SCDRR Staff Application 08/2009

South Carolina District Royal Rangers

Application For Section, Division or District Staff Position

Instructions: Please fill out pages 1-3 of the application completely. On pages 4-6 be sure to put your name in the appropriate blocks. Make 3 copies of page 5 (Personal Reference form) to give to those you have indicated on page 3. Tab through the blocks to complete the form on your computer.

Name: / Date of Application:
Address: / Date of Birth:
City: / State: / Zip: / Phone:
Church Name: / Denomination:
Address: / Sr. Pastor:
City: / State: / Zip: / Phone:
Are you a member of this church? / For how long? / Do you pay your tithe?
Are you an approved Youth Worker in your church? / Date approved:
How long have you been in Royal Rangers? / Do you have a call on your life to serve men and boys ?
Please explain:
Marital status: / Spouse’s name:
Do you have any children? / Their names and ages:
Do you have a personal relationship with Christ?
Have you received the Baptism in The Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues?
Do you use tobacco in any form? / Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?
Have you ever had a problem with substance abuse? / Have you ever had a problem with alcohol abuse?
If yes, please explain:
What importance does prayer play in your daily life?


Please check all training that you have received in the Royal Ranger Ministry by listing date of completion (MM/YY) on the line provided:

LTC / GMA District & Number / ANTC
OPCLTC / GMA National Number / WNTC
Urban RR, Phase I / AJLTC / BSTC
Urban RR, Phase II / RKTC / SIT Phase I
Instructor Trainer / NEEC / National Academy Phase II
Certified Instructor / NTC / NTC Staff School
JLTC Staff / NRMC / Other
Are you a member of FCF? / If yes, what membership status?
Please list any other training you have received that might benefit SC Royal Rangers:
Do you have a problem with submission to those in authority? / Can you work on a team?

What staff position are you applying for? Indicate District, Division or Section level and if an assistant position.

Deputy Director / Pow Wow Coordinator
Training Coordinator / RK Overnighter Coordinator
FCF President / Derby Coordinator
Communications Coordinator / Banquet Coordinator
Outreach Coordinator / Service Patrol Coordinator
Division Director / Awards Coordinator
Section Director / Chaplain*
Chartering Coordinator / Other -
GMA Coordinator

*First choice for SECTION Chaplain is Section Presbyter unless declined. Presbyters need not fill out any application.

Explain why you are applying for a staff position:



All references will be checked. Please follow the directions closely. Fill out any information you can prior to giving the form to the individual. If you have any questions contact the district commander. It is suggested that you provide each person you use as a reference a stamped, pre-addressed envelope so they may mail the completed form direct to the district commander. This would include your pastor. Return this completed sheet to the district director.

Personal References

List three references, one being your employer or immediate supervisor. Give each listed reference a copy of the Personal Reference form and ask them to fill it out and send it to the address provided. Please make sure that you include correct addresses when filling out this form. Your application cannot be processed until all references have been received and verified.

Name: / Relationship:
City: / State: / Zip: / Phone: / ()
Name: / Relationship:
City: / State: / Zip: / Phone: / ()
Name: / Relationship:
City: / State: / Zip: / Phone: / ()

Pastor’s Information

Name: / Relationship:
City: / State: / Zip: / Phone: / ()

Please note: This form must be submitted before the application process can continue further. If you have any questions, contact Randall Stewart, District Director, (803) 840-5050 or .

Mail to: SC Royal Rangers, 3090 Herbal Way, Sumter, SC 29153

Pastor’s Reference

I, , understand that the following information shall be used to determine my eligibility for a Section, Division or District staff position with the South Carolina Royal Rangers. I understand by signing this document, I give my permission for personal information to be disclosed to the South Carolina Royal Rangers and do hereby give up the right to view the contents herein.

Applicant’s Signature Date


The individual named above has applied for a staff position with the South Carolina Royal Rangers. Before he is approved to serve, or in order to maintain his eligibility to serve, he must meet certain requirements. Please help us to ascertain his ability to serve by answering the following questions. If you have any additional comments please include them on a separate sheet of paper attached to this form.

1. How long have you known this applicant?
2. Is the applicant a member of your church in good standing?
3. If yes, how long has he been a member?
4. Do you know him to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
5. Has he received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues?
6. Does he attend church on a regular basis?
7. Is he actively involved in church?
8. Would you recommend this person to work with young children?
9. Is he an approved youth worker in your church?
10. Does he have an even temperament?
11. Is he submissive to authority?
12. Would you recommend this person for a staff position with the South Carolina Royal Rangers?
If no, please explain:

Signature: Date:

Name: Church:

Church Address: Home Phone:

City: State: Zip: Work Phone:

Please note: This form must be submitted before the application process can continue further.

Send to: SC Royal Rangers

3090 Herbal Way

Sumter, SC 29153

If you have any questions Randall Stewart, District Director, (803) 840-5050

Personal Reference

I, , understand that the following information shall be used to determine my eligibility for a Section, Division or District staff position with the South Carolina Royal Rangers. I understand by signing this document, I give my permission for personal information to be disclosed to the South Carolina Royal Rangers and do hereby give up the right to view the contents herein.

Applicant’s Signature Date


The individual named above has applied for a staff position with the South Carolina Royal Rangers. Before he is approved to serve, or in order to maintain his eligibility to serve, he must meet certain requirements. Please help us to ascertain his ability to serve by answering the following questions. If you have any additional comments please include them on a separate sheet of paper attached to this form.

1. How long have you known this applicant?
2. In what relationship have you known the applicant?
3. To the best of your knowledge has the applicant ever been arrested, charged or convicted of Child Neglect, Child Abuse or endangerment?
4. To the best of your knowledge has the applicant ever been arrested or charged with any criminal offense?
If yes, please list :
5. Have you ever known the applicant to use an illegal substance?
6. Have you ever known the applicant to abuse prescription drugs or over the counter drugs?
7. To the best of your knowledge, does the applicant use any tobacco or alcoholic products?
8. Does the applicant have an even temperament?
9. Would you trust this person with children?
10. Would you recommend this person to work with young children?
11. Is the applicant submissive to authority?

Signature: Date:

Name: Position/Relationship:

Address: Home Phone:

City: State: Zip: Work Phone:

Please note: This form must be submitted before the application process can continue further.

Send to: SC Royal Rangers

3090 Herbal Way

Sumter, SC 29153

If you have any questions Randall Stewart, District Director, (803) 840-5050

Terms of Office

Individuals who apply for a Section, Division or District staff position must:

1.  Complete entire staff application and submit it to the SC District Commander.

2.  Have all references forwarded to the District Commander.

3.  Meet for an interview with the District and/or Section Staff prior to a confirmation vote.

4.  Receive at least a 2/3 vote of confirmation by the District Executive Staff at the annual District Council for a two year term of office.

5.  Be commissioned by the District Director or member of the Executive District Staff.

Applicants will be presented to the District Staff, Division and Section Commanders at the annual District R.R. Council for a vote of confirmation. Once an individual has assumed a section, division or district staff office, his performance and effectiveness will be reviewed on an annual basis.

All District and Section Staff will serve a two year term which may or may not be renewed at the end of the term. After the initial two year term, the staff member will need to submit a written request to continue serving in his current office to the District Director to be considered for another term. After receiving a written request to continue serving on the District or Section Staff, the District Director will call for a vote of conformation from the District, Division and/or Section Staff to invoke another two year term.

All District Staff members with the exception of the District Commander will be voted on during District Royal Ranger Councils which fall on odd years. All Division and Section Staff will be voted on during District Royal Ranger Councils which fall on even years. The District Director is voted into office by the Presbytery of the South Carolina District Council of The Assemblies of God for a two year term at the annual council meeting of the Assemblies of God on every odd year. If for any reason a District, Division or Section Staff office becomes open prior to the District Royal Ranger Council which would hold an election for that position, a special meeting may be called for by the District Director to conduct a vote of confirmation. Any staff member appointed and confirmed by election to office prior to the appropriate District Royal Ranger Council will complete the current term of office for his position. He will then need to follow the same requirements to continue in that office as listed above and will be presented at the District Royal Ranger Council to be voted on for another term of office.

If he is in a Division or Section Staff position, he will be voted on in the next District Council that falls on an even year. If he is in a District Staff Position, he will be voted on in the next District Council that falls on an odd year.

Basic Requirements for Section and District Staff

The following requirements must be met by all who wish to serve District, Division or Section Staff. You must meet these requirements before you will be considered and voted upon unless given a temporary exemption by the District Director. If you feel that you can not meet or do not meet these requirements, we suggest that you hold off making application until such time you can or will meet the requirements. We do not take the ministry of Royal Rangers lightly and we ask that you do not either. Please make sure you have prayed and received confirmation that this is the calling that God is placing upon your heart.

Because Royal Rangers is an evangelistic ministry, we want to stress that the spiritual emphasis of this ministry and calling are of the utmost importance in serving on any District or Section staff position.

Spiritual Requirements:

1. Must give clear evidence of Salvation Experience and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

2. Must have received the infilling (Baptism) of the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.

3. Must be above reproach and in good standing with his job, community, and church.

4. Must be a tithing member of his local church and be in good standing for a minimum of one year prior to making application or have transferred in from another church in which he was a tithing member for at least one year.

5. Must give clear evidence for the call of God on his life for the ministry about to be undertaken.

6. Must have the approval of his pastor to serve.

7. Must meet all the requirements for a Good Leader as stated in the Royal Ranger Leader’s Manual.

Training Requirements:

1. Must have earned the Leaders Medal of Achievement/Excellence

2. Must have attended an NTC. (National Training Camp) - Sectional/Divisional commanders and Exec staff only. It is strongly suggested that all staff members attend an NTC as soon as possible.

3. Attend all Statewide Commander’s Meetings. (Special exemption may be granted in conflicts with family or work.)

4. Training Coordinator, all levels, must be a Certified Instructor for a minimum of one year.

Other Requirements:

1. Must be involved in a local outpost for a minimum of 1 year in their local church or by transfer in from another Outpost where he served for at least the last year.

2. Have actively participated in Section, Division and District events throughout the previous year on a consistent basis.

3. Attend Pow-Wow.

4. Must have the approval and blessing of spouse, if married.

5. Must be willing to work on a team.

Any individual who fails to perform his duties or violates one of the above requirements may be removed by the SC District Royal Ranger Staff.

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