Teacher Implementation Log (Year 1)
Attached, you will find an implementation log to describe the lessons you cover in your PE class this year with your 4th and 5th graders. Please complete a log for EACH lesson, describing your implementation. (EPEC schools only) We have attached copies of logs with all of the EPEC 4th and 5th grade lessons as well as blank forms for any different or additional lessons you cover. (Comparison schools only) We have attached copies of logs with typical 4th and 5th grade lessons as well as blank forms for any different or additional lessons you cover.
MichiganPhysical Education Evaluation
Please be sure to complete one log form for every lesson!
Lesson Objective(s): Grade: ______
Lesson name:Date (s) Lesson taught:______
Curriculum: Number of sections taught: _____
- How much of your class time was spent on the following activities?
less than 25% / 25-50% / 51- 75% / more than 76%
a. Prepare students
- Explain/Demonstrate
- Practice
- Review/Preview
- Classroom management
2.Did you supplement the primary curriculum with additional materials? YesNo
If yes, please describe:
3. How closely did you follow the instructions and VerySomewhatNot at All
prescribed methods for thislesson?
- Please identify materials for this lesson that were especially effective or especially ineffective.
Effective / Ineffective
- How comfortable were you in implementing this lesson? VerySomewhatNot at All
- How engaged were students in this lesson?VerySomewhatNot at All
- Comments/suggestions for adaptations or modifications of lesson (from teacher or students):
Motor Skills / 1. / demonstrate selected fundamental object control skills;
2. / demonstrate selected postural, nonlocomotor, and body control (movement) skills;
3. / demonstrate selected fundamental rhythmical skills;
4. / demonstrate selected fundamental rhythmical skills;
Physical Fitness / 5. / participate successfully in selected health-enhancing, lifelong physical activities;
6. / develop and maintain healthy levels of cardiorespiratory endurance;
7. / develop and maintain healthy levels of muscular strength and endurance;
8. / develop and maintain healthy levels of flexibility of selected joints of the body;
9. / develop and maintain healthy levels of body composition;
Cognitive Concepts / 10. / apply the concepts of body awareness, time, space, direction, and force to movement;
11. / explain and apply the essential steps in learning motor skills;
12. / describe the effects of activity and inactivity and formulate examples of lifestyle choices that result in the development and maintenance of health related fitness;
Personal and Social Character Traits / 13. / demonstrate appropriate behavior related to selected personal/social character traits that commonly emerge in a physical activity context; and
14. / value physical activity and its contribution to lifelong health and well-being
Teacher Implementation Log (Year 2)
Michigan Physical Education Evaluation
Please be sure to complete one log form for every lesson!
Grade: Are you provided with a written lesson plan for this lesson: yes noPrimary source for this lesson: ______
Lesson objectives: ______
Date(s) lesson implemented:
Identify which NASPE Content Standards were covered in this lesson (mark all that apply):
#1: Motor skills and movement patterns
#2: Movement concepts principals, strategies, tactics
#3: Regularly physical activity / #4: Physical fitness
#5: Personal and social behavior
#6: Value physical activity
Thinking about all of the sections you taught for this lesson, answer the following questions.
- How much of your class time was spent on the following activities?
Didn’t do in this lesson / less than 25% / 25-50% / 51- 75% / more than 76%
- Prepare/orient students
- Explain/demonstrate activity or skill
- Practice activity or skill
- Review activity or skill
- Preview next lesson
- Classroom management
2. Overall how closely did you follow the instructions and prescribed methods for this lesson?
Exactly / Very / Somewhat / A little bit / Not at All / / / /
3. How did you use each section of the written lesson plan? Check all that apply.
Lesson plan sections: / Used as described / Made changes (omitted, added, or revised). Please describe. / NAStandards
Student assessment
- Comments/suggestions for modifications of this lesson (from teacher or students):