Dominick Balsamo

Long Assign #1

Who am I?

1.  Friendly - I can hold grudges, but for the most part Im a very friendly person. I like building relationships and networking through the many people I meet.

2.  Athletic – I play D-I soccer and was a National All-American in high school. I’ve been through some terrible injuries so I understand the importance of an education.

3.  Outgoing – If I want something, I go for it. Nothing holds me back. I refuse to let the possibility of failing or being embarrassed be the determining factor in my pursuits of happiness.

4.  Hard Working – Soccer has taught me to be disciplined and goal oriented. Ive worked hard all my life at sports and at work. My family owns a restaurant that I’ve worked in since I was 10.

5.  Funny - I don’t consider myself funny, because what funny person does? But many of my friends tell me I should quit school and become a comedian. Some friends I got right?

6.  Dedicated - Ill do what it takes to complete tasks at hand. When I say Ill do something, Im dedicated to it with all my heart. Be it school, sports, work, or relationships.

7.  Stubborn - No way to explain it. Sometimes it has to be my way or the highway.

8.  Procrastinator - Major kink in my armor. While I complete all task, I sometimes delay them to the very last second. Its something I’ve been working on improving. But I’m still a bit aways.

9.  Competitive - All thanks to sports. That never quit, Im better then you attitude is always flowing through my body. It allows me to focus on tasks and complete them to my best ability.

10.  Brittle - Lets be honest. I’ve torn 2 ACL’s. Broken 2 ankles. And I currently have a sports hernia. Needless to say, Im not made of steel.