Title: Shell Deer Park: Strides for Schools Fun Run

Duration: 1:54 minutes


This video describes Shell’s support of the Strides for Schools Fun Run, which benefits the Deer Park Education Foundation, providing teacher’s grants for school supplies and special programs.

Shell Deer Park: Strides for Schools Fun Run Transcript

[Background music plays]

Driving rock music

[Video footage]

Quick shots of people registering for the Fun Run and the Deer Park High School mascot,

[Animated sequence]

Logo moves and zooms from diagonal to straight – “Strides for Schools Fun Run, Presented by Shell Deer Park, Benefiting the Deer Park Education Foundation”

Barry Klein

Today we’re out at Clyde Abshier Stadium.


Barry Klein, General Manager, Shell Deer Park

Barry Klein

It’s for the Deer Park Fun Run, which is all about the Deer Park Education Foundation. Strides for Schools Fun Run, we’ve been doing this for seven years. This is the first time we actually do it out at the school.

[Video footage]

Shell volunteers at the Registration tent helping participants. Many sponsor names and logos are seen on the back of a tee shirt.

Barry Klein

We have over 2000 people that are participating in this event. Just think about it, sponsorships have already kicked in about $107,000. By the time you add everything up, we’re going to raise about $170,000 for education in Deer Park.

[Background music plays]

Electric guitar plays rock music

[Video footage]

Participants stretch and prepare to run. A girl holds a sign that says “8 Minute Mile”. Several school children smile for the camera as they get ready to run.


Jennifer Torres, Coordinator, Deer Park Education Foundation

Jennifer Torres

All the money we raised here goes to teacher’s grants which go back to the classroom for supplies, materials, special programs that maybe wouldn’t be funded otherwise.

[Background music plays]

Electric guitar plays rock music

[Video footage]

Participants begin to run under a large inflated sign that reads “Start/Finish”. Runners run past the camera. A time clock displays “3:30”


Brett Scull, Civil Supervisor, Shell Deer Park

Brett Scull

This ties into our flagship vision perfectly. It’s all about caring, compassion, having fun, and supporting our community.

[Video footage]

Kids and parents walk together on the track. A mother pushes her child in a stroller among other runners. Grass in the field is in focus and then the focus changes to runners in the background. Men, women and kids are seen running in several shots. A security officer looks on as runners pass him. Groups of kids run together.

[Voice of Brett Scull]

We have grown and we want to continue growing. We continue to have record participants and record sponsorships. What’s different this year, though, is we have changed the course. We want to open it up a little bit, let people feel a little more comfortable.

Brett Scull

More fun, family-filled atmosphere right here at Abshier Stadium right where the Deer Park High School is.

[Video footage]

Runners in the background of a “Crossing” sign. In a group of runners, a mom pushes twins in a stroller.


Brenda Cothran, Chairwoman, Deer Park Education Foundation

Brenda Cothran

This day is the best. And then the next best day is the day that we go into the schools and say, “You got your grant!”

[Background music plays]

Driving rock music

[Video footage]

Two girls jogging together. In a group of runners, a dad and small boy wave to the camera. People watching the fun run applaud as runners pass by. Runners run under the inflated “Start/Finish” marker.


Victor White, Superintendent, Deer Park ISD

Victor White

Shell is certainly the driving force behind the entire event.

[Voice of Victor White]

Their sponsorship, the work of the volunteers, their soliciting different corporate contributions to go toward the Foundation, is just invaluable…

[Video footage]

Shell volunteers are seen with the High School mascot, handing out badges, working the registration table. Girls in matching tee shirts run together. Runners pass police officers at a corner. Another group of girls run together. A volunteer flags the runners toward the finish.

Victor White

… and we can’t express our appreciation enough.

[Background music plays]

Driving rock music continues

[Video footage]

A small boy runs past the “Finish” marker. Several more runners run hard toward the finish of the run.

Barry Klein

I am so proud of our Shell folks for showing up …

[Voice of Barry Klein]

… being out here for the community, really making this event a big success.

[Video footage]

Two shots of Shell volunteers, all wearing Shell tee shirts, posing for a group photo in front of the “Start/Finish” marker.

[Background music plays]

Driving rock music continues

[Video footage]

Shots of a group of runners, a tired boy running, a group of boys running, are mixed with images of the “Strides for Schools Fun Run” logo. Then the logo, “Strides for Schools Fun Run, Presented by Shell Deer Park, Benefiting the Deer Park Education Foundation”, holds on the screen as the music finishes. Then the logo mixes to white and then the Shell pecten.

[Text displays]

Copyright Shell International Limited