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Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Grade 4
Chapter 1—I Will Be Your God
1. A word meaning “showed or made known” is _____.
a. revealed
b. established
c. explained
d. none of the above
Answer: a
2. God making himself known to us is called _____.
a. faith
b. creation
c. Divine Revelation
d. all of the above
Answer: c
3. When we say that God is a mystery we mean that _____.
a. we cannot fully know him
b. we can never fully explain God in words
c. he reveals himself little by little
d. all of the above
Answer: d
4. God created us to _____.
a. live in friendship with him
b. believe and trust in him
c. be totally happy with him
d. all of the above
Answer: d
5. The story of God’s revelation of himself was first written down in the _____.
a. Old Testament
b. New Testament
c. Dead Sea Scrolls
d. none of the above
Answer: a
6. In the Old Testament, we read stories about _____.
a. Abraham
b. Moses
c. David
d. all of the above
Answer: d
7. We call the special friendship between God and the Israelites the _____.
a. promise
b. Covenant
c. contract
d. none of the above
Answer: b
8. God has revealed himself most fully in _____.
a. the Old Testament
b. the Church
c. Jesus Christ
d. none of the above
Answer: c
9. Jesus is _____.
a. the new Covenant
b. the Son of God
c. the fullness of Revelation
d. all of the above
Answer: d
10. Faith is _____.
a. God’s invitation to believe in him
b. not something we earn
c. giving ourselves to God
d. all of the above
Answer: d
11. The story of the Covenant that God made in Jesus Christ can be found in the _____.
a. Old Testament
b. New Testament
c. Ten Commandments
d. none of the above
Answer: b
12. The disciple who refused to believe in the Resurrection when the other disciples told him about it
was _____.
a. Paul
b. Peter
c. James
d. Thomas
Answer: d
13. The Risen Jesus told Thomas, “blessed are those who _____.”
a. had sinned because he didn’t believe
b. have not seen and have believed
c. could no longer be one of his disciples
d. all of the above
Answer: b
14. The _____has many stories about people of faith.
a. creed
b. covenant
c. Bible
d. none of the above
Answer: c
15. A _____is a brief summary of what the Church believes.
a. creed
b. prayer
c. meditation
d. none of the above
Answer: a
16. One of the earliest creeds of the Church is _____.
a. the Nicene Creed
b. the Apostles’ Creed
c. St. Paul’s Creed
d. all of the above
Answer: b
17. Another name for a creed is _____.
a. profession of faith
b. meditation
c. prayer
d. none of the above
Answer: a
18. Each Sunday at Mass we _____.
a. profess our faith in God
b. pray one of the creeds of the Church
c. profess our faith in all God has revealed
d. all of the above
Answer: d
19. Praying the creed reminds us that _____.
a. we are followers of Jesus Christ
b. we are to live our faith
c. we are the Church
d. all of the above
Answer: d
20. We profess our faith in God _____.
a. in all that we say
b. in all that we do
c. when we follow Jesus
d. all of the above
Answer: d
Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Grade 4, Chapter 1 Page – 1 –
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