World Listening Day participation form

Thank you for expressing interest in participating in World Listening Day! The first severalWorld Listening Days. Dozens of organizations and more than a thousand people from six continents have participated in World Listening Day.

World Listening Day happens annually on July 18th—the birthdate of R. Murray Schafer, a Canadian composer who established the World Soundscape Project. Its research laid the foundations for what became known as Soundscape Studies and Acoustic Ecology.

The purposes of World Listening Day are:

  • to celebrate different ways we can focus on our soundscape (sonic environment);
  • to raise awareness about the acoustic ecology movement, including ideas regarding how noise pollution can be reduced; and
  • to introduce new educational initiatives and community events related to listening and acoustic ecology.

Participation in the 2013 World Listening Dayfocuses on the aforementioned goals, which could include listening parties, listening to one’s soundscape in private, private or public soundwalks, public forums about acoustic ecology, and more. What would you like to do on the 2013 World Listening Day? Events could happen on Wednesday, July 18th. However, if another day during that week (July 14-20) would work better with your schedule, that would be fine. Please fill out this form and return it to , with “World Listening Day” in the subject line.

Also, please feel free to forward this form to other individuals and organizations whom you think might be interested in finding out more about World Listening Day. Thanks for your help!

Your name:





How did you find out about World Listening Day?

Did you participate in World Listening Day in 2010 and/or 2011? If so, what did you do?

What are your plans for the 2012 World Listening Day?

If you have plans to participate in a public event, do you have the names of any other participants?

Do you have any plans to publicize your plans (through newspapers, websites, blogs, etc.)?

Are there other individuals and/or organizations that you would like to contact, to invite them to participate in World Listening Day? If so, would you like to share those names?


  • American Society for Acoustic Ecology:
  • Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology:
  • World Forum for Acoustic Ecology
  • World Soundscape Project:
  • 2011 World Listening Day announcement on the U.S. National Park Service website:
  • World Listening Project website:
  • WLP on Twitter:
  • WLP on Facebook:
  • WLP on LinkedIn: