District ____IV_____
Mission: As Minnesota Nursing Administrators in long term care, it is our mission to promote nursing leadership excellence through education, networking, mentoring and advocacy for the benefit of our members and the people in the communities we serve.
Meeting Schedule and Information: First Wednesday of the Month at 12noon at Old Chicago in St. Cloud
Last Scheduled Meeting Date: Nov. 7 ,2012 Next Scheduled Meeting Date: January 2nd ----(SKIP December )
Members Present: 14 members present
Kay Greenlee from St. Cloud Hospital came to our meeting and stated she had exciting news to tell us---she stated it is hard to make changes BUT they started a Lean PI to eliminate waste and improve orders---they have been meeting every other week for four hours and they just had there 3rd meeting. Committed to get better ultimately for the safety of the patients. There is also a subset group of Physicians of 15-20 to work on timely and accuracy. Dr. Mathias is chair ---they had there 2nd meeting this am. The goal is one single template format for discharge orders---she stated it would include diagnosis for medications. Another goal to have the discharge summary completed in 24 hours. They want to have the template ready to trial 1st of the year. She also stated that if the hospital has “complex patient discharge”----they have a algorithm where if no one takes them they will have there own NH’s take them -----these residents typically have no payor source, dialysis, obese or mental health problems. Question about having the hospitalist follow after discharge ---tough to make happen due to staffing. She will return in April-----if you have problems with discharges please scan and email to she will get back to you.
We also had a speaker from Verathon----reviewed different types of bladder scanners----see attachment for protocols for managing bladder disorders adapted from Diane K.Newman. Discussed some options to prevent F-tag 315 ----do bladder scans on admission annuals, to check for retention, check to look at side effects for urinary retention from medications, check people that are falling etc.
Round robin-----survey tags----5 separate tags on a w/c, infection control on trending and what you did with it, TB assessment not the current one, dignity—transfer belt left on after ambulation and allowing resident to rest and was coming back to ambulate further, chin hairs, pharmD no follow up, dishwasher temperature etc. Discussed challenges with staffing and union issues and census issues. Telepsych can only bill for private pay and Part B-----they are working on the MSHO’s.
Reminder to check MNDONA’S website weekly for dates and educationPlease encourage other NEW and Seasoned Director of Nurses and Assistant DON’s to come to our meeting for sharing and support and to join MNDONA---Thank you
Submitted by Annette Schroeder DON