebrate and reference the lesson bank created in September
-Communicate learning targetsand norms for the PD
-Remind teachers about resources on the ISS Common Core wiki
2. Quality Questioning / 1:20 – 1:55
LEARN! / - Rebuilding questions to align with Common Core State Standards
- Gallery Walk on way to leveled group sessions
5-minute BREAK, Teachers reconvene in leveled groups in the following locations
English I – 101 English 2 – 103 English 3 – 104 English 4 – Media Center
4.Quality Review Rubric / 2 – 2:45
L. Sellers
E. Cook
C. Hall
L. Rainwater
S. Wood
K. Carpenter
LEARN! / Teacher leaders share the rubric – share personal experience of taking a lesson through the rubric, benefits, challenges, etc.
-Teachers apply rubric to Learn NC lessons
Please take a 5 minute break when needed.
5. Rebuilding Lessons and Common Exam/ EOC Information / 2:45 – 4:15
M. Hemphill
T. Griffin
K. James
H. Roberts
COLLABORATE! / -Teachers will create or rebuild lesson on an assigned standard.
- Those lessons will be sent to Vikki or Kelly. (60 mins)
- Assistant Principals will rotate to each grade level to share information about Common Exams / EOCs. (30 mins)
Hemphill and Griffin – English 2 and English 4
James and Roberts – English 1 and English 3
7. Exit ticket (complete by PLC school team) / 15 min
REFLECT! / -PLCs from each school complete and submit feedback for the day using a Google docs tool.
Go to Victoria Hogg’s web site or link from web site(linked in an email to you and