Minutes of meeting held on 11th November 2014 at 10 Winslade Park Avenue

Members present:

Peter Cain (PC)

Andrew Hector (AH)

Ruth Chandler (RC)

Shaun Perry (SP)

Bob Adams (BA)

Mike Fernbank (MF)

Apologies were received from: Mandie Rose, David Herbert & Carole Trim.

Minutes of previous meeting

It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on the 21st October 2014 were a true record.

The purpose of the meeting was to agree our aims and objectives from the proposed meeting with Sport England due to be held on the 18th November 2014 and consequently most of this meeting constituted general discussions to agree a list of questions that we needed answers too.

The opportunity was taken however to bring everyone up to date with progress on related issues which are detailed below.

1.  PC confirmed that he had provided a presentation to members of Bishops Clyst Parish Council including the Clerk in order to advise them of our aims and objectives. PC felt this presentation had gone extremely well and that the Parish Council appeared to be very much in favour of what we were doing.

2.  On the 30th October PC, CT, RC & MF visited Feniton Social Club in order to ascertain what facilities were provided and to obtain an insight into how the Club was managed. MF and RC felt this was a very worthwhile visit and were impressed by the Social Club and the Football changing room block that had been obtained with part funding by the Football Foundation. A copy of the notes made by MF regarding the visit is attached to these minutes.

3.  BA and AH advised the Committee that Countess Wear Cricket Club and Heavitree Youth Football Club had still not received back formal licences from F&C REIT to confirm their continued use of the Recreational ground in 2015 and beyond. It was felt this delay may be caused by F&C REITS continuing discussions with East Devon District Council.

4.  SP advised the Committee that he understood the application from F&C REIT for planning permission had been received by East Devon District Council and that it was divided into 7 distinct planning applications. It is quite likely however that the applications may not be registered with EDDC until one or two points have been clarified.

5.  PC advised the Committee that he understood F&C REIT had been negotiating with EDDC with a view to the District Council taking on the Trust for the Sports Facility area and the Countryside Park, though he also understood that EDDC were not prepared to do so. The information provided is that the Trust being proposed by F&C REIT represents an 80 year Leasehold Trust with a peppercorn annual rent. The Committee discussed the significance of an 80 Year Trust and AH believed that this term of years represented a Trust that could be considered to be one in Perpetuity though agreed that this should be clarified. Apparently within the negotiations between F&C REIT and EDDC regarding the Trust F&C REIT had indicated that they would provide the necessary buildings/changing rooms for the Sports Facility.

6.  Meeting with Sport England: With regards to the meeting with Gary Parsons of Sport England on the 18th November PC advised that he also anticipated Chris French of Devon County FA would attend the meeting and MF advised that he understood Matt Theadom of Devon County Cricket and James Bogue of Active Devon would also be attending. Recognising that the meeting would be held during the day and not all Committee members could attend, it was confirmed that PC, MF, AH, RC, CT would be in attendance and while Mandie Rose would be unable to attend it was hoped that another representative of the School Governors would join us.

There being no other matters to discuss the meeting closed at 8.45pm.