Welcome to Earth & Space Science!

Miss Bandeira

Room 207

Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30 pm-3:20 pm or by appointment with prior notice.

Contact me anytime at:

Teacher Page:  Franklin Middle School  Teacher Pages  Carminda Bandeira

My teacher page is updated on a regular basis with copies of any worksheets completed for homework or classwork, presentations and videos used in class, extra credit opportunities, and important class and/or school announcements/flyers. Use it as a resource and visit it frequently!


  • Introduction to Earth &

Space Science

  • Astronomy
  • Plate Tectonics
  • Earth’s Changes
  • Midterm
  • Atmosphere/ Weather
  • NJASK Prep
  • Environmental Issues
  • Final


  • For Class:
  • 1 ½ - inch 3-ring binder
  • 1 pack of loose leaf paper
  • Blue or black pens
  • #2 pencils
  • Highlighter
  • Personal hand sharpener (optional)
  • To Keep At Home (optional):
  • Colored pencils, markers, and/or crayons
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Class Expectations
  1. Be in your seat and prepared with your materials as soon as the bell rings.
  2. Listen and follow instructions the first time they are given.
  3. Show respect for others. Use kind words. Raise your hand.
  4. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
  5. Write down your homework in your planner everyday.
  6. Respect others during test/quiz time by not communicating with classmates AT ALL.
  7. Make sure to leave the classroom neat when you leave.
  8. Follow all safety rules!
  9. Please no personal grooming in class.

Class Consequences

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Sent out of the room (Buddy Teacher or ISS)
  3. Contact home
  4. Violation of lab safety rules may result in a zero on the lab and lab privileges being revoked.


Tests/Quizzes 30%

Homework/Projects 25%



TOTAL 100%

Classwork - Classwork consists of assignments completed in class (group and individual) and all labs.

Homework -Homework will not be assigned everyday. It will be checked for completion on the due date. Homework that is reviewed in class will not be accepted late. Homework that is not reviewed and is collected will only be accepted the next day for partial credit. It will not be accepted after.

Projects - There will be individual and group projects throughout the year. Science binder checks will also count as project grades.

Tests- Tests will be announced at least one week in advance!! No excuses for being unprepared for a test. A test review in the form of a review game, study guide, or both will precede all tests before the scheduled test. If you are absent on the day of a test, be ready to take it the day you return.

Retakes –There are no retakes on tests, but if you score a 66% or below, you have the option to complete test corrections on short answer/open-ended questions only for half credit. Test corrections must be done during office hours.

Quizzes - Quizzes will be announced and unannounced (pop-quizzes). Sometimes unannounced quizzes will be open-notebook. Everything is fair game so keep your binder organized. Clickers will often be used for quizzes. These are property of Rutgers University and must be handled with care. Intentional damage or loss of assigned clicker will result in a fee to replace it.

Participation–The participation grade will be based on general class participation and being prepared for class. You will not be permitted to go to your locker once class has begun. You will also be graded based on the amount of effort put forth and cooperation within your group during labs. Lab materials must always be treated with care and all safety rules must be followed or points and/or lab privileges will be lost.

Absentee Make Up Work -If you are absent, you are responsible for getting any missing notes from someone in class. Any handouts given out while you were absent can be found in the absent work bin. All make-up work should be completed within 3 days of absence for full credit. It is your responsibility to submit/show your make-up work. If you are absent the day of a quiz or test, be prepared to take it the day you return.

Extra Credit-Extra Credit opportunities will be provided throughout the marking period. Current Events Extra Credit may be handed in at any point throughout the marking period up to 5 days prior to the last day of the marking period.

Science Binders – Binders will be stored in the classroom when homework or studying is not assigned. Binders must be taken with you on homework and study days. They will be checked periodically, and graded once a marking period based on organization. Keep all science notes, handouts, and graded work in the correct order in your notebook. Everything should be neat and legible.

Academic Honesty -It is expected that each student adhere to the Franklin Township academic honesty and plagiarism policy. This means that all work will be done by the individual student, in his or her own words. Work should never be copied from the internet. Any cheating that takes place on EdConnect tests will result in a call home, an automatic loss of 10 points, and you will have to come after school to finish the test under one-on-one teacher supervision.

REMIND Texts -I send out reminders about tests, due dates for projects, extra credit opportunities, special announcements and other school related information via text message to your phones. Don’t worry –I don’t actually see your phone number, only your name! It’s a great way for you to reach out to me with questions or concerns and get responses quickly. It is highly suggested, but not required, that you sign up for your period’s REMIND Texts.

Name: ______Period: ______


Directions: Please read and sign the following statement for EARTH SCIENCE. Then have a parent or guardian read and sign the statement below that.


I have read the attached packet both in class and on my own. I understand all material within the packet and I have asked questions to clarify any portions that I did not understand. I realize that I am responsible for all the information that it provides concerning the operation of our science classroom and my responsibilities and the expectations of me as a student.



I have read and understand the attached packet concerning the operations of my child’s science class. I have reviewed important points with my child, which will help make them successful throughout the year. I will monitor and assist my child on a regular basis to ensure an acceptable effort and the best chance for positive achievement and learning. I will contact the teacher with ANY questions or concerns immediately throughout the year at .



Parent/Guardian #1 Name

Relationship to student

Phone number


Parent/Guardian #2 Name

Relationship to student

Phone number


Dear Parents,

I’d like to welcome you and your child to 8th Grade Earth Science. To keep my students informed about upcoming tests, project due dates, and other school related information, I use a safe and free educational resource website called Remind. Remind is a service that lets me send quick blast messages via text to my students that have signed up (for free, unless you are on a pay per text phone plan, then it will cost the amount of a text message according to your plan). Signing up is completely optional, but highly suggested as a tool for success. Students in the past have found it to be very helpful!

Benefits of REMIND:

  1. There is no phone number exchange – that is to say, I will never see their phone number, only their name, and they will never see my number.
  2. Remind texts are always recorded on my account for reference and security purposes. This service is not used for personal conversations, only school/class related information, and students can only communicate directly with me, not other students in the class.
  3. It’s a great way to remind students to be studying for tests or working on projects with upcoming due dates.
  4. I also use it for great out-of-school science connections (i.e. upcoming astronomical events such as lunar eclipses and meteor showers) and for school-based announcements/reminders. Teens are always on their phones, so they are more likely to pay attention to an announcement via text.
  5. Students have easy access to me for important questions about assignments or school related information that might not be able to wait until the next school day.

Your child has already signed up in class if they were interested. By signing below you are acknowledging that you approve their participation. If you prefer your child not participate, please note that below and I will remove them from the list and they will no longer receive messages from me via Remind.

I approve my child’s decision to participate in Miss Bandeira’s Remind Texts.

I would like my child to be removed from the list and no longer participate.


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

I also have a ParentsRemindgroup that you too can join for reminders of upcoming tests, project due dates, and special announcements as well. Parents in the past have found it to be very helpful in staying informed. Signing up is very easy!

  • Send a text message to the number 81010 with the group code @esparent16 as your message.
  • You will then receive a response asking you to type your name. Please include your child’s first name in parenthesis after your name. Format: Parent first and last name (Student first name) Example: John Smith (Michael)
  • You will then receive another confirmation text, which means you have officially joined my group. You do not have to download the app as it might recommend you to do. You can save this number in your contacts, as texts will also come from this same number, and you can also use it to reach out to me for quick questions.