Due 3/20

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1. / Decadron, Maxidex, and Vexol are corticosteroid ophthalmic drugs.
Answer True or False
2. / TIA and transient global amnesia (TGA) are the same thing.
Answer True or False
3. / ______is a highly contagious viral disease that affects the anterior horn cells of the gray matter in the spinal cord.
A. / Poliomyelitis
B. / Meningitis
C. / Encephalitis
D. / Brain abscess
4. / The condition that involves progressive destruction of motor neurons resulting in muscle atrophy is called
A. / Parkinson's disease.
B. / Guillain-Barre syndrome.
C. / Huntington's chorea.
D. / ALS.
5. / Inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord is called
A. / encephalitis.
B. / meningitis.
C. / blepharitis.
D. / polyneuritis.
6. / Unilateral facial paralysis is called
A. / quadriplegia.
B. / hemiparesis.
C. / Bell's palsy.
D. / epilepsy.
7. / An inherited disorder in which the individual displays abrupt, bizarre, involuntary, dance-like movements and a decline in mental functions is
A. / Parkinson's disease.
B. / Huntington's chorea.
C. / ALS.
D. / Guillain-Barre syndrome.
8. / Periodic severe headaches that may be completely incapacitating are called
A. / cephalalgia.
B. / peripheral neuritis.
C. / neuralgia.
D. / migraines.
9. / Parkinson's disease is characterized by
A. / "pill" rolling tremor of thumb and forefinger, muscular rigidity, mask-like facial expression, and shuffling gait.
B. / narcolepsy, hemiparesis, muscular atrophy, and seizures.
C. / tongue smacking, dementia, and ceaseless, involuntary movements.
D. / none of the above.
10. / Ankylosing of the stapes is called
A. / Meniere's disease.
B. / otomycosis.
C. / otosclerosis.
D. / exotropia.
11. / Spinal stenosis contributes to sciatic pain caused by a narrowing of the spinal canal that causes compression of the spinal nerve roots.
Answer True or False
12. / A collection or mass of blood that forms between the skull and the dura mater is termed a(an)
A. / subdural hematoma.
B. / epidural hematoma.
C. / meningocele.
D. / concussion.
13. / Early symptoms of retinal detachment consist of
A. / new floaters and light flashes.
B. / purulent drainage.
C. / redness of the eye and a gritty feeling.
D. / ringing in the ears.
14. / Bruising of the brain tissues along or just beneath its surface accompanied by symptoms lasting more than 24 hours describes a
A. / concussion.
B. / contusion.
C. / CVA.
D. / TIA.
15. / Loss of motor and sensory control of the trunk of the body and lower extremities as a result of a spinal cord injury describes
A. / peripheral neuritis.
B. / quadriplegia.
C. / paraplegia.
D. / a degenerative disk.
16. / Nerves that transmit impulses toward the brain and spinal cord are
A. / afferent nerves.
B. / efferent nerves.
C. / motor nerves.
D. / receptors.
17. / Temporary episodes of impaired neurologic functioning caused by inadequate blood flow to a portion of the brain are termed
A. / CVAs.
B. / TIAs.
C. / mini strokes.
D. / b and c.
18. / All of the following are antihistamines except ______
A. / Clarinex.
B. / Allegra.
C. / Nasalide
D. / Tavist.
19. / Of the following, which is NOT likely to cause a CVA?
A. / Advancing atherosclerosis
B. / Cerebral embolism
C. / Neuroblastoma
D. / Cerebral thrombosis
20. / Nerves that transmit impulses away from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands are
A. / afferent.
B. / efferent.
C. / sensory.
D. / afferent and sensory.
21. / Mydriatics ______
A. / constrict the pupil.
B. / dilate the pupil.
C. / decrease the flow of aqueous humor.
D. / all of the above.
22. / Infection or inflammation in the semicircular canals is called
A. / cholesteatoma.
B. / labyrinthitis.
C. / otomycosis.
D. / presbycusis.
23. / All of the following drugs are used to treat glaucoma except ______
A. / Rescula.
B. / Betopic.
C. / Timoptic.
D. / Herplex.
24. / A chronic disease of the inner ear marked by a recurring syndrome of vertigo, tinnitus, progressive hearing loss, and a sensation of pressure in the ear is called
A. / cholesteatoma.
B. / otoslcerosis.
C. / Meniere's disease.
D. / mastoiditis.
25. / A cloudy or opaque area in the normally clear lens of the eye is called a
A. / stye.
B. / detachment.
C. / cataract.
D. / none of the above.
26. / "Swish and swallow" are instructions given to patients taking a(an) ______
A. / antifungal.
B. / antihistamine.
C. / antibiotic.
D. / local anesthetic.
27. / The sensor receptive cells in the retina that function best in dim light and enable night vision are the
A. / iris.
B. / pupil.
C. / cones.
D. / rods.
28. / Optivar, Livostin, and Patanol are mast cell stabilizer ophthalmic drugs.
Answer True or False
29. / Hyperopia, myopia, and presbyopia are refractive errors that result when the
A. / pressure within the anterior chamber of the eye is elevated.
B. / eye is unable to focus light effectively.
C. / tympanic membrane ruptures.
D. / lens of the eye becomes cloudy.
30. / Keratitis is frequently caused by an infection of herpes simplex virus.
Answer True or False
31. / Which of the following drugs is used to treat grand mal seizures?
A. / Dilantin
B. / Cognex
C. / Dalmane
D. / L-dopa
32. / Restoril and Halcion are used to treat______
A. / Parkinson's disease.
B. / Alzheimer's disease.
C. / Absence seizures.
D. / Insomnia
33. / The combination drug containing carbidopa and levodopa to treat Parkinson's disease is known by the trade name ______
A. / Sinemet.
B. / L-dopa.
C. / Zyprexa.
D. / Restoril.
34. / Mestinon and Prostigmin are two drugs used to treat Myasthenia Gravis.
Answer True or False
35. / Macular degeneration is
A. / caused by degenerative changes in the retina.
B. / usually related to aging.
C. / both of the above.
D. / none of the above.
36. / The trade name for the generic drug diphenhydramine is ______
A. / Afrin.
B. / Sudafed.
C. / Bendaryl.
D. / Zyrtec.
37. / Antihistamines are effective in treating the common cold.
Answer ( True or False)
38. / Patricia is a 63 year old female who reportedly awoke this morning with weakness and numbness of her right side. She had difficulty getting out of bed and complained of intermittent dizziness. She was also having some difficulty with her speech. Pat hasa history of hypertension and takes Vasotec and Inderal. An ambulance was called and she was transported to the Emergency Department at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center.
On exam, her vital signs were T - 97.6 degrees F, P - 107 and irregular, R - 23, and BP - 174/97. She had diminished strength in her right hand and foot, diminished movement in the right arm and leg and her speech was slurred. Oxygen therapt was started. Her reflexes were diminished, as was her response to pain on the right side.
A brain MRI, CT, EEG, skull x-rays and ECG were ordered. Her ECG showed atrial fibrillation. About six hours postonset her symptoms began to resolve with improvement in movement and feeling in her right extremities. Her speech also became less slurred.
1. Patricia was most likely diagnosed as having a ______.(spell out the medical term(s) in full)
2. What is the most common cause of Patricia's condition?
3. ______commonly are used to lessen the frequency or chance of recurrence.
4. Recent protocol is to have a patient chew on an (OTC) ______tablet as soon as symptoms appear.
5. A person having a true stroke will have symptoms lasting ______24 hours.

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