Camp DeWolfe
Scholarship procedures
The vision of Camp DeWolfe is to support spiritual formation in the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island; by providing a natural setting for people to engage in community and empower them to live out an outward and visible expression of the love and grace of Christ.
To achieve this goal as responsible stewards of the resources available, the following policy is effective forthe2013 Summer camp season.
- Financial Obligations
1. Allcampersareexpectedtohavefinancialsupportforatleasthalf (50%)thecostofeachcamp session, shared byfamilyor personal resourcesandtheirsponsoring church.
2. Scholarships are awarded for up to but no more than half (50%)the total cost as long as scholarship funds are available.
- Application Process
1. Scholarshipapplicationformsareavailableonthecampwebsiteandemailedtoparish clergyand wardens bySeptember 1st 2012.
2. Applicationpacketsmay besubmittedasearlyasSeptember 1st 2012,andnolaterthanMay 1st 2013. Applications received after will only be considered if funds are still available.
3. Only completedapplicationswillbeconsidered. Acompletedapplicationisdefinedas consistingof allofthe followingcomponents:
a. A fullycompleted Scholarship Application form,includingsignatures.
b. FullycompletedCamperHealthform andauthorization of medication form
C. Signed and dated Acknowledgement of risk form.
D. Paymentinfullfornolessthanhalf (50%) thecostofeachsession;checkspayableto“Camp DeWolfe”.
- Decision Process
1. All completed (as defined above) applications are considered.
2. Incomplete applications areheldfor further action aftercompleted.
3. Decisions aremadewithin two weeks ofreceiptofcompleted applications.
4. RecipientsofscholarshipsmustinformtheScholarshipCommitteeoftheirintenttoutilize theawardwithinoneweekafterreceiving notificationoftheaward. Ifnot,theawardwill beoffered to another applicant.
D. Anyrequestforexceptiontotheabovepaymentpolicy mustbesubmittedinwritingbythe sponsoringclergypersonoragency supervisorandmustalsobeaccompaniedbyanotherwise completed application asdefined above.