Technology Integration Matrix

Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the Technology Integration Matrix is to assess candidates’ ability to apply technology as they design, implement and assess learning experiences to improve student learning. The Technology Integration Matrix rubric is based on the SAMRModel, which is a framework through which to assess and evaluate technology use in the classroom. (

Points of Administration:

(1)  EDFS 326, EDFS 426 or EDFS 687

(2)  Final Field Course

Directions: (1) The candidate will complete a self-assessment in the final field course using the Technology Integration Matrix rubric. Candidates will be emailed a direct link to Qualtrics360 to complete their self-assessment. Candidates should include how they addressed each criteria in the comment boxes provided in Qualtrics360.

(3)  Clinical Practice

Directions: (1) The candidate will complete a self-assessment using the Technology Integration Matrix rubric based on his/her performance during the course of the semester in clinical practice. Candidates should include how they addressed each criteria in the comment boxes provided. (2) After the candidate completes and submits his/her self-assessment in Qualtrics 360, the college supervisor will receive an email notification. The college supervisor will then login to Qualtrics 360 to view the candidate’s self-report for the Technology Integration Matrix. (3)The college supervisor (in consultation with the Cooperating Teacher) will complete the Technology Integration Matrix rubric based on the candidate’s self-assessmentand the candidate's performance during the course of the semester in clinical practice.


Technology Integration Matrix based on the SAMR Model

Redefinition (4)
Tech allows for the creation of new tasks,
previously inconceivable / Modification (3)
Tech allows for significant task redesign / Augmentation (2)
Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with
functional improvement / Substitution (1)
Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change
Teacher candidate actively integrates educational technologies to accomplish objectives and learning for P-12 students. / Teacher candidate creates a completely new lesson driven by a new technology. / Teacher candidate modifies the lesson by introducing a new technology. / Teacher candidate uses the features of the technology improve the lesson. / Teacher candidate occasionally uses technology in place of traditional methods for assignments for P-12 students.
Teacher candidate uses technology to facilitate collaboration / Teacher candidate seamlessly uses technologies to globally collaborate with peers and P-12 students. / Teacher candidate selects technologies to facilitate and enhance collaboration in all aspects of P-12 learning. / Teacher candidate provides opportunities for P-12 students to select and employ technologies that facilitate and enhance collaborative work. / Teacher candidate allows opportunities for P-12 students to utilize collaborative tools in conventional ways.
Teacher candidate uses technology to understand content and add meaning to his/her learning as a future teacher. / Teacher candidate uses technology in a new way to construct, share, and publish new knowledge. / Teacher candidate uses new technologies to construct deeper understanding across disciplines. / Teacher candidate manipulates previous technologies to assist in molding his/her understanding. / Teacher candidate begins to use constructive technologies to build upon his/her prior knowledge and construct meaning.
Teacher candidate demonstrates an understanding of why and how to help P-12 students use technology to solve real-world programs. / Teacher candidate ensures P-12 students participate in meaningful projects that require problem-solving strategies, and facilitate global awareness, through the utilization of technology outside of the classroom. / Teacher candidate uses new technologies to complete authentic real-world problems. / Teacher candidate allows opportunities for P-12 students to select and utilize the appropriate technology and digital resources to solve problems based on real-world issues. / Teacher candidate provides opportunities for P-12 students to employ technologies to connect content-specific activities that are based on real-world problems.
Goal Directed
Teacher candidate uses technology to research data, set goals, plan activities, monitor progress, and evaluate student learning. / Teacher candidate engages in ongoing metacognitive activities, with reflection or connected purpose, supported by technology to improve student learning. / Teacher candidate uses new technology to set goals, plan activities, monitor progress, and evaluate results throughout the curriculum to improve student learning. / Teacher candidate selects and modifies the use of technology to facilitate goal-setting, planning, monitoring, and/or evaluating specific activities for P-12 learning. / Teacher candidate uses technology to either plan, monitor, or evaluate P-12 student activity/assessment.
