Mersey Road Allotment Association Committee
Meeting held on 11th May 2014
Present: Peter, Jude, George, Matty, Sarah, Armin, Ernie, Paul
Apologies: Lyn, Paul,
Item / ActionPrevious minutes / Accepted as true record.
Seconded Peter
Matters arising
Sun Flower competition started.
Solar Panel is £105 not £150
Generator (main items)
Paul McCabe has cut down the dead trees at the back of the site.
Secretary’s Report
Plant Sale
Went well – distribution of leaflets was easier as plot holders joined in.
Speed and signs
We have signs to put up, need to agree when.
The generator is seriously broken. It has been had 2 stroke oil in it and that has caused the damage. It needs to be sent away to be repaired.
Metal Frame
Alan Morrow has promised me that he will get it cut up. When it is done Tony ( Plot 9) will get his metal fiends to collect it.
Toilet (Ladies)
Is completely broken! Consider replacing it
Knot Weed
There is Knot weed growing a on the pathway at the bottom of plot 50. Apparently there is also some growing on plot 50.
Lyn has emailed Anthony that we are aware of the knot weed on the pathway and the glyphosate will kill it after a few applications and that the Committee will discuss whether they can do this. Anthony has been asked to try to get rid of the stuff growing on his plot. / Opening time needs agreement prior to event. 10am? Maybe too early. Note for the future when stocks run out tell George!
Need to put in posts for the signs. George to buy and cost cementing in posts. Position of signs needs deciding.
George to contact Machine Mart
We owe Dave George £5 for fuel.
Matty to investigate cost of hiring cutter/whizzer.
Lyn will ask Alan Morrow about a new one or cost of a new one.
Spraying the knotweed would kill brambles and wildlife. It should be cut down.
Look at during the plot inspection.
Treasurers Report
Funds available £3149.74
Savings £2100.95
Open Day raised £450 when all expenses taken into account
Shop profits up on last years.
Gazebo need for Event Days cost £160 / Vote taken – unanimous
George to purchase Gazebo
Plot Secretary’s Report
Last inspection on April 8. Next one will take place on Tuesday May 13.
The 2 people who were sent Letter 1 last time have made some attempts at cultivation. Plot 57a plot is now well advanced; Plot 57 has dug over 3 beds.
Most plots are in at least a good shape and several people have commented on the general appearance of the site.
Plots that need immediate attention.
Plot 62a
All the other new tenants have made at least reasonable starts and some have done a lot of work.
Plot 105 has asked for consideration in view of his sciatica; grass has been cut.
Waterlogged and overgrown plot, 96, tenants have done an amazing job and deserve praise.
Waiting list now 81. I have contacted via email and phone the top 27 on the waiting list. The 19 who have replied are all still keen to stay on the list.
Sudley pupils visited on April 24 and May 1 and thanks to all those who helped. Unfortunately due to rain the visit had to be cut short. They sowed Poppy seeds on the wild flower garden and enjoyed themselves.
Peter has sown 75+ pumpkin seeds in the CP polytunnel for October Apple & Pumpkin Day. We will need space to plant them all out. Peter can take about 40 need volunteers to find space for one. / Email sent to warn him about an impending Letter but no reply as yet.
Lyn to email everyone to ask for volunteers
Main Items
Charlie – to be given his honoraria £25 for grass cutting
Davey – to be given his honoraria £50 for keeping the front tidy and cleaning the toilets.
Shop Rota
18th May – Peter
25th May Matty
1st June Jude (Provisional)
8th June Ernie
George for all dates
Allotment Master Class from George and Matty to be held 25th May 11-12
This is for allotment holders to get advice.
Tea and Coffee to be offered
Matty suggest that photographs of the plants on sale should be available
Thank about allocating a plot for growing plants for the plant sales. / Lyn to email plot holders
Meeting ended 11.20am
Minutes taken by Sarah Holmes
Next meeting 8th June 10am