Keith’s Thesis
(Construction began January 2002 - Last Update: September 2015)
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Dedicated to our Spiritual Mother, the Feminine Holy Spirit!
All original material on this page is “freeware”
(Freely you have received, freely give. – Matthew 10:8)
(The ideas and arguments detailed here by the author do not necessarily represent the views held by any group with which he is associated.)
Abstract: This thesis contains the author’s insights into a number of controversial Biblical topics:- That the Holy Spirit is feminine rather than masculine; that “Trinity” should be replaced by “Family Unit” or the proper term to describe the Godhead, “The Order of Melchizedek”; The origin of Melchizedek and where to find the Order of Melchizedek in the Bible; arguments for creation that are difficult if not impossible for evolutionists to refute; information about the possible physics of “flying saucers”; how the fulfilment of Bible prophecy relates to world history; and much more.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- The Church in Present Truth
- The Story So Far
- The Apostles’ Creed
- The Nicene Creed
- The Athanasian Creed
- The Dark Ages - Bible under lock and key (in Latin, only for priests to read)
- East (Greek Orthodox) and West (Latin/Roman Catholic) Split
- Pope orders Crusades to possess Jerusalem
- Translations of the Bible into languages besides Latin
- Wycliffe – the Morning Star of the Reformation
- 1455 The first printed Bible (Gutenberg)
- 1517 Luther’s 95 Theses - Protestant and Roman Catholic Split
- The Reformation & the Age of Enlightenment
- The 39 Articles of the Church of England
- The Westminster Confession of Faith
- Baptism in Water by full immersion – Anabaptists
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit – Pentecostals
- A Bright Future for Christians
- The Feminine Holy Spirit
- Introduction
- Arguments in Brief
- Common Objections Answered
- Wisdom versus Jezebel
- Fruit of the Spirit
- Gifts of the Spirit
- Seven Eyes?
- The Order of Melchizedek
- The Origin of Melchizedek
- The Scriptural Basis for the Order of Melchizedek
- The Creation/Evolution Controversy
- Why Does It Matter?
- Against Naturalism
- Against Evolution
- Problems for Evolution
- Are the Constants Constant?
- Some Comments on Telling Lies for God
- Problems with Creation
- Intelligent Design in Astronomy
- Some Christian Philosophy – the Love of Wisdom
- Where Do We Start?
- Knowledge of Good and Evil
- The Ten Commandments
- Christianity versus Religion
- Scriptures for Our Roman Catholic Friends
- Scriptures for Our Muslim Friends
- Love, Grace and Mercy
- Some of Life’s Lessons
- Some Christian Theology
- Understanding the True Temple
- Bible Prophecy – Thoughts on the End Times
- Thoughts on Climate Change
- King Tide Predictions
- Local Evidence for Sea Level Rise
- High School Physics and Beyond
- Physics Test
- Some Memories of University
- The Flying Saucer Mystery - Flying Saucers’ relevance to both climate change and peak oil!
- Money, Finance and Economics
- Science and Technology
- Physics Questions
- Maths Questions
- Health and Medicine
- About Cancer
- About Organ Transplants
- The Hippocratic Oath
- About Clozapine
- About Abortion
- Miscellaneous Topics
- Statement of Faith
- Selected Bibliography
- Citations from Other Sources
- The Coalface - Rough ideas as I receive them that need work and eventual classification
Prophecy Fulfilled! 2 Thessalonians 2:11 – And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie (evolution). Fulfilled by Professor Richard Dawkins book, The God Delusion!!!
For more, including the New World Order’s Secret Weapon, see Bible Prophecy – Thoughts on the End Times
Wolf or Sheep-dog?
A wolf and a sheep-dog are both dogs - one is a wild dog that kills sheep, the other a trained dog that herds the sheep according to his Master’s commands. Sheep are frightened of both - but the sheep-dog doesn’t harm the sheep - he barks at them, gets on their back, and gives them a nip when they are stubborn. Many sheep are so far from the Shepherd that they can’t hear the Shepherd’s voice - so He sends the sheep-dog to round them up! Sheep never follow the sheep-dog! Sometimes they run in the opposite direction - but in the direction that the Shepherd wants them to go! Occasionally the sheep-dog gets it wrong, and his Master has to discipline him, or whistle a bit louder to get his attention. The sheep dog barks the loudest when he senses a wolf is coming! The Good Shepherd will certainly shoot a wolf - but He doesn’t shoot the sheep-dog! When I refer to the Good Shepherd, then I mean, of course, the Lord Jesus Himself, and no other, but how many know the True Shepherdess, the Feminine Holy Spirit?
When does the Rapture happen and how long is the Tribulation?
According to Revelation 12:5, the manchild rapture takes place immediately after the manchild is born – and if my reading of the Apocalypse is correct, this birth occurs when any Christian is born of the feminine Spirit of Wisdom by the realization that the Holy Spirit is feminine – hence the dedication of this website to Our Spiritual Mother, the Feminine Holy Spirit. The birth of the manchild also means the millennium is born of the Church Age. The raptured Christians go to be with Jesus in the millennium while those left behind (the rest of the Woman’s offspring) remain in the spiritual wilderness.
In the letters to the seven churches, it is clear that different classes of Christians experience different lengths of tribulation – Philadelphia is kept from the hour of trial(Revelation 3:10); Smyrna has tribulation ten days(Revelation 2:10); Thyatira is thrown into great tribulation, unless they repent(Revelation 2:22). So when a Christian’s rapture happens and how long is that Christian’s tribulation is up to that Christian – the sooner their rapture, the shorter will be that Christian’s tribulation. One purpose of this web page is to teach Christians how to overcome the world and how they can be caught up (raptured) in the spirit to a place of peace and safety above the storm of the tribulation.
If human history was a soccer match, we would be well into extra time by now. However God is longsuffering, waiting for any last minute passengers before this train bound for glory finally departs.
To contact the author of this website, please email:
My intention for this website is for it to help prepare the Bride for the Bridegroom, and thus heighten Christians’ expectation of the return of Jesus Christ. He must increase, and I must decrease. This website contains much information - knowledge that is indeed power – however the only person one would entrust with it is the Lord Jesus Himself – I certainly would not trust even myself – thus the only solution is to share this knowledge and its power with anyone who will listen (and those who listen are mostly Christians.) This is the will of the Father, who has already entrusted the Lord Jesus with all power anyway.
As this web site contains a smorgasbord of ideas, you are free to pick and choose whatever you like.
What is the goal of this teaching?
The goal of this teaching is the goal of all Christian teaching, the goal that the Bible says, which is 1 Timothy 1:5.
The goal of this teaching is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.
God’s Kingdom is united by love; Satan’s kingdom is divided by hate.
Christianity is meant to be simple and easy – it all reduces to love – examine the Bible itself. Apart from the book of beginnings (Genesis) and the book of the end (Revelation), compare the length of the first four books (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy), with the length of the last four books (I John, II John, III John & Jude).
In life, the exam is based on the textbook – if the lectures are based on the textbook, then you don’t need to go to the lectures. If the lectures are not based on the textbook, then they may not be the truth. If you don’t even read the textbook, what hope have you got of passing the exam? What textbook you choose is up to you. You could choose Darwin’s Origin of the Species or Hitler’s Mein Kampf, or Marx’ Das Capital or Mohammed’s Koran or Plato’s Republic or Aesop’s Fables. Or you could choose the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments written by Moses, Job, David, Solomon, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, Peter, & Jude who individually and collectively witness to One Man, Jesus Christ – the Son of God and God the Son.
Your comments and constructive criticisms (or even destructive ones!) of anything on this web site are most welcome. As yet I haven’t received much in the way of feedback, so maybe no-one is interested, the site is being censored, or the e-mail is not getting through, but that’s OK – I’m in this for the long haul anyway. The worst thing is being ignored and sent to Coventry. The wonderful advantage of a web page is that it can be updated, edited, modified, and re-written as many times as the author chooses, without going to the trouble of printing a new edition. If you find something you don’t agree with, then you are free to reject the idea – but as the saying goes, Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. What use is a new baby? A new baby produces lots of dirty nappies, but you don’t throw away the baby and keep the dirty nappies!
If you find I am repeating somebody else’s ideas without putting them into my own words, or without citation, then by all means email me with the reference and I can give the author their proper recognition – I don’t want to be guilty of plagiarism – for new ideas published since the advent of the internet, the problem is finding out who had the idea first. (Like Newton, Leibniz and the calculus – mathematicians have been arguing about that for centuries!)
My philosophy as far as making this web site freeware is that I don’t want to hinder the spread of any of this – if someone believes an idea is worth repeating, then it will be repeated, and so it can develop a life of its own – as the saying goes you can’t kill an idea. In fact you can’t steal an idea either – you can only copy it, and if these ideas are copied that’s OK by me.
We live in a world where communication over vast distances is possible by signals travelling close to the speed of light. A message in one part of the world can reach the entire world in seconds, thanks to the internet. So it is theoretically possible to preach the Gospel to countless millions, and yet never leave your own home.
This website contains lots of arguments - both good and bad - ammo to fire at the enemies of the Gospel. David took up five stones to kill Goliath, but he only needed one! As far as the battle in cyberspace goes, may the best arguments win! This is one situation where I believe survival of the fittest is actually a good idea – when we are talking about belief systems! (So atheism and evolution are themselves belief systems that are not fit to survive?!)
In all my writings, I imagine I’m trying to convince a hardened sceptic or an atheist, or someone who has no knowledge of the Christian faith, which is why I spell things out, and be as precise as I can so that my meaning is not misconstrued. Then if I can win a sceptic or an atheist for Christ, then I can win anyone. So I pray you will not take this as me being patronising, and I hope I have not offended anyone. If I have offended anyone, then all I can do is say sorry and ask for forgiveness, but I can’t apologise for speaking the truth in love. (Ephesians 4:15)
I don’t know whether I have made any converts – but if I do, it is my responsibility to take them all the way from new Christian to mature Christian, and then on to the point of rapture, immortality, and eternal life. As Christians mature, they grow into and eventually become angels. Study the precedents for this – Melchizedek, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Why has no-one gone this far in the church age? Because to my knowledge, no one since the twelve apostles has taught the feminine Holy Spirit and the order of Melchizedek (Both of which were taught by the apostle John* – the beloved disciple who also outlived all the other apostles.) Of course the first person I have to convert is myself! Then if I am on the right track, hopefully I’ll leave enough clues so that others will follow. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. (Genesis 5:24)
{*I know some will immediately disagree on this point, because of the use of the masculine pronoun to describe the Holy Spirit in John’s gospel. This is because in the original Greek, the word paracletosis masculine gender - the feminine characteristic was lost in the translation from spoken Aramaic to written Greek – John knew this – and he foresaw the problem it would cause – so he specifically corrected this misconception by writing his second letter to the feminine Holy Spirit of truth, whom he calls the elect lady…whom I love in truth, which is the reason why this letter is in the Bible. And who is the elect lady’s sister? Because the Holy Spirit is sevenfold, She can also be referred to as the Seven Sisters (the Pleiades in astronomy)}.
There is way too much here for me to hold in my mind all at the same time, so I can only write a little at a time when I feel the inspiration. When I get an idea, and I think it might be a good idea, I write it down immediately, because if I don’t, it will go into a black hole and I won’t get it back easily.
I can’t take any credit for these writings, because if I’ve heard correctly and got it right then the glory and honour belongs to God. I only write what I believe I receive from Him and His Spirit (*). However if I get it wrong, and I’m not infallible, then I must take the blame for getting it wrong. Like a software program this site has some bugs to be ironed out. I suppose as it is on the internet, it is in some sense published already.
Also I don’t want to be seen as some sort of messiah. I’m not a messiah. A pilgrim, yes, but a messiah, no. As the statement of faith says, the only true Messiah is Jesus of Nazareth. Anyone else claiming to be a messiah is a false messiah – and Jesus Himself said that in the last days there would be lots of them – a prophecy that has certainly come true – as any psychiatrist will verify!
(*) One can refer to God as He, when we mean the Father or the Son, and we can also refer to God’s Spirit as His Spirit. This is grammatically no different than referring to John Smith’s wife as his wife. However if we refer to the Spirit specifically we use the feminine pronoun.
Back to Table of Contents
The Church in Present Truth
My aim for this page is to give some insights into the frequently asked questions that new Christians have about the faith.
The Story so Far
The Bible contains the Old Testament of 39 books and the New Testament of 27 books, making 66 books in all. The seven day week, instituted by God and continued to this present day, can be scaled up by the factor of one day for one thousand years (QUOTE), to mean 6000 years of history before the 1000 year millennium day of the Lord. Just as Noah preached righteousness for 120 years before the great flood, so history will last for 120 jubilee years (120 x 50 = 6000 years) before the separation of the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats, and the righteous from the wicked. Although no man knows the hour or the day (QUOTE) when this will occur, the wise can see and discern the signs of the times (QUOTE).
Down through history the plan of God continues while the wicked one tries to oppose the plans of God. In turn God thwarts the schemes of the wicked one. The Bible describes this history in detail. The conception, birth, life, ministry, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ as described in the New Testament is the centre point of human history, and the present dispensation, the church age, numbers the years from the birth of Jesus Christ. During the church age, the schemes of the wicked one and the hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places take many forms. One of them is mystery Babylon described in the Apocalypse (also called the book of Revelation – the last book of the Bible) – the corruption of the true church by the Babylonian religion and its high priest, that the Bible calls the antichrist. The New Testament describes the early church before this corruption occurred. A major part of the defeat of mystery Babylon occurred when the printing press was invented, and the masses were educated and taught to read. There would now be no stopping the spread of this story, called the Christian Gospel.