Questionnaire on FSS 2016


on Farm Structure Survey 2016


1.  Identification number of agricultural holding

2.  Legal status

3.  Holder’s first name and surname or name of holding

4.  PESEL (personal identification number)

5.  REGON (business register number)

Address of the holder

6.  Voivodship

7.  Powiat

8.  Gmina

9.  Town

10.  Street

11.  House number, flat number

Address of the holding

12.  Voivodship

13.  Powiat

14.  Gmina

15.  Town

16.  Street

17.  House number, flat number

Contact data

18. Phone number

19. Address e-mail


NOTE: Data as of 1 June 2016

Question 1 (UG1)

Did the agricultural holding use the land?

Ø  UG1 – Yes -> UG2

Ø  UG1 – No -> Section ZW

Question 2 (UG2)

What was the total area of land in the agricultural holding? [ha, a]

Ø  UG2w – in total

of which

§  UG2a – agricultural land in total

§  UG2b – forests and forest land

§  UG2c – other land

Question 3 (UG3)

The total area of agricultural land amounted to: [ha, a]

Ø  UG2c – in total

of which

§  UG3a –agricultural land in good agricultural and environmental condition

§  UG3b –other agricultural land (not maintained in good agricultural and environmental condition)

Question 4 (UG4)

The area of agricultural land in good agricultural condition amounted to: [ha, a]

Ø  UG3a – in total

of which

§  UG4a – sown area

§  UG4b – permanent meadows

§  UG4c – permanent pastures

§  UG4d – permanent crops

§  UG4e – kitchen gardens

§  UG4f – fallow land (including area of plants intended for ploughing)

§  UG4g - area of plants intended for ploughing

Question 5 (UG5)

The area of agricultural land in good agricultural and environmental condition amounted to: [ha, a]

Ø  UG3a – in total

of which

§  UG5a – own land excluding land leased out to third parties (including marital and family co-ownership)

§  UG5b – land leased from other persons excluding land leased out to third parties

§  UG5c – land used jointly and other types of use (in the part of the user) excluding the land leased out to third parties

Question 6 (UG6)

The area of forests and forest land amounted to: [ha, a]

Ø  UG2b – in total

of which

§  UG6a – plantation of fast-growing trees and shurbs


§  UG6b – willow

§  UG6c – poplar

§  UG6d – birch

Question 7 (UG7)

The area of permanent meadows amounted to: [ha, a]

Ø  UG4b – in total

of which

§  UG7a – out of production

Question 8 (UG8)

The area of permanent pastures amounted to: [ha, a]

Ø  UG4c – in total

of which

§  UG8a – rough grazing

§  UG8b – out of production

Question 9 (UG9)

The area of permanent crops amounted to: [ha, a]

Ø  UG4d – in total

of which

§  UG9a – permanent crops under protective cover

§  UG9b – nurseries of fruit trees and bushes

§  UG9c – nurseries of ornamental trees and bushes

§  UG9d – commercial forest tree nurseries

§  UG9e – wicker

§  UG9f – plantations of fruit trees and bushes (choose from the list of crops and write down the area)


NOTE: Data as of 1 June 2016 unless stated otherwise.

Question 1 (PZ1)

What kind of crops were cultiveted and what was its area?

Ø  UG4a – in total

of which - choose from the list of crops and write down the area

Question 2 (PZ2)

What was the area of field vegetables? [ha, a]

Ø  PZ1 – in total

of which

§  PZ2a – as part of crop rotation with agricultural crops

§  PZ2b – as part of crop rotation with horticultural crops

Question 3 (PZ3)

What was the area of field strawberries and wild strawberries? [ha, a]

Ø  PZ26w – in total

of which

§  PZ3a – as part of crop rotation with agricultural crops

§  PZ3b – as part of crop rotation with horticultural crops

Question 4 (PZ4)

What was the area of successive secondary crops? [ha, a]

Ø  PZ4a – spring

Ø  PZ4b – winter

Question 5 (PZ5)

What was the area of crops cultivated on arable land for energy purposes (bio-fuels or renewable energy)? [ha, a]

Question 6 (PZ6)

What was the largest cultivation area of mushrooms in the last 12 months? [m2]


NOTE: Data refers to the 12 months ending on the reference day, i.e. the period from 2 June 2015

to 1 June 2016, unless stated otherwise.

Question 1 (MPR1)

Area of arable land (excluding crops under protective cover), on which methods of cultivation were used:

[ha, a]

Ø  MPR1a – conventional tillage (mouldboard or disc plough)

Ø  MPR1b – conservation tillage (low tillage)

Ø  MPR1c – direct seeding (zero tillage)

Question 2 (MPR2)

Area of arable land (excluding crops under protective cover) covered in winter: [ha, a]

Ø  MPR2a – normal winter crop

Ø  MPR2b – cover crop or intermediate crop

Ø  MPR2c – plant residues

Ø  MPR2d – perennial crops

Ø  MPR2e – bare soil

Question 3 (MPR3)

Was crop rotation used?

Ø  MPR3 – Yes -> MPR4


Question 4 (MPR4)

Share of arable area with crop rotation? [%]

Ø  MPR4_1 – 1 - 24

Ø  MPR4_2 – 25 - 49

Ø  MPR4_3 – 50 - 74

Ø  MPR4_4 – 75 and more


NOTE: Data refers to the 12 months ending on the reference day, i.e. the period from 2 June 2015

to 1 June 2016, unless stated otherwise.

Question 1 (NW1)

What was the area of agricultural land that could be irrigated in the last 12 months using the existing water resources, as well as irrigating equipment available on the holding? [ha, a]

Question 2 (NW2)

What was the area irrigated at least once?

Question 3 (NW3)

Irrigation methods employed: [ha, a]

Ø  NW3a – surface irrigation

Ø  NW3b – sprinkler irrigation

Ø  NW3c – drop irrigation

Question 4 (NW4)

The main source of irrigation water used on the holding:

Ø  NW4_1 – on-farm ground water

Ø  NW4_2 – on-farm surface water (pond)

Ø  NW4_3 – off-farm surface water (lake, river, etc.)

Ø  NW4_4 – off-farm water from common water supply networks

Ø  NW4_5 – other sources


NOTE: Data refers to the 12 months ending on the reference day, i.e. the period from 2 June 2015

to 1 June 2016.

Question 1 (NA1)

Have the fertilizers been used in holding:

Ø  NA1a – mineral

Ø  NA1b – lime without magnesium

Ø  NA1c – lime and magnesium

Ø  NA1d – organic (solid manure, liquid manure, slurry)

Question 2 (NA2) [dt/l]

What kind of mineral or lime fertilisers were used? What amount was used in dt or l of commodity mass?

Ø  NA2 – choose from the list of fertilisers and write down amount of fertilisers used in dt or l of commodity mass

Question 3 (NA3)

Agricultural area on which mineral or lime fertilisers were applied. [ha, a]

Question 4 (NA4)

What amount of natural fertilisers produced on the holding was exported?

Ø  NA4a – solid manure [dt]

Ø  NA4b – liquid manure [m3]

Ø  NA4c – slurry [m3]

Question 5 (NA5)

What amount of natural fertilisers was imported to the holding:

Ø  NA4a – solid manure [dt]

Ø  NA4b – liquid manure [m3]

Ø  NA4c – slurry [m3]

Question 6 (NA6)

What amount of natural fertilisers was used?

Ø  NA6a – solid manure [dt]

Ø  NA6b – liquid manure [m3]

Ø  NA6c – slurry [m3]

Question 7 (NA7)

Agricultural area on which solid manure, liquid manure or slurry were applied? [ha, a]

Question 8_1 (NA8_1)

Share of available in the holding natural fertilisers (solid manure, liquid manure, slurry) which was applied. [%]

Question 8 (NA8)

Percentage of natural fertilisers applied with methods: [%]

Ø  NA8a – broadcast application with incorporation within 4 hours

Ø  NA8b – broadcast application with incorporation after 4 hours

Ø  NA8c – broadcast application with no incorporation

Ø  NA8d – bandspread application with trailing hose

Ø  NA8e – bandspread application with trailing shoe

Ø  NA8f – injection on a shallow or open slot

Ø  NA8g – injection on a deep or closed slot

Question 9 (NA9)

Have the treatments with plant protection products been carried out for the last 12 months?

Ø  NA9 – Yes -> NA10

Ø  NA9 – No -> Section ZW

Question 10 (NA10)

What was the number of treatments carried out on area of cereals, vegetables, permanent crops, other crops and in storage?

Question 11 (NA11)

Did the holder take into account in the selection of plant protection products their harmfulness for humans, bees and natural environment?

Ø  NA11 – Yes

Ø  NA11 - No


NOTE: Data as of 1 June 2016.

Question 1 (ZW1)

Did the holding deal with livestock breeding (bovine animals, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, poultry, rabbits, fur animals, bees and other animals)?

Ø  ZW1 – Yes -> ZW2

Ø  ZW1 – No -> Section DG

Question 2 (ZW2)

Did the holding breed bovine animals?

Ø  ZW2 – Yes -> ZW3

Ø  ZW2 – No -> ZW4

Question 3 (ZW3)

Number of bovine animals: [heads]

§  ZW3a – male under 1 year

§  ZW3b – female under 1 year,

§  ZW3c – male one but less than two years old

§  ZW3d – female one but less than two years old

§  ZW3e – male bovine animals aged 2 years or more

§  ZW3f – heifers aged 2 years or more,

§  ZW3g – dairy cows aged 2 years or more

§  ZW3h – suckling cows aged 2 years or more

Ø  ZW3w – total

Question 4 (ZW4)

Did the holding deal with pig breeding?

Ø  ZW4 – Yes -> ZW5

Ø  ZW4 – No -> ZW6

Question 5 (ZW5)

Number of pigs: [heads]

§  ZW5a – piglets up to 20 kg

§  ZW5b – young pigs from 20 to 50 kg

§  ZW5c – breeding boars

§  ZW5d – mated sows

of which

o  ZW5e – sows mated for the first time

§  ZW5f – other sows

of which

o  ZW5g – gilts not yet mated

§  ZW5h – pigs for slaughter

Ø  ZW5w – total

Question 6 (ZW6)

Did the holding deal with sheep breeding?

Ø  ZW6 – Yes -> ZW7

Ø  ZW6 – No -> ZW8

Question 7 (ZW7)

Number of sheep: [heads]

§  ZW7a – lambs

§  ZW7b – milk ewes

§  ZW7c – other ewes

§  ZW7d – other adult sheep

Ø  ZW7w – total

Question 8 (ZW8)

Did the holding deal with goat breeding?

Ø  ZW8 – Yes -> ZW9

Ø  ZW8 – No -> ZW10

Question 9 (ZW9)

Number of goats: [heads]

§  ZW9a – female aged 1 year or more

of which

o  ZW9b – female mated for the first time

§  ZW9c – other goats

Ø  ZW9w – total

Question 10 (ZW10)

Did the holding deal with poultry breeding?

Ø  ZW10 – Yes -> ZW11

Ø  ZW10 – No -> ZW12

Question 11 (ZW11)

Number of poultry aged more than 2 weeks: [heads]

§  ZW11a – hen broilers

§  ZW11b – laying hens producing eggs for consumption

§  ZW11c – laying hens producing hatching eggs

§  ZW11d –other hen poultry

§  ZW11e – turkeys

§  ZW11f – geese

§  ZW11g – ducks

§  ZW11h – other poultry

of which

o  ZW11i – ostriches

Ø  ZW11w – total

Question 12 (ZW12)

Number of horses: [heads]

Question 13 (ZW13)

Number of rabbits, breeding females [heads]

Question 14 (ZW14)

Number of fur animals, breeding females [heads]

Question 15 (ZW15)

Number of beehives

Question 16 (ZW16)

Number of other livestock, not mentioned elsewhere [heads]


NOTE: Data as of 1 June 2016.

Question 1 (MA1)

Did the holding have at its disposal any agricultural tractors, whether double-axis wheeled or tracked, telescopic loaders, owned or co-owned, technically efficient, under repair or intended for repair?

Ø  MA1 – Yes -> MA2


Question 2_1 (MA2_1)

Number of tractors:

§  MA2a_1 – up to 14.99 kW (up to 20.4 KM)

§  MA2b_1 – from 15 to 24.99 kW (from 20.4 to 34 KM

§  MA2c_1 – from 25 to 39.99 kW (from 34 to 54.4 KM)

§  MA2d_1 – from 40 to 59.99 kW (from 54.4 to 81.6 KM)

§  MA2e_1 – from 60 to 99.99 kW (from 81.6 to 136 KM)

§  MA2f_1 – 100 kW or more (136 KM or more)

Ø  MA2w_1 – total

Question 2_2 (MA2_2)

Number of telescopic loaders:

§  MA2a_2 – up to 14.99 kW (up to 20.4 KM)

§  MA2b_2 – from 15 to 24.99 kW (from 20.4 to 34 KM)

§  MA2c_2 – from 25 to 39.99 kW (from 34 to 54.4 KM)

§  MA2d_2 – from 40 to 59.99 kW (from 54.4 to 81.6 KM)

§  MA2e_2 – from 60 to 99.99 kW (from 81.6 to 136 KM)

§  MA2f_2 – 100 kW or more (136 KM or more)

Ø  MA2w_2 – total


NOTE: Data refers to the 12 months ending on the reference day, i.e. the period from 2 June 2015

to 1 June 2016, unless stated otherwise.

Question 1 (DG1)

Has the holding been involved in agricultural activities on 1 June 2016?

Ø  DG1 – Yes -> DG2

Ø  DG1 – No -> end of the interview

Question 2 (DG2)

Does the holder’s household consume more than 50% of the value of the final production of the holding?

Ø  SD2 – Yes

Ø  SD2 – No

Question 3 (DG3)

Whether the holding was selling its own agricultural products?

Ø  SD3 – Yes

Ø  SD3 – No

Question 4 (SD4)

Does the direct sales to final consumers make more than 50% of the total sales of the holding?

Ø  SD4 - Yes

Ø  SD4 - No

Question 5 (DG5)

Has the holding been engaged in other gainful activity directly related to the holding?

Ø  DG5a – agro-tourism

Ø  DG5b – handicrafts

Ø  DG5c – processing of agricultural products