New England Arabian Trail Organization
Guidelines and Policies for NEATO Member Only Ride
Arrival time: 9:00am
Ride out time: 10:00am
Pot Luck lunch served: 1:00pm
Each member will be given credit for five (5) pleasure miles regardless of actual mileage ridden. Their horse must be nominated in the YEA Pleasure Program and their membership is in good standing.
These rides are for members only. Due to insurance reasons, non-members will not be allowed to attend. They can, however, join NEATO the day of the MO Ride as long as they fill out the appropriate forms AND pay the correct membership due. No refunds on membership dues.
Proper footwear and safety helmets are strongly encouraged!
Responsibilities of the MO Ride Organizer
-Responsible for obtaining permission from all landowners that are allowing riders passage through their property.
-Must either mark the trail to be used, provide a map of the trails, or have a trail guide available.
-Have the ride posted at least two weeks in advance of the ride date.
-Must remain in the parking area until the posted ride out time.
-Must have the designated lunch area set up and be in attendance of lunch.
-Verify that all riders have returned safely before departing from the ride location at the end of the day.
Responsibilities of the Participant
-Must contact the Ride Organizer of your intent to participate. Even if you are unsure if you will attend always contact the manager to make them aware of the possibility of your arrival. If you are not there by ride out time they will consider you a “no show”.
-Arrive promptly by 9:00am. If you have unforeseen circumstances and will be late contact the ride organizer.
-Ride out before the final ride out time so that everyone will be back in time for lunch and the ride manager can easily confirm there are no lost riders.
-Provide a dish to be shared with fellow members at the Pot Luck Lunch.
-Always ask permission to pass slower moving horses and do so at a walk. NEVER pass a Junior rider at a gait other then a walk, preferably allow them time to move to the side of the trail and stop. It is EXTREMELY dangerous to pass a Junior rider at a trot or canter.
-Provide water for your horse to drink, it will not always be available at the ride site.
-Leave the parking area clean, pick up and take home with you all trash, manure and hay.
-Make sure you know the route you are taking from the starting point (your home or barn) to the ride location. The ride manager will be able to give you general directions to the ride site.
-Have current Rabies and Coggins certificate with you.