We are studying kinds of communities around us; you are now going to study your very own community within Ontario. Choose a city that is a type of community known for something special e.g., a farming community, a mining community, an industrial community, tourism, fishing, or manufacturing.
You are to research different bits of information as requested on the planning sheet = rough copy (which you have just started) and upon completing it, you will then present your findings to a small group and use items in a shoebox along with a good copy of your research (enclosed in it).
For each question you answer, you need to find an object that represents your answer...e.g., If you chose Sudbury and tell us they mine for nickel, you could add the object, the nickel coin, (the old or newer nickel coin) into your shoebox. If your community has lots of hi-rise apartments, your object could be a model that you build out of lego. If one of your WOW facts (see this on the planning/rough copy) talks about a certain flower, find a picture of it on the internet or draw it or go to a dollar store and see if they have one. Please go the library for books or the internet if you don’t have access to internet at home.
Be creative with the objects you put into your box.
You have given some time at school to start working on the planning sheet/rough copy, but you will also need to work on it at home as well. With a parent make sure you choose your ‘community” (town, city). *#**Bring your planning sheet/rough copy back and forth to school on M. Feb.27, T. Feb. 28, Wed. Mar. 1 so we can work on the questions.
Use a chart (that is a requirement and in the list below) to do your presentation of objects.
Your shoebox is due ______.
Your completed project will include:
*Planning sheet (rough copy)
*Good copy of information/research that comes from your completed ‘planning’ sheet. Choose how you would like to make the good copy à 1. regular sheets or 2. Booklet form or 3. Brochure style. 4. If really needed, ask for a second planning sheet that can become your good copy. Have a parent type or you can neatly print your 7 answers (most answers will be in paragraph form)
*At least one object representing each question (include approx. 7, 8, 9 objects, no more). Please do not secure/tape the objects to the shoebox.
*A chart of your 7 objects stating what each object represents and stating what question it is from. Inside the box, please put this list of objects. If possible, for clarification, put the question number right on your object. You will use this chart to give your presentation. A sample will be on the classroom website soon.
*This instruction sheet with the rubric on the back.
*A decorated box on the exterior with pictures, maps, symbols of your community (e.g., use magazines, maps, internet images, hand drawn art, etc.). Some boxes may need you to cover it with newsprint or a cut brown paper bag. (Ask me for newsprint paper if needed.)
Please look at the rubric on the next page so you know the expectations. Use the list above to make sure you have what you need with your project. Please leave your box at home until your due date.