Impact of previous campaigns:

  • Staff have made new partnerships, renewed old ones and arranged new regular collaborations for the future to support the information needs of the public.
  • Library staffhave demonstrated their support to other healthcare staff to access health information for their patients.
  • Increase in the number of new registrations for library membership in all sectors.
  • Increase in participation of reading groups for improved wellbeing.
  • The power of the social media campaign to raise awareness in 2016 demonstrated the engagement across the sectors and the appetite for such a campaign.

How can you and your service contribute to HIW?

Guidance and Ideas Bank:

Guidance and support for getting involved with patient and public information is available here:

  • The guidance is there to help you look at what types of service you could offer and gives practical advice on achieving these and dealing with enquiries.
  • Look at the Ideas Bank on best practice, innovations and case studies to help identify some ideas for your own service. Many are very easy to implement and will have a positive impact on the public.
  • The Resources page has support for partnerships
    and networking, training resources and content
    for presentations.

HIW Resources:

HIW materials and support here:

  • About HIW
  • Press Release – you are welcome to adapt to suit your own local promotion
  • E-poster – poster template that you can add your local information to
  • Previous Reports – useful to see what worked well in previous years
  • Ideas for holding a health event
  • Core resources of health information and where to order them
  • Follow the campaign on Twitter – follow #HIW2017 and you can add your support to the thunderclap:

For more information and to access HIW resources: