PHYS331: Mechanics I
Fall 2008
Instructor: Dr. Daniel K. MarbleOffice: TSU Hydrology Build 107
Phone: 254-968-1910Email:
Office Hours: T,Th 8:00-10:00, After Class
Mailing Address:Box T-930
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, Texas
Class Room: Education 107 (TTVN Room)Class Hours: M,W,F 11:00-11:50
Textbook: Analytical Mechanics – 7th Ed by Fowles & Cassidy
Catalog Description:
Particle dynamics in one, two, and three dimensions; conservation laws; dynamics of a
system of particles; motion of rigid bodies; central force problems.
Prerequisities: PHYS1224 and MATH 2094 or concurrent registration.
Course Goals:
1)To prepare the student for future graduate mechanics courses in either engineering or physics.
2)To prepare the student for possible employment as an engineer
3)To prepare the student for the GRE Physics and Fundamentals of Engineering exams.
The course is a traditional undergraduate mechanics course taught in an interactive learning environment. Students are required to complete their assigned readings, problem sets, and other assignments prior to coming to class. During class, the instructor will pose questions, problems, and tasks to the students that are designed to both expand on the out-of class material and to improve the students understanding. All students are expected to regularly attend class and to be active participants in the class room activities. Students will be asked to out brief the class on results of tasks, summarize reading assignments, and to analyze problems and explain their reasoning.
The course grade will be based upon the student’s performance on exams, homework, quizzes, projects, and class participation.
Students should regularly check the course website for additional course materials and handouts.
Student First Class Requirements:
Following the first day of class, all students should send an email message to the instructor providing the instructor with the following information:
1)student name
2)student email address
3)campus on which the student is registered
4)student’s academic& career goals
5)list of past physics and math courses completed
The student will also need to either download or ensure access to the video analysis program called “tracker” which can be obtained free of charge from CabrilloCollege. The program will be used by the student during the semester to analyze the motion of several mechanical systems.
Students with Disabilities:
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with disabilities including learning disabilities. Students requiring accommodations must register with the Services for Students with Disabilities office on their campus.
Reference Textbooks:
1)Schaum’s Outline Series: Theoretical Mechanics by Spiegel
2)Schaum’s Outline Series: Mathematical Handbook by Spiegel
3)Mathematical Methods for Physicists -5th Ed by Arfkin & Weber
4)Classical Mechanics -3rd Ed by Goldstein, Poole, & Safko
5)Mechanics -3rd ed by Symons
6)Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems by Thorton & Marion
7) Newtonian Mechanics by A.P. French
Reference Videos:
1)Mechanical Universe – online at
2)MIT Lectures for PHYS122 by Dr. Lewin
3)Stanford Theoretical Physics/QM lectures on iTunesU (Hamiltonian/Lagrangian)