Iowa State University Trademark Questionnaire

This questionnaire was created to help determine if a name or a logo associated with the university should be registered with the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office. Please complete and return to the Trademark Licensing Office, 1350 Beardshear Hall, or email to .

  1. Identify the department requesting the registration and individuals to contact:
  1. What type of mark is to be protected? Is it a word, name, symbol, or combination? Attach a copy of the mark.
  1. Does the mark contain any ISU symbols, logos, or names, including the names, ISU, Iowa State University, Iowa State or Cyclones?
  1. Are you aware of anyone else currently using the mark or any elements of the mark? If so, identify those users.
  1. Who designed the mark? Was it an ISU employee? Was an outside firm contracted for design services? If so, attach a copy of the contract?
  1. What date was the mark first used?
  1. Has the mark been used in interstate commerce? If so what was the month, day, and year of first use in interstate commerce?
  1. What is/are the product/s, service/s, or standard/s that the consumer associates with the mark?
  1. How has the mark been used in association with the products, services, or standards stated above in interstate commerce? For example, is it printed on manuals, labels, flyers, used in videos...?
  1. Establishing and maintaining quality control are important to maintaining a trademark, service mark or certification mark, what standards have been established for the use of this mark? Attach guidelines.
  1. Is a TM (trademark for products) or SM (service mark for services) currently being used with the mark?
  1. If this is a certification mark, is ISU involved in the production or marketing of any of the products or services, which would be certified?
  1. What is the life expectancy of the mark?
  1. Is there anyone other than the university who would have control of the use of the mark?
  1. Is the department prepared to pay expenses for registration fees as follows (fees subject to change):
  • $375 per application per class of goods or services filing paper; $325 per application per class of goods or services filing electronically
  • $300 per class for filing affidavit of continued use in 5th year (Sections 8 & 15)
  • $500 per class for renewal every 10 years (Sections 8 & 9)

Please note that when ISU files for federal registrations, the services of outside counsel are engaged. The above fees do not include legal fees associated with use of outside counsel.

  1. Is the department prepared to pay expenses for a search to see if the mark is claimed by another entity? The university engages outside trademark counsel to conduct the search. Search fees can range from $2,500 to $5,000 depending on the mark and the parameters of the search. Has such a search been conducted? If a search has been done, enclose a copy of the search results with your response to these questions.
  1. Is the department prepared to pay expenses to actively enforce its trademarks rights once a registration has been obtained?

