NTIP Survey Template for Mentors
(1) Models of Mentoring
Looking at the types of mentoring described below, please indicate which mentoring supports you have provided this year to beginning teacher(s): (Check all that apply)Broker Mentoring
- You provide Initial orientation to school logistics for beginning teacher(s) and facilitate involvement of colleagues as specific needs arise from the beginning teacher(s) you are supporting
One to One Mentor Matching
- You are formally “matched” to a beginning teacher(s) and provide individual support on an ongoing basis
Group Mentoring
- You provide support to multiple beginning teachers OR you are part of a mentoring team supporting one beginning teacher
Informal Mentoring
- You informally connect with beginning teacher(s) as their needs arise
Online Mentoring
- Using email and/or online conferencing, you provide mentorship and support to beginning teacher(s)
Communities of Practice
- You support beginning teacher(s) as part of a learning network of colleagues with similar teaching assignments and/or professional interests
(2) Mentoring Activities
Please indicate how useful you believe the following activities were to the professional learning and growth of the beginning teacher(s) you mentored:Not Meaningful / Somewhat
Meaningful / Meaningful / Very Meaningful / N/A
- Providing information about school procedures and answering “need to know questions”
- Beginning teacher(s) observing you teach OR observing another classroom together, followed by a debriefing conversation
- Observing the beginning teacher(s) you are mentoring teach, followed by a debriefing conversation
- Planning, reflecting, and problem solving conversations with beginning teacher(s)
- Collaboratively examining student work with beginning teacher(s) in order to assess levels of achievement and inform instructional practices
- Collaborating with beginning teacher(s) in the completion and implementation of ideas for their Individual NTIP Strategy Form and / or Annual Learning Plan
- Providing ongoing role modeling, support and encouragement to the beginning teacher(s) you are mentoring
- Overall, how useful do you feel the mentoring supports you provided were to the professional learning and growth of the beginning teacher(s) you mentored:
(3) Learning Designs
Please indicate how meaningful the following supports were in terms of their impact on your professional growth and learning as a mentor:Not Meaningful / Somewhat
Meaningful / Meaningful / Very Meaningful / N/A
- School based professional learning communities
- Joint release days to support collaboration and professional learning between NTIP teachers and mentors
- Classroom observation and debriefing
- Online conferencing for NTIP teachers and mentors
- Networked Communities of Practice with other mentors
- Ongoing Workshops and Seminars specifically targeted to mentors
(4) Outcomes of NTIP
Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statements:Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
- I have the supportsto be a successful mentor
- I want to keep learning and growing as a professional
- Being an NTIP mentor has helped me to be a better teacher
(5) Information for Board NTIP Steering Committee
What would be the best method(s) to communicate information and share ideas about the New Teacher Induction Program with you?What additional structures, strategies, ideas, or resources would best meet your future learning needs as a mentor?
(6) Demographic Information (optional)
Please indicate your current status below:Current Teaching Assignment: / Number of Years since graduation from a Faculty of Education: