Fergus Wilson (Chair)
Elaine Pratt DCC Communities & Policy
Diane McCulloch DCC Social Work
Margaret Wemyss Coldside Community Forum
Catherine Harris Coldside Regeneration Forum
David Bowes Councillor
Jake Pratt DCC Environment
Andy Mulholland DCC Planning
Nancy Farquharson DCC Housing
Sammi Auram Police Scotland
Andrew Weir Police Scotland
Mark Crush Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Murray Webster Coldside Regeneration Forum
Allison Fannin Dundee Community Health Partnership
Kirsty Gemmell DCC Adult Learning
Gail Thomson DCC Centres & Projects
Adam Hill Evening Telegraph
Alice Bovill Board Trustee of Leisure Culture
Stewart Murdoch Director of Leisure & Culture
1. / ApologiesCouncillor Jimmy Black, Maria Deick, Baillie Helen Wright.
Fergus indicated that he would be stepping down as Chair of the Coldside LCPP and that Diane McCulloch would be taking over. Fergus welcomed Diane to the meeting and thanked the Partnership for the work they had achieved during his time in the Chair.
2. / Leisure & Culture – Equity of Provision Cultural & Sporting Opportunities
Stewart Murdoch and Alice Bovill gave a presentation on Leisure and Culture activity and services in Dundee. This full presentation covered Leisure and Sport, Libraries and Culture. Topics covered included the free museums, activities and services in the libraries, the Wildlife Centre, golf, parks and the planetarium. Stewart emphasised the quality, value and the variety of provision. He acknowledged that whilst Dundee was not the cheapest for some services, it did not match the most expensive. He also indicated that there were a number of schemes where discounts were provided for example the ‘Splash’ initiative.
Alice highlighted that the Board would like to see more people from local communities get involved in order that they can address issues relating to affordability for people in communities. It was noted that a number of the sport activities are already funded through the Regeneration Forums in order that local children and young people from regeneration areas can take part. It was also acknowledged that there were tensions regarding cost of services and raising the funds to maintain them.
There was some discussion relating to possible avenues of funding including the Reshaping Care Fund.
3. / Coldside School and Community Facility
The design proposals for the project are continuing to be developed by the consultants with progress in line with the programme. The pre planning application notice has been lodged with the Planning Department and a 12 week formal consultation period has commenced. During this period there will be two formal public exhibitions to be held on 29 March 2016 in Rosebank P.S. and 30 March 2016 in Our Lady’s P.S. Both events will run from 3:00pm until 7:00pm. Formal notification of these events will be advertised in the Evening Telegraph and via the Council’s Public Relations Department nearer the time. On completion of the pre application period, the intention is to lodge a full planning application in May 2016. The project is on programme for opening in August 2018.
4. / Previous Minute
Agreed as an accurate note.
5.1 / Departmental / Agency Update
5.4 / Funding to Social Landlords for new build housing
Nancy gave an update indicating that the Scottish Government has recently announced a target of delivering 50,000 affordable homes across Scotland over the next parliamentary term. At the same time they announced benchmark grant subsidy increases for Housing Associations and Local Authorities. The Government share the funding for the housing programme across all of the local authority areas using particular criteria, which results in each local authority being allocated a Resource Planning Assumption (RPA). At this time the Government have not yet announced any change to RPA’s to take account of the increase in the benchmark subsidy or the budget they have set to deliver this programme. We are advised that the Scottish Ministers will make an announcement soon to increase RPA’s which will allow local authorities to confirm their programmes for 2016/2017. It is hoped that Dundee City Council will see an uplift in its RPA which will support an increase in the numbers of new social rented housing being built across the city.
Margaret asked if there were plans for developments from the Private Sector in any of the sites in Coldside. Noted that there are no private sector investments in either Alexander Street or Derby Street sites, but this may be an option in future for other sites.
Andy indicated that the Local Development Plan is still open for consultation and that this will conclude on Monday 29 February.
Coldside Regeneration Forum
Murray indicated that the Forum had a marathon meeting which meant that 12 projects would be receiving funding 6 in this financial year and 6 in the new financial year, providing there would be Regeneration Funding available in 2016/17. Projects funded included the Hilltown Clock which would be getting refurbished, Dundee Law - additional money for footpath improvements and Funding to install CCTV in Coldside Parish Church.
Projects supported for next year’s allocation included the MAXwell Centre Garden Project and Leisure and Communities for sport activity in a number of local schools.
Murray also indicated that the Coldside Regeneration Forum will be having their AGM on 7 April.
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Mark reported that there had been 10 incidents in the last quarter where 7 had smoke alarms, 4 were due to cooking and 5 due to careless acts. This is an increase of 2 on last years quarter. There were 4 incidents involving fire casualties and there were 4 deliberate fire incidents.
5.5 / Environment
Jake updated the Partnership on the improvements to Dens Road; there had been large amounts of shrubs and rubbish including drug related paraphernalia removed from the site. This had resulted in a dramatic improvement to the look of the area. Jake also assured the members of the Partnership that this would be maintained as part of the general maintenance cycle.
5.6 / Highwayman Management Group
Gail gave a brief update on the Highwayman Management Group, highlighting their support of local Children’s Work in MAXwell Centre and promoted the various activities delivered which include Photography, Craft, IT and Computing classes.
6. / Adult Learning
Kirsty indicated that Adult Learning continue to provide services in Coldside Ward including a Job Shop in Maxwell Centre, literacy work in Coldside Library and are key players in the Family Activity Programme which runs out of Coldside Parish Church during the Easter, Summer and October school holidays.
Integrated Health and Social Care
Alison gave an update on the progress of Integrated Health and Social Care. It was noted that there was now a Participation and Engagement strategy, an easy to read format would also be available. The Strategic Plan will show how these integrated services will meet the needs of individuals and local communities, as well as the local and national outcomes.
Police Scotland
PC Weir gave an update on the Quarterly Tactical Report for Coldside. He indicated that there had been an increase in the number of drugs offences in the Ward compared to the previous quarter. There were also 29 reports of discarded drugs paraphernalia, with Barrack Road having the highest number of incidents.
Serious Assault and Robbery had decreased compared to the previous period.
It was noted that there were a number of issues relating to children and young people hanging about in the back areas of Fairbairn Street. This had been noted by Police Scotland previously and also by the Community Safety Wardens. Elaine to arrange a meeting with the Youth Work team and others to discuss the issue.
Social Work
Diane provided the Partnership with an update on the consultation on the Health and Social Care Plan. The Plan describes the strategic shifts in Health Improvement and equalities. Diane also emphasised the need to engage with communities which would allow an understanding of the Health and Social Care needs in each community, develop locality plans, target resources and design and deliver services into each community.
Margaret asked what would be happening to the Bruce Street Child and Family Centre as it had been vacant for some time. Fergus agreed to find out and report back.
Elaine gave thanks to Fergus for his support and work over the past four years as Chair of the Partnership. / EP
7. / Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
24 May 2016 at 6.00pm in Committee Room 2, 14 City Square.
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