Parish Life

4th December, 2016 – Second Sunday of Advent

Weekend Mass Times St. Mary’s Castlegregory

Sunday – 10.30am

Parish Office – St. Mary’s Presbytery, Castlegregory

Monday - Closed

Tuesday 10.30am to 4.00pm

Wednesday 10.30am – 4.00pm

Thursday 10.30am to 3.00pm

Friday 10.30am to 4.00pm

(Check out newsletter for any changes in times of opening hours due to holidays etc)

Tel: 066 7139145 – Mobile 087 1438060 – Email:

Kerry Diocesan Website –

Notices for Newsletter to reach office by 11.30am on Fridays

Priest: Fr. Michael Hussey 087 1438060 - Secretary: Bernie Dowling

Weekend Mass Times

Clochán Bréanainn

Séipéal Naomh Bréanainn

An Satharn – 6.45 i.n.

Confession before and after Mass on Tuesdays


Parish Pastoral Council: Chairperson: James Kildea, Julia Dowling, Vincent Filgate, Bernie Dowling, Patricia Hennessy , Audrey Stephens , Joan Herbst, , Sheila Kelliher, Eileen Nicholl, Siobhan Hennessy, Síle Mulcahy , Anne Dennehy, Angela O’Sullivan, Eileen O’Grady, Kathleen Dowd Liturgy Group Contacts Chairperson

Anne Dennehy Secretary – Maunie Kelliher - Maire Begley (organist/adult choir) Pat Finn & Trish Browne (Folk Group) Síle Mulcahy (St. Brendan’s Choir) Area Pastoral Council Representatives; James Kildea and Bernie Dowling, Eileen Nicholl Finance Committee: Joan Ferriter, Gerard O’Donnell, Kathleen O’Rourke, Bernie Dowling, Fr. Michael Hussey. Building and Maintenance: Sean Lyons, Denis Dowling, Pat Joe Flynn, Micheál O’Leary, Trish Browne, Sheila Kelliher, Pat Finn, Tommy Fitzgerald, James Kildea,

Parish Reps for Safeguarding Children: Kathleen Spillane, Susan Browne and Kathleen Brosnan - Safeguarding Tel no 087 3800220


Youth Council: Cathy Browne, Daragh Rohan, Jena Cronin, Shannon O’Grady, Amy Byrne, Eva O’Connell, Kate Shannon, Sinead Sheehan ,Timmy Walsh, Ellen Goodwin, Shannen Cronin-Maunsell, Cody Stafford, Claire Dennehy, Carrie Dowling, Niamh Shannon, Caitlyn Browne, Lucy Walsh, William Goodwin, Orla Goodwin, Leanne O’Grady, Rebekah Crean, Andrea Quirke,

Lin Moriarty, Patrick O’Donoghue

Week beginning 4th December 2016

Second Sunday of Advent



In his days justice shall flourish and peace till the moon fails. (Psalm 71)


The Scriptures this Sunday give us great hope and a glimpse at the kind of peace and justice that the coming of Jesus will bring to the world. It is already here in His teaching and Sacraments if we but follow it. The First Bible reading from Isaiah captures this so beautifully - we are promised a great leader, filled with the Spirit of God, who will bring peace and unity to the people. We need to hold on to that hope, to that vision, especially in the times we live in. We wait in hopeful expectation, not passively but actively seeking the kingdom of God right here, where we are! So how can we do this? We cannot change the world! However, we can change ourselves with God's grace. In changing our self for the better we are actually changing the world for the better. In Matthew's Gospel, John the Baptist preached a message of repentance, but not just being sorry for past sins, but a true conversion, a total change of heart – “Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight.” Therefore, the first step is to look inside of ourselves. What attitudes do I need to change? Is Jesus part of my life? As a Christian, how do I work with others to build a better community/society? Do I offer a sense of hope and enthusiasm to those whose spirits are weary and anxious? Advent is that time to reflect on what changes we need to make in our lives. In St Paul's letters, this week in particular, he gives encouragement to those who don't give up so easily! "People who did not give up were helped by God" - we must open ourselves to God's grace, because nothing is impossible for God.


Sacred Space – Advent

A sacred space has been set up for Advent – The Remembrance Tree which we used to remember deceased loved ones will now be used to remember our family and friends who live and work abroad and will not be with us for Christmas. Write their name or names on a tag and place on the tree.


Pray for our Departed


John Begley, Fermoy & late of Dingle

Michael Ferriter, Aughacasla Months Mind.

Bill Murphy, Chicago and Fahamore

Maurice O’Connor, Bornadeehy

Deceased members of the Courtney family, Strand Street

John & Annie Horgan, John James and Eunice Horgan and deceased members of the Horgan family

Darren Greaney, Glen

John & Annie Dowd, Tullig


Pray for the Sick of the Parish

Remember the sick of the parish in your prayers, those in hospital, nursing homes, those undergoing treatments and waiting test results. Lord, may Your healing hand touch them.


Priest on Deanery Duty


Priest on duty in the deanery this Sunday 4th December, 2016 is Fr. Joe Ó Beaglaoí In the event of an emergency, please call 066 9151208.

Intentions for this Weekend


St. Mary’s

10.30am - Intention: Maurice O’Connor, Bornadeehy

St. Brendan’s

6.45pm – Vigil Mass – Mass for the People


Weekday Masses – St. Mary’s


Monday 5th December – 7.00pm – Intention: Deceased members of the Courtney family, Strand street.


Tuesday 6th December – 10.00am – Intention: John & Annie Horgan, John James & Eunice Horgan and deceased members of the Horgan family


Wednesday 7th - No Mass in Castlegregory (see St. Brendan’s)


Thursday 8th December –10.30am Feast of the Immaculate Conception – No Intention


Friday 9th December – 7.00pm – Intention: John & Annie Dowd, Tullig


Saturday 10th December – 1.30pm –Wedding Mass of Martha Hennessy & James Whelan


Weekday Masses - St. Brendan’s


Tuesday 6th December – 7.00pm – Darren Greaney, Glen


Wednesday 7th December: 6.45pm – Vigil Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception – No Intention


Intentions for Next Weekend


St. Mary’s

Sunday 11th December – 10.30am – Intention: Tom Hussey, Ceandeehy First Anniversary and Mary Hussey (sister-in-law)

St. Brendan’s

Saturday 10th December: vigil Mass – 6.45pm Intention: Charlie O’Connor, Ballyduff


Rota for next weekend


Reader: Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Thursday 8th December Sheila Kelliher - Sunday 11th December Claire Dennehy


Eucharistic Ministers Months of December Rosarii O’Donnell, Catherine Lyons and Maureen Callaghan


Altar Servers next Sunday 11th December: Andrea & Claire Dowling, Sarah Keane and Orla Donnellan


Alter Society – Month of December: Noreen Cronin & Kathleen Kennedy


Church Flowers – No flowers during Advent


Second Collection this weekend 3rd/4th December for the Diocesan Youth Service.


Parish Office – The office will be closed Monday and Thursday (Holy Day) of the coming week. Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.


Planned Giving Envelopes – The boxes for the coming year are now available for collection from both churches. They are in alphabetical order rather than station areas and please note that your box numbers have changed. If you can’t find your box, please contact the parish office. If you have not used the envelope system before and would like to, please call to the office.


St. Vincent de Paul – 087 1647788