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MASSES THIS WEEK 9th – 17th July

9th / Anthony Enright, Billerough /
Jack & Bridie Rowan & Deceased Family Members, O’Connell’s Ave. /
Eileen, Baby Helen, Denis & Helen Daly & Johnny Daly & Denis & Kitty Daly, Galway & Listowel / John Paul O Farrell, Church St. / Vigil
10th / Kevin McCarthy, Coilbee /
Patrick Griffin, Ballygologue Park / 9.00am
People of the Parish / 11.00am
Mon 11th / Michael Murphy, Clieveragh / 10.30am
Tues 12th / Bartholomew Maher & Mary McCoy Maher & Deceased Family, Listowel & America / 10.30am
Wed 13th / Eamon Wolfe, Bridge Rd / 10.30am
Thurs 14th / Mass of Thanksgiving /
Timmy O Loughlin, Ballygologue Road / 10.30am
Fri 15th / Catherine O’Sullivan, 1st Anniversary / 10.30am
16th / Anne Doyle, Knockane / 10.30am
Patrick Joseph & Julia McElligott, Convent St. / John Foley, Fourhane / William & Hannah Horgan & Con, Mick Joe Barrett Gortnaminch /
John J. Molyneaux, Woodford /
Bess Barry nee Beasley, Clieveragh /
Mary & John Joe Hartnett, Clieveragh /
Thomas Fitzgerald, Billerough & Church St. / Vigil 6.15pm
17th / Kit Harris, Greenville, 1st Anniversary /
Mick & Mona Ryan, Ballygologue Road /
Eugene, John Paul & Eileen McCarthy, Bunagara / 9.00am
Fleadh Cheoil Listowel / 11.00am

Priest on duty for Listowel Deanery on this Sunday, 10th July

Fr. Kevin McNamara 087-6099930 (emergencies only)

PARISH OFFERTORY COLLECTION: Our Parish Finance Council wishes to express sincere thanks for the Offertory Collection last weekend.

RECENT DEATHS Conor O Doherty, Dirha West.

Liam Healy, 11 Ballygologue Park.

Donna Gladden Varney, London & Asdee.

Tom Connor, Glouria, Lisselton.

ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE: Michael Murphy, Clieveragh / Bill Joe Lucey, Charles Street / Eileen, Baby Helen, Denis & Helen Daly & Johnny Daly & Denis & Kitty Daly, Galway & Listowel / Dermot Barry, Bunagara / Jimmy & Bridie Dillon, Colbert St./ Bridie Dore, Charles St. / Paddy Fealy & Deceased Family, Coolaclarig.


FLEADH CHEOIL NA MUMHAN 2016 : LISTOWEL: Listowel community is delighted to welcome back a Fleadh Cheoil. Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan 2016 will begin here in our Town starting on Tuesday next, 12th July and continue right up to and including next Sunday. 16th July The 11.00 a.m. Mass here at St. Mary’s Church on Sunday next will be hosted by the Fleadh and our Parish Choir will be singing. We wish everyone involved a great week ahead. .

THE PRESENTATION LEAVING CERT CLASS OF 1956 are holding a Re-union in the Listowel Arms Hotel on Thursday, July 14th. If you have EVER been a member of this class in Primary or Secondary School, please call in at 2.30pm. to say “Hello”. Class photos from class in primary & secondary will be on show. Maura Grimes & Sr. Kathleen Given.

LISTOWEL TIDY TOWNS 2016 LOCAL COMPETITION Time Best Kept Estate / Roadside Gardens Hanging Baskets & Window Boxes Will be judged on the week commencing Monday July 18th. Please hand entries into: Broderick’s Pharmacy. On or before Saturday July 16th. For enquiries; contact Mary @ 087 6270033.

LISTOWEL RESOURCE CENTRE Family Fun Daywill be held at the Centre on Saturday July 23 from 2-4pm. All welcome. Summer Camp will continue at Listowel Family Resource Centre until Friday. August 19th. Further details from Patricia Lyons on (068) 23584.

ALZHEIMER'S CARERS SUPPORT GROUP The monthly meeting of the Alzheimer's Carers Support Group takes place on July 12 at 12.30pm.

Check out more notices on the Church notice board and our Web Page at



Last weekend Bishop Ray informed the parishioners of Duagh / Lyre of Fr. Pat Moore’s resignations due to health reason. He also expressed his thanks to Fr. Pat and acknowledged his wonderful contribution to the Parish & Pastoral Area during his years of ministry and wished him well on his recovery. This weekend, he has asked us to announce to Listowel Pastoral Area that the parish of Duagh would no longer have a priest resident in ministering to the parish. However, Duagh will continue to be a separate parish and will continue to have the fullness of parish life and will now be served by the three other priests of Listowel Pastoral Area. That is Fr. Maurice Brick P.P. Lixnaw, Fr. Kevin McNamara P.P. Moyvane and yours truly as the moderator. The impact of this will cause some upset for both priests and people of each of our four parishes. It will mean the above priests as a team will have the additional responsibility for all the administration and services of Duagh / Lyre. This is now the fifth situation in our diocese where a parish is without a resident priest and sadly there will be more parishes in the years ahead. However, the new reality has positive dimensions. It provides an opportunity for laity to take their rightful place in leadership roles in our parishes.

The Diocesan Pastoral Team will provide whatever support we may require during the transition. It will mean that each of the three priests will have to review their commitments within their own parishes to allow them to serve Duagh / Lyre equally. It will mean that they will serve Listowel Pastoral Area as a team and it will mean synchronisation and rationalisation of some services within our Pastoral Area bearing in mind the geographical spread and population of the area. The details of this will take a little time to work out as structures such as a Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council have to be set up in Duagh. The Listowel Area Pastoral Council which is made up of the three priests and a representative from each church area in consultation with their Parish Pastorals will make the final decisions. As a Diocese we have been conscious that such decisions would need to be addressed with some time and they provided training in Pastoral Ministry to our members in order to help us prepare for the ever changing reality of our Diocese. I’m delighted to announce that our newly ordained deacon: Rev. Sean Jones (native of Moyvane) will be in pastoral placement here in Listowel Pastoral Area for the next few months. I welcome his help. We are living in challenging and interesting times. I ask you to respectively journey with us as we address the situation together as a Pastoral Area. We thank you for your prayers and support in these difficult times.

Canon Declan O’Connor P.P. V.F.

LENAMORE BALLYLONGFORD NATIONAL SCHOOL Charity 5K/10K walk/run this Sunday 10th July. Registration opened from 10.30am. & walk departs at 11.30am. from Lenamore National School, Adults €10 / Children €5 / Family €20 (2 Adults & 2 Children). All proceeds raised in aid of both Killian Browne & Ella Ahern.

NORTH KERRY EAGLES SPEICAL OMPLICIS CLUB will hold their annual church gate collection next weekend 16th & 17th July.