St. Sebastian Parish Pastoral Council Regular Meeting
Regular Meeting –19November 2015
IN ATTENDANCE: Father John Valencheck, PastorTodd Dekatch, Chair
Candy Bates, Vice Chair Patricia Clark-Varga, Past Chair Jim Dietrich, Member Rob Sveda, Member Brandon Foster, Member Kathy Dietrich, Member Kay Leckrone, Member Bob Rybka, Member
Call to Order at 6:30 p.m. by Council Chair, Todd DeKatch
Opening Prayer: Brandon Foster
Pastor’s Report by Father Valencheck:
- Priests within the Diocese came together and discussed population trends
- Northeast Ohio experiencing a declining population with a declining Catholic population – Catholics are moving out of the area at an increased rate
- 50% of all U.S. Catholics used to reside within the triangle of Boston, Chicago and Washington D.C.
- The faith seems to be dying away but actually, in other parts of the country, the faith is greatly increasing, partially due to immigration in the southern area of the country.
- Currently, if the U.S. is divided into 4, each region consists of 25% of all Catholics (exceptions are areas such as Utah)
- In general the population is growing, but decreasing in northeast Ohio[I don’t recall this information stated as such—could it be related to the bullet point I added above: “The faith seems to be dying . . . .”]
- Currently in the Cleveland diocese there are 256 priests, but by 2040, estimates project only 140 priests
- Currently the average is 1 priest per parish in the U.S.
- Currently in Cleveland, 1.4 priests per parish
- By 2040, there will be 0.8 priests per parish
- Masses in Cleveland
- Average 3.6 masses per weekend in U.S.
- Average 3.8 masses per weekend in Diocese
- Fr. Valencheck requested input regarding the Diocese’s offer of another priest to come to St. Sebastian for one year at a cost of $50,000 for the parish (would be a full time employee)
- Discussed if it would help Fr. Valencheck
- Discussed how to pay secondary to collection being down by $98,000 last year
- Normal budgeting starts at $0 and this would put St. Sebastian budget starting at -$50,000
- Discussed possibly sharing this priest with another parish – due to stability, probably not an option
- Most of the council did not think the parish should take on another priestdue to financial concerns
- Father Valencheck discussed a possible initiative for the council to take on regarding how to address and promote vocations to thepriesthood and deal with previously discussed trendsregarding fewer priests in active ministry due to retirement
- Father Valencheck discussed the Julie Billiart School
- Goal to open for the 2017-2018 school year. Some details still need to be worked out, includingfunding and the relationship between the parish and the JB School.
- Received interesting phone calls (i.e. inquiries to be placed on the wait list, anger regarding pulling kids out of main stream educationand “isolating” them, etc.)
- Father Valencheck stated that he is rethinking Sunday morning PSR
- Many families that are not parishionersenroll their children due to the convenience of the Sunday morning hours versus the weekday PSRs available at their home parishes
- It is difficult for the priests to be available Sunday mornings
- Fr. Valencheck addressed the rumors regarding the new organ
- The rumor regarding the organ in the choir loft being removed is false
- The smaller organ will be used for recitals, rehearsals, small ceremonies, etc.
- Fr. Valencheck addressed the grounds maintenance change
- Parishioner Dave Hershbergerhas sold his company, Immaculate Property Management, to Edenscape (owned by parishioners Tiffany and Brian Kenny)
- Edenscape will honor the discounted rate the parish received from Dave Hershberger’s business this past year
- Fr. Valencheck is unsure about care of the parish grounds for next year
- Fr. Valencheck addressed the vacancy left by Aaron Salisbury
- Aaron accepted a job in Beachwood
- There are 9 candidates and Fr. Valencheck is hoping to whittle that list down next week or after Thanksgiving
Old Business:
- The minutes from the September 17 meeting were approved.
- Fr. Valencheck inquired if any council members had heard anything regarding the needs of the homeschoolers discussed at the last meeting
New Business:
- Michelle Huber was unable to attend.
- September Spectacular raised $189,000 to be used for tuition reduction, teacher salaries, technology and STEM initiatives.
- Christmas Party – Scheduled for December 17 at Forest Lodge at 7pm.
- Todd DeKatch will check if we can start at 6:30pm.
- Marcy Smith will work on catering and Todd will coordinate the food and party.
- Kathy Dietrich to bring plastic table cloths.
Pulse of the Parish
- Pat Clark-Varga stated that a parishioner who has been recently going through a hard time really appreciates that St. Sebastian is concerned with the spiritual needs of parishioners.
- Father Valencheck passed around the West Side Leader containing the article regarding the new organ.
- Father Valencheck may also write something in his weekly “From the Pastor” article regarding the uses of the smaller organ.
- LouiseMcNulty asked about OPEN M; do we need a liaison with them; asked if Father Valencheck could put something in the bulletin requesting someone to be that liaison; Pat will call Michelle Huber to discuss as well
- Louise McNulty asked about possibly having a parishioner who is a writer continue her weekly stewardship column in the parish bulletin, but this time, contacting each ministry to give updates on their current activities. Father stated that Louise approached him regarding this matter and he approved her idea
- Discussed marketing of both the parish and the school – Bob Rybka presented a folder from a Toledo parish that is handed to anyone attending Mass. A suggestion was made for a postcard to be placed in the pews for anyone interest in joining the parish; discussed ways to manage the website especially to attract millennials, who have their own way of “being connected”; discussed Twitter to send updates, possibly video streaming/podcasts of Father’s sermons, a direct link to connect to someone to volunteer, updating schedules and making Mass times, confessions times, celebrants, etc. easier to see on the website; possibly a mobile edition
Commission Reports
- Worship– Nothing to report
- Spiritual Life/Faith Formation –
- From Cathy Sivec:
- First Reconciliation- Meetings to begin in February
- First Communion - Meetings to begin in March
- Baptism Classes- To begin in January
- Faith Lodge –Will be conducted two times a month for November and December; deciding whether or not to go back to once a week
- Young Adult Group – Jason Nehez is leading the group
- Youth Ministry- Has lots of service projects and will be taking a trip the seminary
- PSR – Collecting canned goods and making blankets for the battered women’s shelter; Miss. Francis states that the PSR volunteer team is wonderful with their efforts and is growing in their faith ; currently has 119 PSR students and wanting more
- Parish Life
- Ro Reed - Donut Sundays are organized well for next year; the Welcoming Dinner had about 10 families (about 40 people)
- Girl Scouts/Brownies –Alice Incorvia has started a Brownies troop for 2nd graders, a few of whom are from St. Vincent de Paul Grade School
- Sanctuary Society - Requested that Father Valencheck be asked about:
- Attending the Christmas Tea to administer the prayer – response was yes
- Due to the parish bulletin policy of only being able to add an insert to the bulletin once, could Father Valencheck mention the Tea in his Sunday bulletin letter the weekend following Thanksgiving? Response was that Sanctuary has been given an exception and is able to add an insert two times for the tea and he will also promote the Tea in his letter
- How much will it be to re-plate the tabernacle and how much for the box for ashes? – No answer yet for the tabernacle, but the box will be about $1500
- Social Justice –
- Right to Life Signature and Media Campaign– tentatively scheduled for January 9-10, before and after all Masses
- Parishioners participated in Life Chain was held on Saturday October 3, in honor of Respect Life Month. Mainly positive comments and reactions were noted.
- Community Outreach – Nothing to report
- School
- No report was submitted by Mrs. Isabella. Fr. Valencheck will speak with her.
- First Ever Christmas Celebration scheduled for December 6 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm; Parishioners are welcome to come and bring their nativity set Baby Jesus to be blessed by Fr. Valencheck; there will be crafting tables for families to make ornaments to decorate a tree at St. Edward’s Assisted Living to honor the Paparella/Hershberger Family; requestingthat families bring in new socks, hats or gloves for the Winter Tree and these items will be donated to Catholic Worker/Peter Maurin Center and Christ Child; will also be hosting Donut Sunday after each Mass that day
- Go Cards – First school fundraiser began; Go Cards are sold at $15/each and have coupons to local vendors in Akron
- Administration
- Parish Council Chair Todd DeKatch has been exchanging meeting minutes with the parish Finance council
- Michelle Huber to attend the next meeting
Closing prayer:Kathy Dietrich
***The next Parish Council meeting and Christmas party will be held on Thursday, December 17 at Forest Lodge (Todd will see about moving up the time to 6:30pm)
*** The Opening Prayer will be led byCandy Bates
***The Closing Prayer will be led by Todd DeKatch