Name: ______

Commonly Confused Words Practice Part A:

Directions: Circle or underline the word that best completes each sentence.

1.  (Accept, Except) for Wednesdays, I am free every day to study after class.

2.  An appropriate gift for any occasion is personalized (stationary, stationery).

3.  The noise in the room (affected, effected) my ability to concentrate, so I had to leave to find a quieter spot to study.

4.  According to the (principal/principle) spokesperson for the tobacco giant, the noxious substance known as nicotine is not addictive.

5.  If you (can, may) get these reports done by 6 p.m. Monday, the boss will give you a generous bonus.

6.  There was a protest march outside the (capital, capitol) in Sacramento last week, so I missed an opportunity to see inside that building.

7.  I had hoped that you would accept my (complement/compliment) in the spirit of kindness that I gave it.

8.  Anyone suspected of committing a crime may request that (consul/council/counsel) be present during an interrogation.

9.  Taking that drug has negative (affects, effects), so I looked for another medicine.

10.  David was fired from his job as camp (/councilor/counselor) after kids complained about his abusive behavior.

11.  The troop, (lead/led) by its charismatic star, received a standing ovation for its performance.

12.  Can you name all the (capitals/capitols) of the United States?

13.  The children in Miss Moore's pre-school class love to hear that (its,it's) story time.

14.  The plane's (descent, dissent) at such a rapid rate caused my stomach to quiver.

15.  When Jim stopped eating desserts and snacks for two weeks, he began to (loose, lose) five extra pounds.

16.  Everybody (accept, except) Peter, Mary and Joseph was late for church.

17.  A moment of silence in honor of the two slain activists will (precede/proceed) tomorrow's political rally.

18.  The science of economics is based on the (principals/principles) of supply and demand.

19.  Now it is time to offer (descent, dissent) to the argument that chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla.

20.  What I find particularly appealing about him is the way his winning smile (complements/compliments) his pleasant demeanor.

21.  In spite of the strong winds, the aluminum sign remained (stationary, stationery).

22.  (To/Too/Two) many of his peers, Sean seemed to lack the commitment he needed to become a serious artist.

23.  (Their/There/They're) are three of us who comprise the carpool.

24.  (I/Me) will go to the store.

25.  There are two topics that (your/you're) not supposed to discuss in a social setting: politics and religion

26.  I admit that I desire your affection, but I refuse (to/too/two) beg you for it.

27.  (Who/Whom) is on the phone?

28.  To (who/whom) do you want me to give the money?

29.  You will be wise to (precede/proceed) with caution if you plan to enter unfamiliar territory.

30.  Because residents of the area conserved water so diligently, there is (fewer/less) chance of a water shortage this year.

31.  The dog happily chewed (its, it's) rawhide chewy bone in the sunshine.

32.  (Can, May) I come to your house for a quiet evening of visiting and conversation?

33.  The salad has (less/fewer) calories than that piece of pie.

34.  Because I was without a good pen, I completed the form with a (lead/led) pencil.

35.  I have not the foggiest idea how long the two of them will stay together; (your/you're) guess is as good as mine.

36.  Give the ball to (I/me)

37.  Did you (by, bye, buy) your books at the campus bookstore?

38.  Today's fashions call for (loose, lose) clothing, which are far more comfortable than last year's skin-tight themes.

39.  (Their/There/They're) all going to the street fair, despite the fact that forecasters predict it will rain.

40.  (By, bye, buy) going through these courses, I am learning much about the English language.

Commonly Confused Words Part B:

Directions: Write an original sentence for each of the following commonly confused words

1.  accept - except

2.  affect - effect

3.  capital - capitol

4.  compliment - complement

5.  council - counsel

6.  descent - dissent

7. lose - loose

7.  precede - proceed

8.  principal, principle

9.  stationary, stationery

10.  two - to - too


11.  their - there - they’re

13. I - me

14. who - whom

15. fewer - less

16. Its - it’s

17. your - you’re

18. can - may

19. lead - led

20. by - buy - bye
