August 18, 2014

Dear Parents,

We are so excited to have your child as part of our 4th grade PREP class this year! This is NAME's # year teaching and NAME's # year teaching PREP.

We have a lot of fun activities planned for this year -- along with some learning too. Most of our lessons have a craft or game associated with them and we try very hard not to sit and read the book. We know your child has been in school all day and the last thing they want to do is spend the afternoon sitting at a table and reading from a book!

Attached to this letter is an outline of what we will be studying this year along with some important upcoming dates. Once a month you will receive an email from us to update you on what we are doing in class. These emails are a great way to stay connected and help you, as your child's primary teacher, at home.

As we get ready to begin our first lesson next week here are a few reminders for you and your child:

·  Our class begins promptly at 4pm. We only have 75 minutes in which to do a variety of activities. When your child arrives late s/he misses out.

·  Use the rest room before you come into class. Archdiocese policy states we cannot allow a child to leave the class room without one of us leaving the class to go with her/him and taking a second child with us. This means we have to find another adult to come into the room first and pull another child from the class. This policy is being strictly enforced this year by the office.

If you have any questions or would like to talk to us about anything you can reach NAMES & CONTACT INFO

We look forward to working with you and your child this year!