Hughes Elizabeth Lakes Union School District



20203 - 2007 - 2010

PrefaIn the spring of 2001, the California Department of Education (CDE) announced new technology planning requirement for school districts. The CDE, in referencing the importance of comprehensive school improvement plans, quoted Education Code Section 51871.5 (a), which requires every school district seeking education technology funding to have, as a prerequisite of funding, a local technology plan in place by January 1, 2002. This requirement consolidates various technology planning requirements:

  1. Plan Duration

It is the intent of the Legislature that education technology planning be accomplished in the most comprehensive manner possible. To that end, the current practice of developing education technology plans for each funding program should be replaced with a comprehensive local planning process that will enable school districts to apply for grants on an ongoing basis and assist in utilizing available education technology programs.

This The technology plan is must be for a length of threeyear to five years and must be in a newly defined CDE format. The plan presented in this document is prepared using the new format and is for a four-year period, which will begin July 1,January 2003 and will end January 2007. The plan will be reviewed, modified (if necessary))), and updated at the end of each academic year.year. An annual report will be made by the District Technology CommitteeTeam to the Superintendent and theGoverning Board of Trustees. .

Technology Plan Contact Information:

CDS #19 64626

School District Name: Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union Elementary School District

District Mailing Address: 16633 Elizabeth Lake Road, Lake Hughes, CA 93532

Name: Sandy Lyon

Title: Superintendent/Principal

Phone Number: (661) 724-1231 ext 302


  1. StakeholdersDescription of the District

Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union School, with a current enrollment of 419, serves students in the kindergarten through eighth grades and is located in the foothills of Northern Los Angeles County between Palmdale and Gorman. It serves the communities of Lake Hughes, Lake Elizabeth, Green Valley and Pine Canyon. The district has one school with nineteen student classrooms and an additional instructional support room. Administration consists of the site principal who also serves as district superintendent and the coordinator of student services.

The school is located on a hillside between Lake Hughes and Lake Elizabeth at 16633 Elizabeth Lake Road. The location is picturesque and affords a view that stretches from Sawmill Mountain in the West to Mount Baldy in the San Gabriel Mountains far to the East.

Stakeholders Criterion

A Technology Team was formed for Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union Elementary School District (HELUESD) that consists of certificated and classified representatives, parents and community members. This team meets regularly to discuss curriculum and technology issues. The Team also consulted with resources from outside the District for expert opinions. The Technology committee met three times after surveying the staff to review the results of the survey, review the previous plan and outline the new technology plan. This committee was composed of two teachers, the Assistant Principal, and the Maintenance Team Leader. One of the teachers, Lisa Flum, and the Assistant principal met with Chris Jones and Marylou Harbison, consultants from LACOE, to obtain guidance on writing the plan. The plan was put in its final format by the assistant principal, Lisa Flum, a teacher, and Chris Jones at two further meetings. The plan was then presented to the School Site Council and the H.E.L.U.S. school board for approval.

Superintendent/PrincipalSandra LyonPenny Mertens (Former, Robert A. Haley)

Director of Business and OperationsRuby ThompsonRhonda Hedgecock

Maintenance Team LeaderDoug Larsen

Technology Team LeaderJulie Maple

TeacherLisa FlumSusan Ledoux

School Site Council PresidentLinda LewisKari Christensen

School Site Council ParentLaura LockwoodMary Wall

School Site Council ParentShelley Benevides

School Site Council ParentLiberty Longmore

School Site Council ParentSara Ford

School Site Council ParentVacant

School Site Council ClassifiedTammy AdamsTerri Izquierdo

School Site Council CertificatedSusan Ledoux

School Site Council CertificatedSteve Martinez

Community Member

LACOE Technology ConsultantChris Jones

Description of the District:

Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union School, with a current enrollment of 371, serves students in the kindergarten through eighth grades and is located in the foothills of Northern Los Angeles County between Palmdale and Gorman. It serves the communities of Lake Hughes, Lake Elizabeth, Green Valley, and Pine Canyon. The district has one school with nineteen student classrooms and an additional instructional support room. Administration consists of the site principal who also serves as district superintendent and the assistant principal/coordinator of student services.

The school is located on a hillside between Lake Hughes and Lake Elizabeth at 16633 Elizabeth Lake Road. The location is picturesque and affords a view that stretches from Sawmill Mountain in the West to Mount Baldy in the San Gabriel Mountains far to the East.

Technology is impacting education as dramatically as it has every other facet of life. Technology can be a powerful tool in improving teaching and learning as well as in school management. The value of educational technology includes the following:

Improved school management processes

Enhanced curriculum

Enhanced tools for learning, thinking, and analyzing

Improved communication

3. Curriculum Component Criteria

3. a.: A rigorous and relevant curriculum must drive the use of educational technology. Staff and students must be equipped with and prepared to utilize computers and other instructional technologies in all disciplines. All technology planning must be done as part of a larger system of instruction.

All students from kindergarten through the eighth grade have access to technology while at school. They also have access to AriesAeries from home. All of our teachers have computers. They utilize the following daily; e-mail, attendance on line, and wireless internet.

3. b.:In addition, specific technology hardware and software is available for students targeted as needing additional instructional assistance beyond the regular program. Technology is available for teachers, students and parents during school hours. Many students, but clearly not all, have technology at home including computers and Internet access.

The use of technology in classrooms to support teaching and learning is heavily dependent on the individual teacher’s expertise and commitment. Technology is generally used as an aide for traditional teaching models. The use of technology needs to be expanded to provide more

extended learning opportunities and for differentiated instruction for individual students. The district has established levels of proficiency for technology, but the proficiencies are not woven into the curriculum.

All teachers have classroom computers connected to the Internet. Our current student-to-computer ratio is approximately 4:1 (see Attachment A for current inventory).

The use of technology to improve productivity has been a focus of technology planning and implementation in the past. The school installed and is using a student management database to which all teachers and support personnel have access. Some teachers have been effective in communicating with parents electronically, but systematic communication access has not been developed. The school has not made student information available to teachers or and parents via the Internet.

Standards-based instruction is a hallmark of the Hughes-ElizabethLakesUnionSchool District educational program. It is the goal of the Hughes-ElizabethLakesUnionElementary School that all students will meet or exceed the State and District Academic Standards. The integration of technology throughout the curriculum of the school will support this goal.

Section / Grade
Level / Teacher Usage
(Hardware) / Teacher Usage
(Software) / Student Usage
(Hardware) / Student Usage
3.b. / K
3rd / Desktop Computer
Laptop Computer
Desktop Computer
Digital Camera
Laptop Computer,
Digital Camera,TVCountyMultimedia
Services, Overhead Projector, Computer Lab / AriesAeries, email, internet, County Multimedia Services,
Microsoft Office
AriesAeries, email, internet, County Multimedia Services,
Microsoft Office
AriesAeries, email, internet,
CountyMultimedia Services,
Microsoft Office
AriesAeries, email, internet, GradeBook,
CountyMultimedia Services, Microsoft Office, Kid Pix Deluxe / Computer Lab,
Class Desktop Computers
Listening Center,
Class Desktop Computers
Computer Lab,
Classroom T.V.
Computer Lab, T.V., Listening Center,
Classroom Computers, / Read, Write, and Type
Basic Skills in Language Arts, Curriculum based multimedia,
Books on Tape,
Skills Drill Software,
Curriculum based multimedia,
Kid Pix Deluxe, Internet,
PowerPoint, Curriculum based multimedia, Microsoft Word
Kid Pix Deluxe, Internet, PowerPoint,
PowerPoint, Curriculum based multimedia, Skill and Drill Software, Microsoft Word
6th / Laptop Computer,
Digital Camera,TV
Services, Overhead Projector, Computer Lab
Laptop Computer,
Digital Camera,TV
Services, Overhead Projector,Computer Lab
Laptop Computer,
Digital Camera,TV
Services, Overhead Projector, Computer Lab
Smart board / AriesAeries, email, internet, GradeBook,
CountyMultimedia Services, Microsoft Office, Kid Pix Deluxe
AriesAeries, email, internet, GradeBook,
CountyMultimedia Services, Microsoft Office,
AriesAeries, email, internet, GradeBook,
CountyMultimedia Services, Microsoft Office, / Computer Lab, T.V., Listening Center,
Classroom Computers,
Computer Lab, T.V.,
Classroom Computers,
Computer Lab, T.V.,
Classroom Computers, / Kid Pix Deluxe, Internet, PowerPoint,
PowerPoint, Curriculum based multimedia, Skill and Drill Software, Microsoft Word
Internet, PowerPoint,
Curriculum based multimedia, Skill and Drill Software, Excel, Web Book Making Program, Microsoft Word
Internet, PowerPoint,
Curriculum based multimedia, Skill and Drill Software, Microsoft Word
Resource / Laptop Computer,
Digital Camera,TV
Services, Overhead Projector, Computer Lab
Laptop Computer,
Digital Camera,TV
Services, Overhead Projector, Computer Lab,
Smart board
Laptops, Palm Handhelds, / AriesAeries, email, internet, GradeBook,
CountyMultimedia Services, Microsoft Office,
AriesAeries, email, internet, GradeBook,
CountyMultimedia Services, Microsoft Office, Calculators
AriesAeries, email, internet,Microsoft Office / Computer Lab, T.V.,
Classroom Computers,
Computer Lab, T.V.,
Classroom Computers,
Laptops, Computer Lab, Palm Handhelds / Internet, PowerPoint,
Curriculum based multimedia, Skill and Drill Software, Microsoft Word
Internet, PowerPoint,
Curriculum based multimedia, Skill and Drill Software, Microsoft Word
Graphic Organizer Programs for Writing, Learning to Read Program, Word Processing Software, Time Management Organizers, Microsoft Word

3. c.:While students at HELUSED continue to perform well on State standardized assessments, the district recognizes the necessity to regularly focus on academic content for improvement and staff development. The school Single Plan for Student Achievement specifies increased technology integration into the area of Reading/Language Arts and mathematics with the intent to improve student proficiency on the CaliforniaState standards as well as standardized test scores. Reading/Language Arts and mathematicswill be the school-wide curricular focus for the next two yearsas well as science and history/social studies.

Technology should not be viewed as a separate entity in education. Instead, technology should be imbedded seamlessly into the curriculum at all levels so that students use it consistently throughout their education. Reading comprehension and Language Arts skills are essential to the academic success of a child in all curricular areas. Many online resources such as dictionariesAeries, thesaurus, encyclopedias, and poetry and prose databases are available to our students. By utilizing these electronic resources, our students will have access to a wider variety of resources than they are typically exposed to in an average classroom.

Today’s society requires people to use technology and information literacy skills in order to be successful. Therefore, it is pertinent that our schools assist the students in acquiring technology (learning productivity tools, accessing the Internet, and analyzing information from the Internet) and information literacy skills. By doing so, students will be able to access the Internet to expand their knowledge base. Additionally, by acquiring information literacy skills students will be able to apply them while they are in high school and once they enter college or the work place. Our district will adopt student technology standards so that our students are insured that they are learning the technology skills needed to be successful in today’s modern world.

Students will be introduced to technology applications at the earliest age appropriate, and skills will advance throughout the years, within the context of the rigorous core curriculum. It is expected that students will progress through several stages as they learn to use technology as a tool for learning.

All students are entitled to appropriate and equitable access to technology in the HELUESD schools. This includes making the students and parents aware of appropriate access through the district’s Acceptable Use Policy. Special needs students require software and hardware that are appropriate to their learning disability. By identifying appropriate software and hardware, the special needs students will have a complete learning experience with technological assistance. Hardware could include a modified keyboard or a touch screen. Software could include magnification software or specialized software for the particular need of the student.

Use of appropriate data analysis software in-house will assist the district in targeting specific areas of need for staff development and curriculum writing to meet student needs. By implementing data analysis software in-house, site administrators, district personnel, and some teachers will be provided a tool they can use to analyze student achievement in multiple ways. They will be able to use this information to make adjustments to our learning programs to meet the academic needs of our students. With an increased scrutiny on the measurement of student achievement and performance relating to curriculum standards, special testing tools, disaggregated reports and special reporting, this type of software will provide easy access to the data the district needs to provide to the school sites and to numerous agencies.

One of the district’s goals is better communication with students, parents, and the community. The district wants to inform the parents of services the district offers, student activities and contacts at the schools. Recognizing this need, the district intends to emphasize the use of email as a communication tool. Additionally, the district’s website will maintain up-to-date information for the HELUESD community. By doing so, students, staff, parents and the community will be using the district’s website as a portal for current information.

Goal 3.d: Using technology to improve teaching and learning by supporting the district’s curricular goals and academic content standards.

Objective 3.d.:By the end of 2010, 75% of teachers in grades K-8 will utilize the technology components of any newly adopted textbook.

a.: By the end of 2008, 25% of teachers in grades K-8 will utilize the technology components of any newly adopted textbook.

b.: By the end of 2009, 50% of teachers in grades K-8 will utilize the technology components of any newly adopted textbook.

c.: By the end of 2010, 75% of teachers in grades K-8 will utilize the technology components of any newly adopted textbook.

Benchmark / Year / Implementation Activity / Budget Source / Responsible Person or Dept. / Monitoring and Evaluation
a. / 2007- 2008 / During the 2007-08 school year, a variety of methods will be employed to familiarize teachers with adjunct textbook content: after school meetings, grade level meetings, staff development days. / General Fund / Site Administrators, Dept. Chairs, Technology Coordinators / Review sign-in sheets; classroom observations
b. / 2008-2009 / During the 2008-09 school year, a variety of methods will be employed to familiarize teachers with adjunct textbook content: after school meetings, grade level meetings, staff development days. / General Fund / Site Administrators, Dept. Chairs, Technology Coordinators / Review sign-in sheets; classroom observations
c. / 2009-2010 / During the 2009-10 school years, a variety of methods will be employed to familiarize teachers with adjunct textbook content: after school meetings, grade level meetings, staff development days. / General Fund / Site Administrators, Dept. Chairs, Technology Coordinators / Review sign-in sheets; classroom observations

Goal 3.e.: Students will acquire technology and information literacy skills needed to succeed in the classroom and the workplace.

Objective 3.e.: By June 2010, all of the seventh and eighth grade students will be required to take a technology elective; PowerPoint, word processing, and internet search tools.

a.: By June 2008, and annually, 30% of the seventh and eighth grade students will be required to take a technology elective; PowerPoint, word processing, and internet search tools.

b.: By June 2009, and annually, 60% of the seventh and eighth grade students will be required to take a technology elective; PowerPoint, word processing, and internet search tools.

c.: By June 2010, and annually, 90% of the seventh and eighth grade students will be required to take a technology elective; PowerPoint, word processing, and internet search tools.

Benchmark / Year / Implementation Activity / Budget Source / Responsible Person or Dept. / Monitoring and Evaluation
a. / 2007-2008 / 30% of the seventh & eighth grade will be required to take a technology elective; PowerPoint, word processing, and internet search tools. / General Fund / Site Admins., Dept. Chairs, Tech Coordinators, Teachers, and Students / Classroom Observations and Completed Projects
b. / 2008-2009 / 60% of the seventh & eighth grade will be required to take a technology elective; PowerPoint, word processing, and internet search tools. / General Fund / Site Admins., Dept. Chairs, Tech Coordinators, Teachers, and Students / Classroom Observations and Completed Projects
c. / 2009-2010 / 90% of the seventh & eighth grade students will be required to take a technology elective; PowerPoint, word processing, and internet search tools. / Benchmark / Site Admins., Dept. Chairs, Tech Coordinators, Teachers, and Students / Classroom Observations and Completed Projects

Objective 3.e.: Teachers and students, grades 4 to 8, will be educated on the appropriate and ethical use of information technology in the classroom, Internet safety, avoiding plagiarism, the concept, purpose, and significance of a copyright so that students can distinguish between lawful and unlawful online downloading, and the implications of illegal peer-to-peer network file sharing.