John McCann, Graham Bunting, Moira Wilson, Veronica Donohue,Chris Donohue, David Mitchell, Constable Donny Miller, Alistair Watt, Stewart Harvey, John Whitehill, Alan McQueen, Gordon Haining, Jacqui Galloway, Rona Ferguson, Kevin Burns, Jacqueline Gillespie, Darnell Stark, Bill Smith, June Smith, Angela Donnelly, Marie Donnelly, Thomas McDonald, Natalie Hutchison, Linda Brodie.



  1. Approval of Previous Minutes.

Pro – Graham Bunting Sec – Veronica Donohue

  1. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes.
  1. None.
  1. Reports:

1. JAG - chairman

On Monday 17th October Jag will make their submission to the Local Public enquiry on the A80 upgrade. Meeting were urged to attend to show support.

2. CCF – secretary

No report. However, secretary will appraise of any development when minutes of September meeting are received.

3. ACCC – Graham Bunting

Only seven attended meeting. It was decided to hold over any business until the next meeting scheduled for 27th October at 7.30 pm until 9pm at Cumbernauld/St Andrew’s Primary School.

4. Treasurer – Veronica Donohue

Current balance is £1711.Minus £34.71p issued for replacement printer.

5. Constable Miller – Explained why he was in attendance and that a new constable would be taking over in the area. They had a number of complaints about youthdisorder and they are actively pursuing this matter. They have a number of areas they regard hotspots in particular Portland Rd swing park and surroundings. They have issued fines for public drinking and underage drinking and ASBOS are in use to combat these issues and complaints. Cumbernauld Community Police can be contacted on 01236 503900. Inspector Robert Hope is the appointed focus for Community Police in Cumbernauld area.

  1. Items Received
  1. Renewable Energy Fair – Meeting advised of time, date and venue of fair.
  2. Notification of Local Public Enquiry – Meeting were made aware that enquiry has started.
  3. Planning Application re :CTP – Meeting were informed that an appeal had been sent to the Scottish Minister had been sent a letter objecting to the building of more house on the area designated as CumbernauldTownPark.
  4. Lanarkshire NHS Summer Engagement Workshop – Meeting made aware of item received.
  1. AOCB.
  1. Complaint from Residence –The council was informed by a resident that the X3 bus service is to be revised. The last bus going to Carrickstone will leave Glasgow at 5.50pm. Council will seek verification of this revision by phoning SPT.There is also a public safety concern that people will be forced to walk in quiet and poorly lit areas which will leave them in a vulnerable situation. In particular people coming from Croy station and otherswalking from the town centre through the Wilderness Brae, forced to walk these areas due to a lack of bus service to their home areas of Balloch, Craigmarloch and Carrickstone.

Tom McDonald asked for the assistant of the council in regard to a section of grass which NLC are failing to maintain to the appropriate standard. Council agreed to contact NLC in this regard.

Council was asked to find out about the mechanism for the establishment of a residence association by John Whitehill. Council agreed to find out through our local councillor.

Discussion took place in regard to youths playing football in the street at bus stops. This was a source of annoyance to one resident but many residents were more concerned about the lack of play facilities for the young people in the area.

Mrs Hutchison of Lansdowne Dr voiced concern over the volume and speed of traffic now using Lansdowne Drive, Letham Grange and Carrick Rd as a rat run to avoid congestion near Dobbies Garden Centre. She also pointed out that many residents are illegally parking commercial vehicles in the road and on the pavements. She feels that NLC should be asked to investigate this matter with a view to introducing traffic calming measures and stopping illegal parking. The council agreed to contact NLC again on this matter.

  1. Secretary received cheque for £8 from treasurer to cover joining fee to North Lanarkshire North Council for Voluntary Services.
  2. Land Maintenance – There was considerable enthusiasm for the idea of pulling all land maintenance contracts under one group. This would have the benefit of reducing costs and ensuring that the lower costs and benefits are shared by the whole community.
  3. SCARF - It was agreed that office bearers would meet before the next meeting to complete application.
  4. It was agreed that we would seek funding to establish a website for Carrickstone Community council.

Meeting closed 9.00pm.