Skeletal System
–Axial Skeleton(central)
–Appendicular Skeleton(extremities)
–joints ; discs
–growth plates
•fibrous connective tissue
Bone Functions
•Supportweight bearing attach muscles support organs
•Protectionbrain, spinal cord, heart, liver, kidney, uterus, eye,ear Why not digestive organs?
•Movementjoints , muscles
•Storageminerals adipose
•Hemopoiesis WBC, RBC, Platelets
Classification of Bone Structure
•Long bones
•arms, legs, fingers, thumb, toes
•Short bones
•carpals, tarsals
•Flat bones
•scapula, cranium, pelvis, ribs
•Irregular Bones
•facial, vertebral, calcaneus
Bone Tissue = osseous tissue
•connective tissue-cells + matrix
•cells =
–osteocytes- adult bone cellsmaintain matrix and mineral content
–osteoblasts – cells that build bone tissuesecrete protein and deposit minerals
–osteoclasts – cells that destroy bone tissuereturn minerals to blood
•where do osteoblasts get the Calcium ?
bone matrix
•osteoid=proteins1/3 matrix
•Ca Mg PO4 F
•mostly calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2
bone tissue types
•2 types of bone tissue :
–Compactdense, solid outer layers
–Spongyloose network of bony tissue inner layers
•all bone has both types of tissue
–varying amounts
compact bone
•compact bone=cortical bone
–solid tissue
–thickest in long bones
•Haversian system=Osteon
–lamellae -layers of matrix
–haversian canal = central canal
–lacunae –
–Volkmann’s canal
bone tissue – spongy bone
•Spongy = Trabecular
•manybranches (trabeculae) + spaces
•inner layers of all bones
–most in flat, irregular bones , epiphyses
•no osteons
•resists stresses in several directions
•red bone marrow in spaces between trabeculae
c.t. membranes
• periosteumcovers bone
–fibrous (irreg) c.tconnects tendons, ligaments
–stem cellsbone growth and repair
– Sharpey’s fibersconnect periosteum to bone
anatomy of long bone
•epiphyseal plate
•medullary cavity
•articular cartilage
• ossification = replacing tissue with bone
– embryonic
– childhood
– adult
•calcification = depositing calcium into any tissue
•intramembranous ossificationfibrous c.t. bone
• endochondral ossification cartilage bone
intramembranous ossification
•Skullflat bones of clavarium
–fibrous c.t. bone
–ossification - starts at center of tissue ; grows outward
–not complete at birth ends about age 2.
–Fontaneles – spaces between bones allow compression during birth
•sphenoid = anterolateral
•mastoid = posterolateral
endochondral ossification
• cartilage model froms first
•bone replaces cartilage :
• primary ossification centerdiaphysis
• secondary ossification centerepiphysis
• later: trabeculae form ; spongy bone
blood vessels invade and form red bone marrow medullary cavity forms
• epiphyseal platecartilage left betw ossification centers
• articular cartilageremnant of cartilage model
long bone growth - Childhood
• interstitial growthlength
•epiphyseal plate=cartilage
– growth zone-mitosis of chondrocytes grows toward epiphysis
–osteogenic zone-bone replaces cartilage near diaphysis
• epiphyseal closure-complete ossificationends growth
bones get wider
appositional growthwidth
hormones – bone metabolism
• bone growth:
•growth hormone increase mitosisepiphyseal plates
• parathyroid hormone
• estrogen
Calcium functions
•nerve impulses
• muscle contraction
• blood clotting
• mitosis
• bone matrix
•least important-bone
bone remodeling
• constant process
• bone deposition
– osteoblasts
– adds matrix and Ca++
•bone resorption
– osteoclasts
– remove Ca++ from bone
• Wolff’s law
fracture repair
•hematomablood clot
•soft callus formation
–cartilage and collagen unite broken ends
•bony callusbone replaces cartilage
•bone remodelingosteoclasts
–return to original shape
bone fractures
• simplenondisplaced ; skin intact
• compoundbreaks skin=open fracture
• comminuted> 1 break
• compressioncrushed
• greenstickbending ; pediatric
• epiphysealepiphseal plate ; epiphysis slips
• spiraltwisting injury
what else could go wrong ?
• osteomalaciasoft bone
• calcium in bone
• osteoporosisbone with holes
• matrix ( % Ca may be normal !)
•causes: estrogen ; diet ; exercise
drugs - corticosteroids
• osteopeniaany decrease of bone tissue
• arthritis inflammation of joint
• osteoarthritisinflammation of joint and bone
• atrophydecreased bone mass