English 9 YORKE

Summer Reading Assignment 2007

Please write ONE paragraph on EACH of the following topics. Complete the topics using

The Bean Trees AND your own book choice off the Pingry Summer Reading List. If you write Paragraph 1 on The Bean Trees then in Paragraph 2 you must use your own book of choice off the Pingry Summer Reading List (and vise-versa). Paragraph 3 can be on either or both novels. You cannot use any outside sources (internet, tutors, other texts) to complete this assignment. You need to email your assignment to by the given day and time. You must also bring in a hard copy of your work in case I don’t receive the email to avoid the late penalty.

Characterization Analytical Paragraph

Due by email: : Tue. Sept. 18 by 8:15am

Please save as: Paper 1 Summer Reading A

Please select a character from one of the novels you have read this summer and assert an opinion about him/her. For example, while someone might think he/she is a coward do you think he/she is brave- why? Perhaps you see something else in a character – maybe they are particularly insightful, creative, intelligent, appreciative, patient, selfish, disciplined, hard-working, etc. State your opinion in a clear TOPIC SENTENCE your argument with at least TWO CITED QUOTATIONS from the text. Please answer the rubric questions and bring in a hard copy of your assignment.

Change Analytical Paragraph

Due by email: : Tue. Sept 25 by 8:15am

Please save as: Paper 1 Summer Reading B

Select a character from another novel you have read this summer. Does this character change at all throughout the novel? How do they specifically change? In other words, what quality or value particularly reverses? Does he/she move from being narrow-minded to open- minded? From being family-centered to self-centered? From being insecure to confident? Why does this change occur? State your opinion in a clear TOPIC SENTENCE your argument with at least TWO CITED QUOTATIONS from the text. Please answer the rubric questions and bring in a hard copy of your assignment.

Theme Analytical Paragraph

Due by email to : Fri. Oct. 5 by 8:15am

Please save as: Paper 1 Summer Reading C

Consider why the author may have felt compelled to write the story – did the author want to share some larger message(s) with the world? Do you find any powerful ideas that might say something about the world, society, life, or the human experience? In the end of the story – what have the characters learned? What have you learned? Were there different lessons for different people? What are the broad applications of this powerful idea? Tell me how this powerful idea could potentially impact your life, your way of thinking, others and the broader world. State your opinion in a clear TOPIC SENTENCE your argument with at least TWO CITED QUOTATIONS from the text. Please answer the rubric questions and bring in a hard copy of your assignment.


Assignment Guidelines:

1) You must reference at least two books on the Pingry Summer Reading List.

2) Do not use any other reference sources for this paper.

3) Each paragraph should be about 1 page in length.

4) There is a minimum standard of two short quotations per paragraph.

5) It should be written in 12 point Times New Roman and be double spaced.

6) Please consult the Pingry Manual of Style for formatting.

7) Please answer the rubric questions in complete sentences at the end of your paper.

Students who do not answer these questions will mark their papers down 1/3 grade.

8) Of course, remember to include the honor code.

9) The only authorized aid for this paper is your teacher. No other individuals (Tutors, parents, and friends) have the authorization to make corrections or specific alterations to your work (ideas/sentences/quotations/etc.)

10) Save the document as: Paper 1 Summer Reading

11) Please email in the form of an attachment to

Basic Rubric Questions:

Please answer these questions on the same document as your paragraph. Do not send as a separate file.

Topic Sentence Questions

1. Do you have an OPINIONATED topic sentence (ie. NOT FACTUAL) that avoids using vague or relative words (good, bad, nice, etc)?

2. Does it present a focused idea which is possible to discuss in one paragraph without being too limiting?

3. Is it your first sentence of the paragraph?


4. Do you use at least two quotations? Did you explain HOW those quotations serve as evidence?


5. Did you integrate the quotations in sentences so that you can’t hear where they stop and start? For example: Ms. Yorke was wondering “if I integrated my quotations” properly (#).


6. Did you cite quotations as such: ….. “……” (#). (Notice the quotation marks signify the end of the quotation and the period goes AFTER the page citation).

Focus and Organization

7. Did you stay focused entirely on the topic you asserted in your topic sentence? Do you think you “proved” your opinion?


8. Does your final sentence give us some sense of conclusion or reflection?


9. Are you bringing in a hard copy of your assignment in case I don’t receive the email/attachment to avoid the -1/3grade/day penalty?