July/August 2004
It doesn’t seem like five minutes ago that we held the meeting to plan this year’s Alive & Kicking and already it’s come and gone. Thanks to an amazing day of sunshine and terrific help from so many people the community event on the 24th was a great success. Walpole Park turned out to be a very good venue and there was a steady stream of visitors throughout the day. The carnival walk also proved to be very successful, enjoyed by both those who took part and people around the town centre. I would like to thank all of you who supported the event, and would welcome any feedback that you may have regarding the content and organisation of the day. This would help with future planning of events.
I realise that at this time of the year you are probably thinking more of holidays or other summer activities, but I would briefly like to mention some useful sources of funding that are available.
Firstly, I am very pleased to be able to launch the Community Champions Fund in Gosport. This is a new scheme for Gosport which provides easily accessible grants of up to £2,000. These are available to individuals who have an idea that would involve and benefit people in their community. The grants will support a wide range of ideas, activities and projects. The over 50’s and individuals from ethnic minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.
I would also like to remind you of the Local Network Fund for Children & Young People. The LNF offers grants of between £250 and £7,000 to small, local voluntary groups to fund activities that benefit disadvantaged children or young people.
Last but definitely not least, Global Grants provides grants of up to £10,000 to local organisations or individuals for a wide range of / projects, which make a difference to our communities and help break down the barriers to employment.
For further information on all of these funds, look in the newsletter or contact us here at GVA, so that when you get that good idea you may be able to find the funding to put it into practice. Good luck!
Ending on a somewhat sad note, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you and farewell to Traci Haynes. Traci, many of you will know, has been a stalwart of GVA over many years, managing and developing Dustbusters along with other duties.
She has moved to a new post in Portsmouth and we wish her all the best in this new and challenging position.
With best wishes
David Miles
The Excellence in Volunteer Management Programme (EVPM) is a holistic programme of support and profile raising for those who manage volunteers. The programme aims to build their leadership, management and learning capacity; this in turn will maximise the contribution that volunteers make to their organisations and ensure they enjoy a quality experience of volunteering.
The Excellence in Volunteer Management programme has five strands that will run over the next three years. To read more about the programme visit www.volunteering.org.uk. We would appreciate your feedback on the EVMP programme.
For more information about the programme please contact
Rebecca Davison, Training and Development Consultant
on 020 7520 8900 or e-mail
Help in Bereavement is a small local charity. We offer immediate help to anyone seeking bereavement support. Our visitors are fully trained in counselling skills and in understanding the many needs of bereaved people.
We are currently looking for more volunteers to train as visitors. All visitors need to be able to maintain confidentiality, have good listening skills and empathy. Full training, by the hospice staff, will be given and training starts in September.
If you are interested please contact Help in Bereavement, PO Box 617, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 2ZR or telephone 023 9266884.
Using a walking stick as a tool for health and fitness, in the form of isometrics, gentle stretching and joint mobility exercises to help tone and strengthen muscles and joints. Also used as a method for self-defence and aids self confidence and self awareness. Would also help in an independent lifestyle.
If you are interested please contact Chris Bird on 023 92 520494 or 07766903188.
Volunteers and paid staff who work alone in remote locations or are at risk of physical and verbal abuse can now enjoy improved security, thanks to Charity SafetyNet, a new service launched by Charity Logistics in partnership with personal security specialists Cranzon Systems Ltd. A help desk will answer all distress calls and use the latest GIS technology to identify the caller’s location; appropriate action can then be taken, be it calling the emergency services, accessing CCTV cameras or giving the caller step-by-step instructions. Details on 01892 544035 or www.charitylogistics.org /
Do you enjoy reading?
Do you like children?
Do you have a few hours a week to spare?
If you do, then your local Volunteer Reading Help would like to hear from you. We recruit volunteers to give individual support to primary school children who are finding reading a challenge.
We have volunteers in local primary schools in Southampton, Eastleigh, Portsmouth and Hayling Island and are currently looking for people to work in Gosport Schools. Volunteers help three children (aged 5-11) individually twice a week. The sessions are informal and friendly and spent sharing books, playing games and chatting. The emphasis is on being a friend and making the child feel relaxed, successful and confident.
Volunteers are welcomed from all sectors of the community, men and women, the young and the not so young. No formal qualifications are needed, just patience and understanding.
We offer a short training course, ongoing support and resources, all we need from you is your time.
If you would like to be a volunteer or more details about Volunteer Reading Help, please contact Jane Thicknesse on 023 80653237.
A walk in the Alver Valley. Meet at Grange Farm, Howe Road, Rowner.
Summer evening guided walks are free, but should you wish to contribute, a donation box for the RSPB will be available.
If you are interested please contact Grange Farm on 023 9258 8666.
10th TO 13th SEPTEMBER 2004
Go behind the scenes for one weekend only - visit the reserve gun collection and a Victorian explosives vault at The Museum of Naval Firepower.
Tours are every 2 hours from 10.15pm at the Coffee Shop at Explosion!
Telephone 023 9250 5604 or e-mail for further information.
19th SEPTEMBER 2004 1.00-4.00pm
An introduction to some really ‘wild’ recipes. Jam and pickle making demonstrations and locally grown entertainment. Come along and try nettle soup, a tasty alternative to the usual! / ALVERSTOKE MICHAELMAS FAYRE
25th SEPTEMBER 2004
This year it is being organised by Adrian Edgar and St Mary’s Church, Alverstoke who are celebrating the centenary of the building of the clock tower, and the fayre will be part of Gosport 800 celebrations.
There will be bands, entertainment, stalls and children’s fun fair in the village and the Church will be decorated for Harvest Festival with a full musical programme in the afternoon and host “Not the Last Night of the Proms” in the evening.
During the afternoon there will be a craft exhibition and demonstrations by local people.
All proceeds will be shared with St Mary’s Church and the Mayor’s charities – League of Friends War Memorial Hospital, League of Friends Haslar Hospital and GADSAD (Gosport and District Sports for the Disabled).
If any person or organisation would like to take part and/or have a stall at the fayre please contact St Mary’s Parish Office on 023 9258 0551 or Adrian Edgar on 023 9258 2277.
Every Tuesday to Thursday throughout August fun workshops for all the family at SEARCH hands-on Museum in Gosport town centre will take place.
Dressing up, science, natural history, technology, art, archaeology and history. Two-hour workshops will be held at £2 per head. Please telephone 023 9250 1957 for a full programme and to book places. Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
Are you looking for a FREE Speaker?
The Solent Energy Efficiency Advice Centre is offering a range of free presentations that may be of interest to your group. Saving energy doesn’t mean sitting in a cave wearing 7 blankets!
Often our homes are behaving badly, leaking heat and mounting up large fuel bills. We know how to save households up to £200 off their annual bills – choose from the following:
(1) A 30 minute “Energy Talk” to show how stopping these leaks can save energy, help the environment, save you money and keep you warm and healthy. With props and pictures, very informative. (Focus of talk can be tailored to your groups interests.)
(2) Energy Efficiency Bingo: A fun way to hear about energy saving measures that save you money – a traditional game of bingo is played with energy. Saving tips built into the game. “On it’s own, number 4, get some draughtproofing round your door!” Energy saving prizes available for winners.
(3) Can you save £100? A workshop competition to see who can save the most money off their fuel bill. The winner receives an energy saving prize.
To book our speaker or to talk more about presentations call Angela Munn on 02380 336209.
On Wednesday 25th August, Gosport Borough Council is organising a ceremony to mark the town’s 800th Birthday.
A Civic Procession, led by the Mayor, will parade from the Town Hall to the Timespace, on the Millennium Promenade. Here, at 11.30am, a short service will take place and children representing Newtown School will bury a time capsule to celebrate Gosport’s 800th Birthday. / / ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY
26th SEPTEMBER 2004
The year 2004 marks the 25th Anniversary of the Alzheimer’s Society. The Society is a leading care and research charity for people with all forms of dementia, their carers and families in the UK.
Over the last 25 years we have done much to improve the situation for people with dementia and carers and have provided help and support to thousands of people. However, with over 750,000 families affected by dementia we still have much to do and need more people to know that we are here so that we can offer them practical help.
On 26th September we will be holding a sponsored Memory Walk to raise funds and awareness for the Portsmouth and District branch of the Alzheimer’s Society. The event will take place at St James’ Hospital in Milton at 12 noon and walks of up to three and a quarter miles are available.
If you would like more information about the event please see www.alzheimers.org.uk/memorywalk/branch or contact Joe Hider, Branch Manager
On 023 9273 0088
Do you want to receive
up-to-date information about
The Charities Information Bureau produces an excellent monthly funding newsletter, which contains up-to-date information about grant-giving trusts and new publications, which may help you with obtaining funding. If you would like a copy of this bulletin e-mailed to you please contact Claire Coxwell on: and she will add your organisation to the e-mail mailing list. E-mail is the cheapest and most efficient way for us to distribute information but if you cannot access the internet, call us to discuss other options.
LEVEL 1 & 2
24th September 2004-3rd December 204
(Break for Half Term)
Who is the course for?
Anyone in Fareham or Gosport who is involved in community projects in a paid or unpaid capacity.
Do I need any qualifications?
No, you only need to be based or have experience of working in a community setting, so you can gather information to build a portfolio.
Does it cost anything?
Will I get a qualification?
Yes, the course is OCN Accredited to NVQ Level 2. This is based on the National Occupation Standards in Community Development Work.
What’s in the course?
An introduction to some of the issues in which community workers are involved and the skills they need. The course will also include a project visit.
Interested – Want to know more?
For full course details or to book a place contact:
Sandy Bennett or Anne Myles
Brunel Accredited Centre,
Brunel Annex, Wymering Road
Portsmouth PO2 7HX
Tele No: 023 9289 2409 or 7769936378
Or e-mail: or
Closing date for applications is the 27th August
So that you can
v Communicate effectively
v Work together as a team
v Stimulate innovation in individuals
v Challenge the norm
v Increase confidence in implementing new ideas
v Build trust
v Add value to your organisation
Talk to us about our wide variety of unique Team Days on 01285885194
or e-mailing
‘Brush up your presentation skills’
For all levels of experience
Winchester, Friday 15th October
‘Improve your assertion skills
and build your confidence’
Winchester, Wednesday 17th November
£120 per person
(includes: delegate workbook, attendance certificates, lunch and refreshments)
Places limited to 12 so please book early by e-mail
or telephone 01285885194