Minutes of the 8th Combined Meeting held on Mon. 19th June 2017 at Cleckheaton C.C at 7.30pm.


Chairman – David Normanton (Halifax CL).

Treasurer– Brian Lymbery (Bradford Evening CL).

Secretary -Stephen Pickles

Asst. Secretary-Ron Mackenzie ( Dales Council)

Ian Livesey ( Hudds.Junior CL/ Hudds/Halifax ACO)

Bob Shackleton (Bradford Premier CL).

Peter Boycott (Pontefract CL).

Tony Bowry (Leeds ACO).

Paul Berry (Headingley T20/ 365 Cricket/Last Man Stands)).

Norman Clee ( Drakes Hudds. CL).

Richard Horner (Hudds Coaches Assoc.).

Peter Roe ( Aire & Wharfe SCL)..

Shiv Krishnan (West Bradford CDG

Rod Heyhoe ( IoG)

John Cliff ( Calderdale CDG)

Phil Sharples (Halifax JCL)

Kirstin Smith ( Halifax JCL)

Dale Kerruish (YCB CA)

Jt 8.1. The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present & thanking them for attending.

Jt 8.2. Apologies & Correspondence.

Steve Archer ( YCB CDM)

Ann Coe ( Craven League)

Barry Oliver (Wetherby CL).

Barry Oliver had circulated the office holders with a request for a representative of the Pyramid Board to update us on the evolution of the new system.

Jt 8.3. Minutes of Last Meeting & Matters arising.

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 20th March 2016 at Colton Institute C.C. were taken as read and signed as a true and correct record.

There were no matters arising.

Jt 8.4 Treasurer’s Report.( BL)

The finances were healthy. There had been some answers about the reduction in our grant from YCB.Thirty Clubs had been transferred from us to North Yorkshire, there had been some duplication of cClubs in the BMSSCL which had distorted the 2016 figures, and a few Clubs had folded. Additionally the grant had changed from £5 per Club to £2.20 per team. Future calculations of our grant will be scrutinised carefully.

The late Steve Raistrick was Treasurer of the Leeds West CDG which had become dormant. His fellow signatories had been located and once we have their agreement a balance of £410 59 will be transferred to our account.

There have been no applications for assistance yet this year.

Jt 8.5 YCB Coach Education/ Membership Services.( DK)

The programme of courses for 2017-18 has still to be finalised. Full details will be on the YCB website. Venues agreed so far are 2 at Leeds Beckett University, 1 at Leeds Trinity University, 1 at Headingley for the Academy, 1 at Pontefract and 1 at the Zara Sports Centre in Bradford.

The system has now moved to be fully online for booking and payment, to assist ECB in capturing data on participation. A special effort is being made to enlist more female coaches. John Neale is the new head of coaching strategy at ECB and is working on an scheme to fill the gap between youth and adult cricket coaching.

In Yorkshire the ECB CA aim to run regional seminars to consult with coaches on what their coaching needs are; these seminars would alternate annually between Headingley and other regional centres.

Since the demise of the local Coaches Associations some of the work they did in keeping track of DBS renewals and similar records has gone by default. An effort is being made to update the current records and recruit “missing” coaches to a Yorkshire wide database.Any help from Clubs, Leagues and CDGs would be much appreciated.

Jt 8.6 YC MCR Report (SP).

The Committee had met on 13th March with the next meeting due on 25th September. Communications from that body seemed to have dried up to intermediaries. Information from the Board is now supposedly routed direct to Leagues to be disseminated from there to Clubs. League secretaries may be a potential blockage in the flow, but there have been suspicions that some information may have been lost higher up in the system. Any League suspecting they have missed something they got last year or in the past should contact Graham Purdy at Headingley.

Jt 8.7 CDM Report (SA).

Steve Archer had been delayed for domestic reasons. He submitted an electronic report which David Normanton read to the meeting. [ A copy is attached as an appendix]

As part of his report Steve mentioned that :-

ECB/YCB had arranged a meeting at Cleckheaton on 29th June to inform Leagues about the forthcoming round of financing for League Innovations aimed at recruiting and retaining players within the game under the umbrella of GettheGameOn.[The meeting was cancelled during the afternoon of 29th and details of a revised date will be circulated to Clubs and Leagues]

Jt 8.8 Yorkshire Cricket Groundsmens Assoc. ( CP)

The Association had gone very quiet and was not represented. Various courses had been cancelled and those Clubs and Leagues which had subscribed for the year were disappointed.

Rod Heyhoe representing the IoG spoke about their winter programme - meetings are held at Cleckheaton CC on the second Wednesday of every month in the close season with a speaker, a quiz and pie and peas. They are active in looking for younger members.

Jt 8.9 YCB ACO.

Leeds ( TB)

a) Had seen a presentation by Halifax JCL to encourage new young officials and coaches. Were planning a new attack to recruit more Umpires.

Huddersfield /Halifax ( IL)

Noted at a YCB board meeting that Wakefield branch ACO had folded due to low attendances.

It had suggested that the League Umpires Association meetings for the Halifax League act also as the local ACO branch meeting to simplify communication.

Where stand in Umpires are involved in a match and are not full members of ECB/ACO then the Home Clubs should be alert to the need to have sufficient cover on their own insurance policies in case of incidents, unless their League provides cover for Temporary Umpires.

Jt 8.10 WYACC Knockout Cup/ Indoor 6 a Side Competitions.

a) Five entries were confirmed and the draw was made. Rules are the same as last year..

Preliminary round:- Dales Council v Halifax League played at Drighlington on 25th June[This is a week after deadline and DCCL co-ordinator had dragged his feet a bit on organisation]

Semi Finals:- DCCL/Halifax Lge v York Senior League,

Aire/ Wharfe v Bradford Evening League.[ arranged for 9th July but AWSCL later withdrew as unable to field a team]

Final to be on Sunday 3rd September ( Reserve 10th September).

All were asked to ensure the indoor competition was advertised to try to persuade more Clubs/ Leagues to take part. Entry forms to be reissued shortly. Closing date is 30th September.

Jt 8.11 League Reports.

A summary of the few reports received before the Meeting had been circulated with the Agenda. Further reports had been received during the day and they were summarised to the Meeting . More details are attached in the appendix.

Jt 8.12 AOB.

a) There were no Contact details to be updated.

b) John Cliffe raised a point “With the increase in the number of representative games at Junior levels there appeared to pressure on players to have a new set of kit for each different team. This could cause financial difficulties for families and might dissuade younger talented players from participating because of the perceived costs involved. Could there not be a Yorkshire -wide brand to reduce the costs ?”

Steve Pickles echoed these thoughts , stressing that ability should be supported at all levels. Budgets are stretched but some central funding is available under the pathways banner.

c) Shiv Krishnan had been at a launch event at the Community nets at Bradford Park Avenue when over 500 children had been present.

d ) Managers for several YCB District teams appeared to have been notified at very short notice. Earlier notice would ease administration. There was a suggestion this may have been a one-off hitch.

e) There was little enthusiasm for a further ECB players survey with little extra information to be discovered. The results of previous surveys need to be reviewed and digested.

f0 We are to be represented at YCB Transfer and Disciplinary sub committee Meeting on 31st July at Headingley by the assistant Secretary.

Jt 8.13 Next Meeting

Confirmed as 18th September at Blackley CC.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm and

thanked Cleckheaton CC for their hospitality, and members for attending.