Grove Patterson Academy PTO
3020 Marvin Ave, Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 671-3350
Grove Patterson PTO Meeting Agenda (4/5/2016)
- Welcome
- Call to Order
Review of Prior Meeting Minutes Approval
- Review of the Minutes available online at
PTO Board Members
Grove Patterson Academy PTO
3020 Marvin Ave, Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 671-3350
- President: Michelle Ballard
- Vice President: Miranda Pauken
- Secretary: Stacie Moss
- Treasurer: Jillian Teague
- Parent Congress:Alexandria Harris
- Webmaster: Amy Harbaugh
Grove Patterson Academy PTO
3020 Marvin Ave, Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 671-3350
New Business
- Stoller Fundraiser- orders/money due yesterday. Pick up is Thursday April 21, 2016: 4pm – 7pm in the Art room.Any items that don’t get picked up will be donated as they need to be kept frozen. Any questions call or text 419-787-5752.
- School Bookstore kick off- families simply need to send out emails to enter our school and yourself into a drawing for a new playground and monetary winnings for yourself. This is no cost to anyone for registering. Parents and family members can utilize their online store to make purchases and a percentage automatically comes back to our school. You can also purchase gift cards for teachers to purchase items for their classrooms.
- Buddy Benches have arrived- hope to have them installed soon!!
- Skating Party at Ohio Skate on Opportunity Dr, Monday April 11th from 6p-8p. Cost is $5 per skater with $1 coming back directly to GPA PTO. This is our last one of the year so hope you can all make it!!
- Spring Dance for Jr. High grades 6-8 is Friday, April 29th in the evening. More details to come from Dr. Naber.
- Admin Professionals Day is Wednesday April 27th. If you or your student would like to make Karen a card or gift I know she would appreciate it. She does so much for our school so please help us make her feel appreciated. No volunteer hours will be given, however, it would be nice to show Karen how much we appreciate her and all she does for our kids!!
- Fifth Graders will be at Camp Storer the week of April 11th. Need a 4th grade parent/ arents to volunteer to head the fundraising for their student’s camp next year. Feel free to speak with us or Althea Dorn, this year’s Parent Camp Rep. Usually work with the teachers to decide on Camp and then you figure out fundraising ideas.
- Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6th. If you volunteered to make something and haven’t already turned it in, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you so very much! Also, feel free to have your student make his/her teacher a card.
- Talent Show: Friday May 13th 6pm-9pm- more details to come
- New Family Orientation- Tuesday May 17th
- Author’s Day Friday May 20th(during school day)
- Opera On Wheels Wednesday May 25th (during school day)
- 8th graders DC trip May 25-29th.
- Field Day Friday May 27th
- 8th grade Celebration/Recognition- May 31st –during the school day. If can help volunteer to set up, serve food, etc… please contact Miranda Pauken:
- Last day of school for K-7 is June 1st
- End of the Year GPA Picnic- Saturday June 4th at GPA from 12p-4p. We will have Nacho Danny’s and Deet’s Food Trucks and Chick-Fil_A. Rock wall and inflatables (small fee.) Please mark this on your calendar so we can end the year with a fun celebration!!
- Teacher/Staff of the Month: Karen Bowman
- PTO Board Elections: President and Vice President Vacancies. You can nominate yourself or someone else. Job duties attached. Elections will take place at the May 3rd PTO meeting along with a Cinco de Mayo pre-celebration. Only paid members of PTO may vote, but all parents can attend the meetings. If nobody volunteers to run- there will not be a PTO next year.
- FYI: First day of school for 1st -12th grades for the 2016-2017 year is Thursday, August 18, 2016. First day for Kindergarten is August 24, 2016
Parent Congress Update
Treasurer’s Report
Principal Report Mrs. Johnson
Proposed Agenda for Next Meeting
Board Elections, Cinco de Mayo celebration with snacks/drinks, picnic/carnival updates
- Adjournment