Name: / Date: / Week: / Lesson number:
Lesson type: / Level: / Length of lesson: / Number of students:
Lesson Aim(s) Specify your main aims and sub-aims, including any target language you aim to clarify
By the end of the lesson, students will (have learned/reviewed/practiced/developed…)
In the following context: / Tutor:
Appropriate lesson aims?
(please circle)
Materials (What you will need in this lesson) Write title, author, year, publisher and page number here and on all your copies/handouts. / Tutor:
Sources acknowledged?
(please circle)
Language Analysis:
I have completed a) a language analysis sheet (grammar)
(please check b) a language analysis sheet (vocabulary)
all that apply) c) a language analysis sheet (functions) / Tutor:
Sufficient language analysis?
(please circle)
Trainer’s comments:
Points to work on (action points):
Comments on the lesson plan and language analysis:
Lesson plan grade (N/A for TP 1 and 2): BELOW AT ABOVE standard for this stage of the course.
Overall grade for this lesson: BELOW AT ABOVE standard for this stage of the course
Tutor ______Signature ______
Assumptions What do you expect the students will already know about the language/content of your lesson?
Anticipated problems (skills and classroom management – NOT language. E.g. problems with timing, grouping, instructions, topics, logistics, etc.)
· / Solutions to these problems:
Personal Aims - What action points from your previous lesson(s) are you working on?
· / Where are these on your lesson plan? What is your strategy to improve in these areas?
Board Plan: At each stage of the lesson the board will look like this:
Language Analysis Sheet – Vocabulary
Word / phrase: / TeachingMeaning (Be specific but keep it simple. Look in a learner dictionary):
Anticipated problems with meaning: / I will convey meaning by…
CCQs with answers:
Pronunciation (phonemes, stress):
Anticipated problems with pronunciation: / Solution(s):
Form (Part(s) of speech, collocation, (ir)regularity):
Phrasal verb
Anticipated problems with form: / Solution(s):
Word / phrase: / Teaching
Meaning (Be specific but keep it simple. Look in a learner dictionary):
Anticipated problems with meaning: / I will convey meaning by…
CCQs with answers:
Pronunciation (phonemes, stress):
Anticipated problems with pronunciation: / Solution(s):
Form (Part(s) of speech, collocation, (ir)regularity):
Noun countable
Anticipated problems with form: / Solution(s):
Word / phrase: / Teaching
Meaning (Be specific but keep it simple. Look in a learner dictionary):
Anticipated problems with meaning: / I will convey meaning by…
CCQs with answers:
Pronunciation (phonemes, stress):
Anticipated problems with pronunciation: / Solution(s):
Form (Part(s) of speech, collocation, (ir)regularity):
Anticipated problems with form: / Solution(s):
Word / phrase: / Teaching
Meaning (Be specific but keep it simple. Look in a learner dictionary):
Anticipated problems with meaning: / I will convey meaning by…
CCQs with answers:
Pronunciation (phonemes, stress):
Anticipated problems with pronunciation: / Solution(s):
Form (Part(s) of speech, collocation, (ir)regularity):
Verb reg
Anticipated problems with form: / Solution(s):
Word / phrase: / Teaching
Meaning (Be specific but keep it simple. Look in a learner dictionary):
Anticipated problems with meaning: / I will convey meaning by…
CCQs with answers:
Pronunciation (phonemes, stress):
Anticipated problems with pronunciation: / Solution(s):
Form (Part(s) of speech, collocation, (ir)regularity):
Anticipated problems with form: / Solution(s):
Word / phrase: / Teaching
Meaning (Be specific but keep it simple. Look in a learner dictionary):
Anticipated problems with meaning: / I will convey meaning by…
CCQs with answers:
Pronunciation (phonemes, stress):
Anticipated problems with pronunciation: / Solution(s):
Form (Part(s) of speech, collocation, (ir)regularity):
Anticipated problems with form: / Solution(s):