OIWG Meeting AgendaJune 07, 20171

1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions—Glenn Rounds

2.Review WECC Antitrust Policy—Glenn Rounds

Glenn Rounds, Operating Issues Work Group (OIWG) Chair, called the meeting to order. A quorum was present for the conducting of business.

3.Approve Agenda

Mr. Rounds read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.

4.Review May 03, 2017 Minutes

On a motion by Paul Morland, the OIWG approved the agenda.

5.Review of Previous Action Items—Glenn Rounds

Action Items for Closed Events

  • Regarding the Nov 16, 2016 – Category 1a event, Dean Spratt will update the group of any potential lessons learned.

Action Items for Open Events

Aug 16, 2016 – Category 0

A Fire burning below two 500-kV lines caused them to open upon relay action. This resulted in 1,182 MW of solar generation to trip offline. No customers were affected.

AI – Regarding the Aug 16, 2016 – Category 0 event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • Tim Reynolds will update the group as more information comes in.

The OIWG considers this item closed for any further discussion when Tim Reynolds sends out the final report from a NERC/WECC Task Force in the investigation of Solar Inverters.

Nov 21, 2016 – Category 1c

During construction at a substation, a DC ground was initiated, resulting in false line loss signals being sent to the RAS controller, resulting in generator dropping. This occurred twice, at 1242 and at 1316, with similar results.

AI – Regarding the Nov 21, 2016 – Category 1c event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • Does the substation have DC ground alarming?

STATUS: 3/13/2017 –Yes, there are alarms for DC grounds.

  • Can you share a photo/drawing of the metal cover on the reactor oil monitor?

STATUS: 3/13/2017 –A photo of the pinched wire is attached. (Photo was sent to the OIWG)

  • What were the results of testing the failed input cards?

STATUS: 3/13/2017 –The results of the testing are not yet concluded. We have been working diligently with GE, and today they shipped what they think are enhanced replacement (active impedance) modules/cards. We will test them as soon as we receive them, and should have a final answer within two weeks.

  • Will you share the test results on the failed input cards?

STATUS: 5/05/2017 –The manufacturer has committed to posting on their website an application note regarding the results of test and the characteristics of the input module. The entity’s own test results for the input module that was in-service at the time of the event did not meet their intended design application. The entity’s design application requires the inputs for this module to have a 2 ms de-bounce setting and 84 VDC voltage threshold setting. The truth table is for illustration:

The OIWG considers this item closed for any further discussion when but Tim will follow up with the entity to see if the vendor has posted the application note.

Feb02, 2017 – Category 1a

When a single-phase and two line-to-ground faults occurred, several transmission lines and three transformer banks were taken out of service due to an internal fault on a motor-operated disconnect switch (MOD), internal fault in a breaker, slow clearing of a 115-kV terminal due to CT saturation, and incorrect breaker failure login on a 115-kV capacitor bank.

AI – Regarding the Feb 02, 2017 – Category 1a event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • Item #20 says the entity says they are “working with its System Operators and with the Reliability Coordinator to refine the post-disturbance communication…” Can they please share any lesson learned that was found regarding any communication refinement?

STATUS: 4/27/2017 –Yes, we have discussed with the RC regarding the process that they follow when the RC submits an OE-417 on behalf of a BA/TOP to assist the BA/TOP entity during a disturbance.A possible revision was discussed to the procedure to include a communication step with the BA/TOP to coordinate the content of the OE-417 filing prior to its submittal. We will continue to work with the RC to pursue this revision to their procedure.

  • Was it the substation terminal that experienced the delayed clearing?

STATUS: 4/27/2017 –Both the [substation] and [substation] ends of line experienced delayed clearing. Distance relay (21L, phase A)- Directional overcurrent (67 Phase-Ground)

  • What protective function operated to clear the fault?

STATUS: 4/27/2017 –Distance relay (21L, phase A)- Directional overcurrent (67 Phase-Ground)

  • When do you expect results of the corrective action plans and would you be willing to share those results with the group?

STATUS: 4/27/2017 –The corrective action plan development is still in progress. However, we would be willing to share information regarding corrective action plans once all aspects of the plans are finalized. Timing for all corrective action plan completion is currently unknown but multiple corrective actions have already been completed.

  • What is the timeframe for the correction action items to be completed?

STATUS: 5/03/2017 –The testing of the relays on the NW line terminal began yesterday (5/2) and is currently on-going. Due to the complexity of the event, testing of the relays was deferred until the detailed analysis of the event was completed and relay crews could focus their efforts on those areas with identified incorrect operations. Testing of the breaker and the trip testing from relays to breaker is scheduled on May 6, 2017. The entity has an outage on the line scheduled for that day and during that outage the remaining line breaker will be tested. In regards to other action items:

  • Third‐party forensic analysis of the faulted breaker and third‐party review and validation of the protection system response during the 2/2 disturbance using Aspen models and fault simulations

Forensic analysis was completed on April 12th and the vendor issued a final report on April 18th. The vendor report detailed how and where the breaker failed but did not identify a cause. The breaker is still under warranty and is being replaced by the vendor.

  • A third‐party review of overall protection system settings and philosophy that will include an evaluation of the CT saturation risk across its system

The entity is in the process of finalizing a contract with the vendor who will perform the work and work on the third-party review of the protection system settings and philosophy will begin immediately thereafter.

  • Disturbance analysis review and validation which will be performed by a national industry group.

Disturbance analysis with the third-party Industry group is scheduled to take place in June 2017. The exact date is yet to be determined but it is estimated to occur sometime in the first two weeks or so of the month.

  • Working with System Operators and the Reliability Coordinator to refine the post‐disturbance communication related to OE‐417 filings

Already completed – see responses on 04/24/2017

Tim Reynolds will follow up on the status of the correction action

Apr04, 2017 – Category 1a

When a sudden pressure relay on a single phase GSU did a false trip from internal failures, 263 MW of generation tripped due to a single zone protection design that activates when any relay operation between the 13-kV and 230-kV breakers trips all generation.

AI – Regarding the Apr 04, 2017 – Category 1a event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • How did the SPR fail?
  • Did the SPR utilize a SPST (form A) or a SPDT (form C) contact(s)?
  • Was the SPR located in the transformer oil or gas space?

STATUS: 5/03/2017 –The SPR is a Qualitrol relay located in oil. Picture below item 23:

The SPR uses a latching relay to trip. The SPST (form A) to trip the Lockout and SPDT to alarm. Partial transformer wiring diagram attached:

The SPR was tested per the manual and found non-operative. The failure was in the Pneumatic device. It is not clear if the internal bellows system failed and cause the trip and then become non-operative.

The OIWG considers this item closed for any further discussion

6.Review of New Events since Last Call—Glenn Rounds

Apr21, 2017 – Category 0

Due to a catastrophic failure of distribution circuit breakerthat resulted in a fire, the whole substation was de-energized causing a power outage of 87,616 customers.

AI – Regarding the Apr 21, 2017 – Category 1a event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • Glen Rounds will update the group with more information when it comes available

Apr28, 2017 – Category 1h

When the ESP firewall failed due to a firmware issue, the automatic fail-over to the backup firewall did not occur resulting in the loss of real-time data to the SCADA system.

AI – Regarding the Apr 28, 2017 – Category 1a event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • Tim Reynolds will follow up with the entity to determine if the firmware issue was linked directly to the vendor or if it was due to any modification done by the company and who is the vendor.

7.Review of New Action Items

AI – Regarding the Aug 16, 2016 – Category 0 event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • Tim Reynolds sends out the final report from a NERC/WECC Task Force in the investigation of Solar Inverters.

AI – Regarding the Nov 21, 2016 – Category 1c event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • Tim will follow up with the entity to see if the vendor has posted the application note.

AI – Regarding the Feb 02, 2017 – Category 1a event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • Glen Rounds will update the group with more information when it comes available

AI – Regarding the Apr 28, 2017 – Category 1a event, Tim Reynolds will follow up with the questions below:

  • Tim Reynolds will follow up with the entity to determine if the firmware issue was linked directly to the vendor or if it was due to any modification done by the company and who is the vendor.

8.Review Upcoming Meetings

July 05, 2017...... Webinar

Aug 02, 2017...... Webinar


Exhibit A: Attendance List

Name...... Affiliation

Anna Beus...... WECC

Tim Reynolds...... WECC

Glenn Rounds...... PG&E

Bob Johnson...... PSCO

Dean Spratt...... AVA

Don Sievertson...... LADWP

Norm Szczepanski...... SMUD

Paul Morland...... CSU

Western Electricity Coordinating Council