David E. Roberts Jr.

P.O. Box 455

Poland, NY 13431

July 30, 2017

Rick Weerts

Council President

Twin Rivers Council, BSA

253 Washington Ave. Ext.

Albany, NY 12205

Dear Mr. Weerts:

On July 25, 2017 the Northeast Region, Area 3, National Camp Accreditation Program Team (NCAP) visited the Twin Rivers Council, Cub Scout resident camp program operated at Camp Wakpominee. This team included Thom Slomka, Adam Coleman, John Edwards and myself. Additionally, we were joined by TRCCouncil NCAP Chair, Rick Stellrecht; Council Properties Chair, Dean Long; Camp Ranger, Dan Krueger; Program Director, Sean Gallagher; Camp Director, Julie VanAmburgh and Assistant Scout Executive, Dennis Dugan.

I am pleased to report that with the hard work and dedication of the Camp Wakpominee Staff and Twin Rivers Council volunteers and staff; the Cub Scout resident camp program was found to be in full compliance with the Boy Scouts of America National Camp Accreditation Program, with no deviations or non-compliances found. The camp staff was presented with their accreditation flag during the lunchtime meal.

The use of Dropbox to provide access to many of the “paperwork” components of the NCAP visitation in advance truly expedites the process. As this was the second visitation at Camp Wakpominee this summer with the same staff and many similar components as the Boy Scout Resident Camp much of the visitation was expedited as I had participated in that visitation as well.

My team had many positive comments after their walk around to view the program. In spite of the cold, rainy weather of the previous days, the scouts, parents and staff seemed to be in good spirits. They expressed a great deal of excitement with the implementation of the Star Wars theme.

There were some concerns with adherence to current BSA policies on the sling shot and BB-Gun range in regards to the use of eye protection. The management team quickly identified and rectified the error. A review of the BSA shooting sports manual and the development of site specific operating procedures based on the BSA standards could be of benefit toensure full compliance in the future.

The Ranger staff at Camp Wakpominee deserves high praise. There are always camp improvements taking place to improve the facilities and they work hard to maintain the current facilities. During the walk around there were some minor items that were observed that were suspected to have been part of the significant rainfall the previous night. These items were quickly addressed and rectified.

I would like to extend my thanks to the Camp Wakpominee staff for their warm hospitality. I feel the day was a productive one, with great conversations about how to best advance the Scouting program through maintaining high quality resident camps.

Yours in Scouting,

David E. Roberts Jr.

NCAP Visitation Team Leader

CC:Richard Stockton; TRC Scout Executive

Dennis Dugan; TRC Assistant Scout Executive

Julie VanAmburgh; Wakpominee Camp Director

Rick Stellrecht; TRCNCAP Chair

Drew Chesney; TRC VP-Program