Calico P.S. Newsletter

Volume 1 September, 2013

Welcome back to Calico!

Teachers and support staff have been working in their classrooms and hallways on creating a welcoming homecoming to our students. No matter how many years you’ve been in education, I find that September is the most promising month. Students are trusting that they will have a great school year, be in the classroom with their best friends and hoping that our lessons will be enjoyable and full of fun! Well, I have discovered that teachers and other adults have the same feelings!

I look forward in the days and years to come to have more conversations with you around our caring school. Calico has a reputation for caring and for providing the best learning it can so that all of our students will be successful. Over the past few months, I have noticed teachers working to prepare their lessons and classrooms. Many teachers spent time on professional activities to increase the quality of education they deliver. We are ready! We are excited! It is going to be a great year at Calico!

First, let me extend an especially warm greeting to all the families of our newest Calico family which would be our new junior kindergarten children. We know how excited your children are to come to the “big school”. We also know how nervous they can be in new situations. Be assured that our teachers are especially sensitive to their needs during this first month. Give them a call if you wish to discuss any issues. In fact, I invite all parents to drop into the school and introduce yourself to me. I believe strongly that parents and school make a strong team. I want to invite you to become as active a participant as you can be during these busy and demanding times of raising children.

I would also like to introduce our new staff members at Calico: Jennifer Acheson-Klein – HSP Teacher, Simerjeet Sodi Grade 1 Teacher, Tamara Kapins – DD Program, Kevin Watson – DD Program, and Julia Nurse – Grade 1 to 3. We also want to welcome back Hanan Audi – Grade 2/3 Teacher. Please say hello when you see them!

On a personal note, I am excited to begin a new year at Calico. There is such excitement in the air andI am proud to be a part of the Calico school community. I look forward to working with you and your children to ensure that they have the best education possible.


Pat Bonavota



Calico Public School needs your help. We require parent volunteers to assist with our day to day activities and to assist staff and students on school trips. If you are interested in volunteering on field trips, athletic events, etc. and are new to the school or have never volunteered before, you must apply for a Metropolitan Toronto Police Vulnerable Sector Check. The check must be submitted to the office prior to Volunteering.

There are a number of ways you can get involved in your child’s education:

·  Attending school events

·  Volunteering in our lunch room, snack program, or classrooms

·  Reading every day with your child

·  Communicating regularly with us

·  Participating in fundraising events.

All parents and community members are invited and strongly encouraged to attend School Council meetings. Please contact the main office if you are interested in volunteering at Calico Public School.

A Message from the School Council

Welcome to a new year of learning at Calico Public School. We hope that you will find a way to become involved at Calico. Parental participation in a child’s school is directly related to his/her success.

There are many ways to become involved:

·  Attend a School Council Meeting

·  Volunteer some time at school

·  Participate in field trips

·  Attend family events like our Curriculum Night and Community BBQ.

If you are interested in getting involved with the School Council please complete the nomination form and return it to the school office promptly. You can always reach us at .

Our Snack Program

We have been fortunate to receive funding from the Toronto Foundation for Student Success, however, we will be asking for a contribution of $5.00 per student per month. It is necessary to collect these funds from all families to help supplement the cost of the program. As well, the program runs solely on the efforts of volunteers. If you are available to offer some time to help with the preparation and distribution of the snack (even if you are available one day/week) we would appreciate your support. Please contact Mr. Bonavota if you are able to assist us.

Safety Reminder …

In the interest of our students’ safety, we insist that parents/caregivers entering the school always report to the Office. If you are at school to pick up your child, please wait outside the building at your child’s exit door. Please stay out of stairwells and hallways. If you need assistance, please come to the Office.

If you are a parent at the daycare please help us by exiting the building through the same door.

Lunch Routine

An important reminder to parents in regards to student lunch. During the school day, our office is a very busy place. Please assist us by sending a lunch with your son/daughter instead of dropping it off in the office. This would limit the number of interruptions as well as limit the traffic in our main office.

Safe Welcome Program/Secure Access Systems
Over the summer, our school received funding under the Ministry of Education Safe Welcome Program and we have installed devices that give our school staff more control over who enters our school. This means that when you arrive at our school the outside doors will be locked and a buzzer system will need to be used to gain access to the school. Using this system will provide a safe and welcoming environment and a single point of entry where visitors will be welcomed and directed to the main office.

Anaphylaxis – Taking the Necessary Precautions
Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that can be life threatening. This medical condition can cause a severe reaction to specific foods or other materials, and can result in death within minutes. Although foods such as peanuts, milk, eggs, and sesame seeds are the most common cause of anaphylaxis, insect stings, medicine, or latex can also cause a reaction. In recent years, anaphylaxis has increased dramatically among students. The TDSB is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment for all students and works with Toronto Public Health and other partners to ensure the successful implementation of Sabrina's Law, which came into effect on January 1, 2006.
Sabrina's Law requires every school board to establish and maintain an anaphylactic policy that includes strategies to reduce the risk of exposure to anaphylactic causative agents in classrooms and common school areas. The TDSB has procedures for the prevention and management of anaphylactic reactions.
Although this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, we want to raise awareness about this life-threatening condition. Students who have severe allergies to such food substances are exposed to a severe health risk when such products are consumed in their environment or shared with them. As prevention is the best approach, we ask that you speak with your child about not sharing their snacks or lunches with other students and please do not send any snacks or lunches with your child that contain peanuts.

If your child has health problems of any kind, please inform your child’s teacher or office staff immediately so that the necessary health protection steps may be taken and to ensure everyone’s co-operation for a safe learning environment.
Whether you are living with the allergy yourself, caring for someone who is, or concerned about people in your community, more information about life threatening allergies is available on the Anaphylaxis Canada’s web site at or by calling 416-785-5666. More information about anaphylaxis will also be available at our Meet the Teacher Night.

Safe Arrival Program

The Toronto District School Board values the safety and security of its students. To assist the parent/guardian in ensuring their children's safety each elementary school is required to develop a Safe Arrival program.
A Safe Arrival program is a system of procedures performed together with daily attendance-taking. The parent/guardian is responsible for their child's safety. Safe Arrival programs are a mechanism that the parent/guardian and schools can use to account for any pupil's unexplained failure to arrive at school.
- The parent/guardian is expected to notify the school when their child is absent or late. All phone calls regarding attendance should be made to our attendance phone line at 416-395-2135. This will connect you to a 24-hour voice mail system. Please remember to leave your child’s name and the name of their teacher.
- As soon as a child is identified as "unaccounted for," the principal or designate will attempt to contact the parent/guardian of each child. Three attempts will be made to contact the parent/guardian at both home and work telephone numbers, and if the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the child care or relative will be contacted.

Bus/Vehicle Safety

We ask our community for your assistance to ensure the safety of our Calico staff and students as they get on and off the buses or walk to school. When driving your children to school please observe all traffic signs and do not park your vehicle in the no-parking areas at the front of the school. This is particularly important during our school bus drop-off and pick-up times.

The following are a few school zone safety tips to help keep our students and staff safe:

Ø  Drivers should observe speed limits at all times, but especially around children. When driving in school zones, near playgrounds, or in neighborhoods where children might be playing, motorists should always expect a child to dart out into the roadway.

Ø  While dropping off or picking up your children do not stop or park in the crosswalk or in the bus zone.

Ø  When a school bus stops you must stop. Never pass a school bus that is loading or unloading children.

Ø  Travel slowly and be prepared to stop.

Ø  Don’t park or stop in “no parking” areas to drop your children off or pick them up. You might be blocking other vehicles or obstructing the view of children crossing the street. If you have small children, it’s better to park properly a little further away and walk them to the door, rather than trying to pull up right in front of the school.

Ø  When a school bus’ red lights are flashing, it means no passing. Don’t park or stop in the school bus loading zone – keep it clear for buses.

Ø  Be predictable. Don't make sudden maneuvers (e.g. 3 point turns) that others, particularly children on foot or on a bicycle, are not expecting.

Ø  Walk your child to school to reduce traffic congestion and improve health.

Ø  Drop children off on the school-side of the street. Please walk your children to the school door to avoid having them cross the street on their own.

Ø  Teach your child to look all ways (left, right, behind and front) and then to walk cautiously when crossing a street.

Ø  Always cross at pedestrian crossings and intersections, even where this means an extra walk.

We thank you so much for your co-operation in assisting Calico Public School to maintain a safe learning environment for all of our staff and students.

Be On Time for School!

Please assist us by setting up a proper routine for your children. Suggestions include children having their own alarm clock, going to bed early, packing the school bag the night before, and waking early enough to have a proper breakfast. The school start time in the morning is 8:55 AM. Please ensure that students are at school no later than 8:50 AM.

As well, please do not drop off your children at Calico Public School prior to 8:45 am. We do not have staff on duty for supervision before this time in the school office or in the school playground. Parents are also reminded to please pick up your children by 3:20 pm.

Some Key Dates to Remember

September 19, 2013-School Photo Day

October 11, 2013-No School for Students

November 1, 2013-Photo retakes

Curriculum Night: stay tuned for the date and time

Our Community Support Worker

Calico’s CSW is Sabri Essa. Sabri’s job is to provide resources and supports for parents. He also will be working to develop partnerships in the community. You may contact him at 416-884-2916 or leave a message at the school.