University of Strathclyde Calendar 2011-12
Part 2B
Regulations for Degrees of Bachelor
and Integrated Master
ISBN1 85098 590 2
© University of Strathclyde 2010
The University of Strathclyde is a registered trademark
The University Calendar is available on-line in three parts:
Part 1 contains the University Charter, Statutes and Ordinances, together with Regulations 1-7, prize regulations and an Appendix (History of the University, Armorial Bearings, University Chairs and Honorary Graduates).
Part 2A contains Regulations 11-13 covering the course regulations for undergraduate and integrated masters degrees of the four Faculties and elective classes for students admitted to first with effect from session 2009/10.
Part 2B contains Regulations 15-17 covering the course regulations for undergraduate and integrated masters degrees of the four Faculties and elective classes for students admitted to first year prior to session 2009/10.
Part 3 contains Regulations 19-30 covering the postgraduate, continuing education and sub-degree courses of the four Faculties.
Changes and restrictions are made from time to time and the University reserves the right to add, amend or withdraw courses and facilities, to restrict student numbers and to make any other alterations, as it may deem necessary and desirable. Changes are published by incorporation in the next edition of the University Calendar.
Any queries about the contents of the University Calendar should be directed to the Editor of the University Calendar, Corporate Services, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ (Telephone 0141 548 4967).
Official Publications
The University of Strathclyde Calendar is published annually in September on the University’s web pages.
Annual Report
The University Review is available free of charge from The Publications Officer, University of Strathclyde, 16 Richmond Street, GlasgowG1 1XQ (Telephone 0141 552 4400).
Detailed information with regard to matters not fully dealt with in this Calendar is given in the University Prospectus which are available free of charge from the following:
Undergraduate Prospectus: Schools and Colleges Liaison Service, University of Strathclyde, 50 George Street, GlasgowG1 1QE (Telephone 0141 548 2762)
Postgraduate Prospectus: Student Experience – Admissions, University of Strathclyde, 16 Richmond Street, GlasgowG1 1XQ (Telephone 0141 552 4400)
Lifelong Learning Programme
The University’s Centre for Lifelong Learning provides lifelong learning opportunities through part-time study via a variety of programmes including:
Community Engagement
- Public Programmes: Evening and Weekend Programme, Learning in Later Life Programme and Summer Programme. Many classes offer the opportunity to study as part of the credit accumulation programme, Open Studies. Completion of these classes can lead to the initial award of Open Studies Certificate and beyond this to a Certificate of Higher Education in Lifelong Learning.
- Community and Outreach activities
- Volunteering projects and opportunities aimed at the 50+ age group
- Access Programmes including the Pre-Entry Access Course and the University’s Summer School.
- Public Lectures and Events
Knowledge Exchange
- Employability Projects
- Professional Qualifications including Postgraduate and Masters courses in Safety and Risk Management and NEBOSH Health and Safety qualifications
- Postgraduate Certificate/Diploma and Masters in Genealogical Studies
- Intergenerational Work – the Centre hosts the headquarters of the Scottish Centre for Intergenerational Practice
- European Projects – involvement with a number of projects which link the Centre to work in adult education activities internationally.
- Certificate in Adult Teaching and Learning
- Counselling - COSCA accredited counselling courses.
For further information contact The Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Strathclyde, 40 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE (Telephone 0141 548 5778) or visit
Undergraduate Study
15.1 General Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor with Honours, Degree of Bachelor, Diploma of Higher Education and Certificate of Higher Education
Faculty of Science
15.10Faculty Courses
BSc with Honours in Natural Sciences
BSc with Honours in Natural Sciences (named subjects)
15.12Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry
BSc with Honours in Chemistry
BSc with Honours in Chemistry with Analytical Chemistry
BSc with Honours in Forensic Chemistry
BSc with Honours in Chemistry with Drug Discovery
BSc with Honours in Applied Chemistry
15.13Department of Computer and Information Sciences
BSc with Honours in Business Information Systems
BSc with Honours in Computer Science
BSc with Honours in Computer Science with Law
BSc with Honours in Software Engineering
BSc with Honours in Information Systems
BSc with Honours in Internet Computing
15.15Department of Mathematics
BSc with Honours in Mathematics
BSc with Honours in Mathematics and Statistics
BSc with Honours in Mathematics and Computer Science
BSc with Honours in Mathematics and Physics
BSc with Honours in Mathematics, Statistics and (a Business Subject)
15.17Department of Physics
BSc with Honours in Applied Physics
BSc with Honours in Laser Physics and Optoelectronics
BSc with Honours in Physics
15.22Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
BSc with Honours in Biomedical Sciences and Psychology
to 15.22.30(Numbers not used)
15.29Faculties of Science and Education: Joint Courses
BSc with Honours in Bioscience with Teaching
BSc with Honours in Chemistry with Teaching
BSc with Honours in Mathematics with Teaching
BSc with Honours in Physics with Teaching
15.30Faculties of Science and Engineering: Joint Courses
BEng with Honours in Computer and Electronic Systems
Faculty of Engineering
15.40Faculty Courses
BEng with Honours in Engineering Studies
15.41Department of Architecture
15.43Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
BEng with Honours in Chemical Engineering
BEng with Honours in Chemical Engineering with Process Biotechnology
BEng with Honours in Chemical Engineering by Distance Learning
15.44Department of Civil Engineering
BEng with Honours in Civil Engineering
BEng with Honours in Civil Engineering with Environmental Management
BSc with Honours in Environmental Health
BEng with Honours in Structural and Architectural Engineering
15.45Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management
BEng with Honours in Design Computing
BEng with Honours in Engineering and Enterprise Management
BSc with Honours in Enterprise and Technology Management
BSc with Honours in Product Design and Innovation
BEng with Honours in Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
BEng with Honours in Product Design Engineering
BEng with Honours in Sports Engineering
15.46Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
BEng with Honours in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
BEng with Honours in Digital Communication and Multimedia Systems
BEng with Honours in Electronic and Digital Systems
BEng with Honours in Electrical Energy Systems
BEng with Honours in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
15.47Department of Mechanical Engineering
BEng with Honours in Aero-Mechanical Engineering
BEng with Honours in Mechanical Engineering
BEng with Honours in Mechanical Engineering with International Study
15.48National Centre for Prosthetics and Orthotics
15.49Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences
15.60Faculty Courses
BA with Honours in (Principal Subject(s))
BA in Arts and Social Sciences
15.65Department of Psychology
BSc with Honours in Psychology
15.66Law School
15.70Validated Courses
Diploma of Higher Education in Social Sciences
Strathclyde Business School
Faculty of Education
15.101Department of Childhood and Primary Studies
BA in Childhood Practice
BEd with Honours in Primary Education
BA in Primary Education Studies
15.102Department of Creative and Aesthetic Studies
BA with Honours in Applied Music
15.104Department of Educational and Professional Studies
BA with Honours in Community Education
BA in the Faculty of Education
BSc in Human Communication Studies
BSc with Honours in Speech and Language Pathology
BA in Adult Literacies Teaching
15.105Department of Sport, Culture and the Arts
BA with Honours in Community Arts
BA with Honours in Sport and Physical Activity
15.106Glasgow School of Social Work
BA with Honours in Social Work
BA with Honours in Social Work (in a Residential Child Care Context)
15.110Validated Courses
BA in Education and Social Services
16.1General Regulations for Integrated Masters Degrees
Faculty of Science
16.12Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry
MChem in Chemistry
MChem in Forensic and Analytical Chemistry
MChem in Chemistry with Drug Discovery
16.13Department of Computer and Information Science
MEng in Computer Science
16.15Department of Mathematics
MMath in Mathematics
16.17Department of Physics
MSci in Biophysics
MSci in Applied Physics
MSci in Photonics
MSci in Physics
MSci in Physics with Visual Simulation
MSci in Physics and Mathematical Finance
16.22Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
MPharm in Pharmacy
16.30Faculties of Science and Engineering: Joint Courses
MEng in Computer and Electronic Systems
MSci in Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
16.41Department of Architecture
16.43Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
MEng in Chemical Engineering
MEng in Chemical Engineering by Distance Learning
16.44Department of Civil Engineering
MEng in Civil Engineering
MEng in Civil Engineering with Environmental Management
MEng in Civil Engineering with European Studies
MEng in Architectural Engineering
16.45Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management
MEng in Design Computing
MEng in Engineering and Enterprise Management
MEngDipl in Engineering and Enterprise Management with Entrepreneurship
MEng in Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
MEngDipl in Manufacturing Engineering and Technology with Entrepreneurship
MEngDipl in Manufacturing Engineering and Technology with Management for Engineers
MEng in Product Design Engineering
MEngDipl in Product Design Engineering with Entrepreneurship
MEngDipl in Product Design Engineering with Management for Engineers
16.46Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
MEng in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
MEng in Electronic and Electrical Engineering with Business Studies
MEng in Electronic and Electrical Engineering with European Studies
MEng in Digital Communication and Multimedia Systems
MEng in Electronic and Digital Systems
MEng in Electrical Energy Systems
MEng in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
16.47Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
MEng in Aero-Mechanical Engineering
MEng in Mechanical Engineering
MEng in Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics
MEng in Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Engineering
MEng in Mechanical Engineering with Financial Management
MEng in Mechanical Engineering with Materials Engineering
MEng in Mechanical Engineering with International Study
16.48National Centre for Training in Prosthetics and Orthotics
16.49Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
17Elective Classes
Undergraduate Study
Regulations for degrees of Bachelor Honours and Bachelor and Diplomas and Certificates of Higher Education
The following awards are conferred by the University by the authority of the Senate under Ordinances 3 and 5 in accordance with the General Regulations:
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Bachelor of Education (BEd)
Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
Bachelor of Engineering with Diploma Engineering (BEngDiplEng)
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Bachelor of Technology (BTech)
Diploma of Higher Education
Certificate of Higher Education
1Decisions on admission are taken by Course Directors, Vice-Deans or Heads of Department (or their nominee(s)).
2All decisions taken by Boards of Study, acting on behalf of the Senate, shall subsequently be reported to the Senate.
3All decisions taken by Boards of Examiners shall subsequently be reported to the relevant Board of Study which shall receive them on behalf of the Senate.
4Decisions on awards are taken by Boards of Study on behalf of the Senate. The Board of Study may delegate this power by formal resolution following specific recommendation to the Senate.
5Where reference is made in Regulations to information in Course Handbooks, that information shall have been approved by the relevant Board of Study.
6The curriculum of every course shall compromise compulsory, optional and elective classes. These are defined as follows:
‘Compulsory’ refers to classes which must be taken as part of the course curriculum.
‘Optional’ refers to classes chosen by a student from a list defined in a course curriculum.
‘Elective’ refers to classes freely chosen by a student from classes offered by the University.
Optional and Elective classes may be restricted by requirements for defined prerequisites, availability and timetabling constraints.
Where a class has a pre-requisite, this should be clearly stated in the Class Catalogue and in the Course Handbook.
7In interpreting these regulations, reference should be made to the University’s Policy and Procedures for Teaching and Learning and, where appropriate, Course Handbooks. Students should also have regard to the Regulations in Part 1 of the University Calendar.
8In the unlikely event of any conflict between the Regulations and other University publications including Course Handbooks, Regulations take precedence.
15.1 General Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor with Honours, Degree of Bachelor, Diploma of Higher Education and Certificate of Higher Education
15.1.1Every applicant for admission to a course of study must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements as specified in Regulation 2 and any additional Course Entrance Requirements specified by the Department(s) and approved by the relevant Board of Study.
Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
15.1.2 The relevant Board of Study (or nominee(s)) may admit applicants and/or approve exemption from part of a course by credit transfer and/or RPL provided this is done in accordance with University procedures and against criteria defined on a course by course basis.
Credit granted for credit transfer and/or RPL may only be used once and, when used to gain exemption, will normally relate to achievements within 5 years of registration on a University of Strathclyde course.
Exemption granted on the basis of credit transfer and/or RPL will be allowed primarily where applicants can demonstrate that the relevant specific learning outcomes have been achieved (i.e. primarily for specific rather than general credit). The extent of any allowed exemption shall be stated in course regulations and shall preferably not exceed 25% and shall normally not exceed 50% of the credits appropriate to the course. Exceptionally, by formal resolution, the Senate may approve up to 75% exemption in special circumstances.
Where any such exemption is granted, the Board of Study will award the appropriate number of credits and may reduce the minimum and maximum periods of study appropriately.
Modes of Study
15.1.3 Courses are offered on a full-time and/or part-time basis except where indicated to the contrary in the course regulations.
At the discretion of the relevant Board of Study on the recommendation of the relevant Course Director (or nominee), a student may transfer from full-time to part-time study and vice-versa where an appropriate course is available, at which time the relevant minimum and maximum periods of study will be reviewed.
Levels of Study
15.1.4 Unless otherwise specified in course regulations, undergraduate courses offer the following qualifications:
Bachelor with Honours degree
Bachelor degree
Diploma of Higher Education
Certificate of Higher Education
Minimum Periods of Study
15.1.5 The minimum period of study shall normally be as follows:
For full-time study (assuming entry at Level 1)
Award / Minimum Period of StudyBachelor of Arts / 3 years
Bachelor of Arts with Honours / 4 years
Bachelor of Arts with Honours in a Modern Language / 5 years
Bachelor of Arts with Honours in International Business and Modern Languages / 5 years
Bachelor of Education with Honours / 4 years
Bachelor of Engineering / 3 years
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours / 4 years
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours with Diploma in Engineering / 5 years
Bachelor of Laws / 3 years
Bachelor of Laws in Law and a Modern Language / 5 years
Bachelor of Laws with Honours / 4 years
Bachelor of Science / 3 years
Bachelor of Science with Honours / 4 years
Bachelor of Technology / 3 years
Diploma of Higher Education / 2 years
Certificate of Higher Education / 1 year
For part-time study, the minimum period of study shall be the learning equivalent of the full-time study period required, taking account of the conditions under which the student will work. The overall duration of study will normally be greater than for full-time study.
Maximum Periods of Study
15.1.6 Unless otherwise specified, the maximum periods of study shall be as follows:
For full-time study (assuming entry at Level 1)
Award / Maximum Period of StudyExtended Honours degrees / 7 years
Bachelor with Honours degrees / 6 years
Bachelor degrees / 5 years
Diplomas of Higher Education / 3 years
Certificates of Higher Education / 2 years
For part-time study (assuming entry at Level 1)
Award / Maximum Period of StudyExtended Honours degrees / 12 years
Bachelor with Honours degrees / 10 years
Bachelor degrees / 8 years
Diplomas of Higher Education / 5 years
Certificates of Higher Education / 3 years
Exceptionally, the maximum period of study may be extended by the Senate on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Study.
Place of Study
15.1.7 Except where the Senate has approved distance learning arrangements for off-campus delivery, instructional classes shall normally be undertaken within the University.
Course Structure and Curriculum
15.1.8 Each candidate for an award must follow the curriculum as prescribed in the relevant course regulations. These may be amended from time to time by the Senate on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Study.
15.1.9 All courses shall becredit rated in accordance with the University Awards Framework in Regulation 15.1.10 below. Individual classes shall be assigned a level based on expected learning outcomes and a credit rating based on the volume of learning required.
15.1.10 The structure of undergraduate courses shall normally accord with the following:
Award / Credit Requirement / Minimum Level RequirementCertificate of Higher Education / 120 credits / 90 credits at Level 1 or above
Diploma of Higher Education / 240 credits / 90 credits at Level 2 or above
Bachelor Degrees / 360 credits / 60 credits at Level 3 or above
Bachelor with Honours Degrees / 480 credits / 90 credits at Level 4
180 credits at Levels 3 + 4
Extended Honours Degrees (e.g. BEngDiplEng) / 580 credits / 140 credits at Level 4
230 credits at Levels 3 + 4
1For a typical student, 1 credit equates to approximately 10 hours of total student effort.
2In certain circumstances, for example to meet professional accreditation requirements, the credit requirement may exceed the above framework)
In order to qualify for a University of Strathclyde award, a student who has been granted exemption from earlier years of a University of Strathclyde course through credit transfer or RPL (in accord with Regulation 15.1.2) must gain from the University of Strathclyde course curriculum a minimum of 120 credits or, where less, a minimum of one-third of the overall credit requirement for that award.
15.1.11 The curriculum of every student must be approved at the start of each academic year or level of study (as appropriate) by the relevant Course Director, or equivalent, acting on behalf of the Board of Study.