Welcome to Year 3

As we start another year here at Waltham Leas, it’s a period of settling in to a new class for your child, and to a certain extent for you, so to make this as painless as possible, we thought we’d share with you a few snippets of information, so you know what’s happening this Term.

The two classes in Year 3 are taught by Mrs Hutson (Tigers), Mrs Watkinson and Mrs Hopper (Tree Kangaroos), who are supported by Mrs Carpenter, Miss Lund and Mrs Smith, members of our brilliant team of TA’s.


We strive constantly to make our Curriculum as interesting and exciting as possible for the children, following the expectations of the National Curriculum. This term, we will be studying the following in these Subjects:

English – Fables and recounts

Maths – place value, addition, subtraction, data handling, fractions, division, weights/measures and reasoning.

Science - Light

ICT – E-Safety, keyboard skills and programming

RE – Festivals and Christianity

Geography – oceans, continents and capital cities

History – Ancient Egypt

Music – performing, composition, listening and learning the recorder.

Art - portraits

A reminder that we have PE on Monday and Wednesday so the children will need to have their kit in school at that time.


Reading is a major priority for us this year, so if you could find the time to listen to your child as often as possible, that would be fantastic. We have purchased new Reading

Records for every pupil this year, which we’re sure you’ve already seen.


We will also be giving a range of homework to the children. This will support their learning in class, so if you could encourage them to complete it, we would be very grateful. The arrangements for homework in Year 3 are as follows:

  • Wednesday spellings are sent home and books need to be returned for the following Wednesday.
  • On Friday numeracy and literacy homework will be sent home, to be returned no later than Thursday of the following week.

Dates for this Term

Here are a few dates for your diaries up ‘til Christmas

School Photographs – Tuesday 19th September

Parents Evening – Monday 6thNovember and Tuesday 7thNovember, 3:30 to 6:30

Christmas Parties – Tuesday 12th December


One final request, we have already found some uniform around school, and have struggled to reunite it with the correct owner because there was no name in it. Please help us by ensuring that names are written in clothing, so that our Lost Property Box remains as empty as possible.

We hope everyone has a fantastic year, if you are unsure about anything, please contact us and we will do everything we can to help.

Mrs HutsonMrs WatkinsonMrs Hopper