Frank W. Spencer Elementary School
100 Bouhan Street
Savannah, GA 31404
Office: (912) 395-2500
Mrs. Andrea Williams Mr. Charles Wooten
Principal Assistant Principal
August 6, 2014
Dear Spencer Family,
Hello! We hope this letter finds each of you well rested and that you all have had some time for fun this summer! The 2014 – 2015 school year is here and to be quite honest….we are so EXCITED! We can’t wait to see each and every one of your smiling faces!
During Open House you will have an opportunity to meet our wonderful new PTA board! They are hard at work planning an eventful year with some exciting events! Please stop by the PTA tables to sign up for your membership,sign up to volunteer on various projects, and obtain other very useful information. Membership for PTA is $5.00 for family membership! We will also have representatives from our Local School Council, Pryme Tyme, Food Nutrition dept., and other organizations! We are so looking forward to seeing everyone here!
Per the SCCPSS District, we have new school bell times. Our official school hours for instruction are 9:00 – 3:45. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 8:30 – 8:50 and will be FREE OF CHARGE FOR ALL STUDENTS. (All students will be admitted to the building beginning at 8:15.) Students will report directly to theirhomeroom class as we eat breakfast “Family Style” with our classes! Any parent dropping their child off after 9:00 is required to walk their child into the building and sign the “Late Student Sign-In” pass. All late sign-ins are reported as a “tardy” on your child’s attendance record. Dismissal will begin at 3:20 each day. Students will not be released from the front office at any time after 3:00 p.m. If you have an appointment for your child, please make arrangements to pick your child up by 3:00.
Instructional time is extremely important! Please make every effort to minimize the amount of time your child misses as much as you possibly can.
This year the District is continuing to reduce the amount of paperwork for parents who have students returning to the same school for the 2014 – 2015 school year. Rather than having to completely fill out a new Registration Packet for each child, you will only be required to go into Servos, a tab on the District’s website, with a security code. This will allow you to confirm/update information on record for your student(s). This information should be updated electronically by August 7th, the first day of school. Computers will be available in the media center during Open House for you to complete this process.
A 30 Day Current proof of address is required for EACH student. A proof of address could be an electric, gas, or water bill, mortgage/lease statement, or a governmental agency communication. You may complete this process several ways:
- Bring an original to Open House and we will copy it and immediately return the original to you.
- Drop by the school with your original before August 7th, between 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. We will copy it and immediately return the original to you.
- Send the original to school with your child the first 3 days of school with the child’s name and teacher name included (Aug. 7, 8, or 11). We will copy it and return it via your child.
We have some new staff members this school year we would like to introduce:
Mr. Charles Wooten – Assistant Principal
Ms. Joy Collins – 1st Grade
Mrs. Bridgett Robinson-Miller – 1st Grade
Mrs. Joann Allen – 1st & 4th Grades
Mr. Willie Williams – Building Team
Ms. Latasha Biggins – Food Service
Ms. Terri Anderson – Food Service
Mrs. Dawn Carlyle-Walker – Food Service
Below you will find some important information to help you get off to a good start:
- First Day of School – August 7th
- Summer Reading Projects are due on August 15, 2014 and will count as three (3) homework grades!
- Uniform colors for Spencer will remain the same; black and/or khaki bottoms and white and/or gold collared shirts. You can find more specific information online and attached to this letter as part of the 2014-2015 Supply List. Please remember that district policy still applies and children cannot have hoods on any clothing. Students must also have either a clear or mesh back pack.
- You may find our 2014-2015 school supply list on our Spencer website.
We look forward to having you and your WONDERFUL students this year!
Class Placement Disclaimer:
While we work extremely hard to have all homeroom placements solidified by Open House and the first day of school, student enrollment is ever changing. Please understand that your child’s homeroom placement is not solidified until after the first 10 days of school. Should there be a need to move a student to a new homeroom for any reason, you will be notified at that time by administration. We greatly appreciate your understanding.