Module name: Administration

Topic name: Manage Hierarchy Folders - Move Folders


To Move Folders, you’ll need to be registered for Online Bill and have Administrator access. A Custom Hierarchy must be created first (see Create Custom Hierarchy).

At the completion of this topic you will be able to:

Move folders within your existing Custom Hierarchies.

Example of use:

Separate folders created for cost centres, users, locations or departments can be moved to reflect your organisational structure. Services and accounts can then be allocated to these folders.

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From the Admin tab, choose the Hierarchy menu

option and select Custom Hierarchies

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Select the specific folder to view

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The contents of the hierarchy are listed in

the left pane

Select the Folders tab

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Select the folder hierarchy you wish to expand

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In this example, the NSW South East Sales folder is incorrectly filed under the Queensland Sales team folder - this folder can be moved

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Alternatively select Folders

Select the Folder link

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Choose the folder to be moved by selecting

the checkbox

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Select Move Folders

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The folder to be moved is listed in the left


Select the destinationpoint

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Select Move

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Expand the destinationfolder to view the newly moved folder

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The moved folder is now listed in

the NSW hierarchy

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