Bursary for Children and Youth Ministry
£3,500 towards your Undergraduate University Tuition Fees
Bath Abbey invites applications from Christian students to assist with Children and Youth Ministry at the Abbey from September 2014 to July 2015.
This is a significant opportunity to
gain experience in working with children and young people,
work in a large church with a diverse ministry,
and, for a limited number of hours commitment per week,
have£3,500 of your undergraduate university fees paid through the Abbey Bursary scheme.
Students on the scheme will work under the guidance of the Abbey Clergy and will be expected to build relationships with the Abbey’s young people, assist with the Sunday morning teaching groups, and help the Abbey in our commitment both to share the good news of Easter faith among young people and to learn from them.
Particular responsibilities will depend on the gifts and experience of the student awarded the bursary and will be negotiated at the time of appointment.
The time commitment will be approximately 8 hours per week which may vary according to school terms.
Remuneration: A total of £3,500 paid to the student in instalments at the end of each term.
Applications in the form of a letter of application.This should be of no more than 500 words and should state the applicant’s reasons for applying and provide details of any experience you may have working with children and young people. You will also need to include your current CV and the names of two referees (one of whom should be a church minister).
Please send these directly to:
The Revd Dr Alan Garrow, the Abbey Office, 12 Kingston Buildings, Bath BA1 1LT
T01225 422462
Applications should be received by 5.00pm on Friday 23rd May. Interviews are likely to be held on Friday 6th June.
There is likely to be one bursary available this year.
General Information
Bath Abbey is a parish church of the Church of England, home for congregations large and small; a church of regional significance, a centre of civic life, and icon of Christianity at the heart of the world heritage site, a spectacular concert venue and host to hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.
There are more than fifty children and young people in the Abbey’s choirs which have a sustained reputation for excellence. In addition, a growing number of families with young children attend the Abbey on Sundays, particularly at the 9.30am Parish Communion. These take part in occasional All-Age worship services or are offered separate groups for learning about the Christian faith. You will be expected to work as part of a team which includes a number of volunteers.
During the week there will be a need for preparation time and some supervision of the choir children during their rehearsal breaks which are currently held on Monday, Tuesday and Friday evenings (4-6pm Monday and Tuesday, 4-7pm on Fridays).
The Abbey is looking for Christian students who have a genuine desire to help children and young people on the road of Christian faith, who are willing to engage with the Abbey’s community life and is willing to work in a team committed to seeking God’s will for this special ministry at this time in this place.
Students on the bursary scheme will be subject to the statutory checks for child protection.
Previous holders of the Bursary have been: Hannah Evans, Jonny Bayes, Laura Holmes and Jo Chew. Jo plans to continue with the Bursary for the year 2014-15.
To find out more about Bath Abbey visit
To find a link to one of Hannah Evan’s videos capturing this year’s youth pilgrimage visit:
If you have any questions please ask one of the above or e-mail Alan Garrow at .