Community Engagement Mini-Grants
Fall 2012 – Winter 2013

ITVS is pleased to announce the availability of mini-grants to support local Half the Sky engagement screening events and activities. Grant awards of up to $2,000 will be available on a rolling basis from now until September 15th, or until all grant funds have been distributed.

Station-led Half the Sky events will help kick-start activities in your community this coming broadcast season in support of the Women and Girls Lead campaign.


Email questions and completed applications to Allison Inman, National Engagement Consultant for ITVS at .

Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide is a multi-platform project centered around two two-hour major primetime broadcast events based on Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn's widely acclaimed book, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. Half the Sky is a special presentation of the PBS series Independent Lens, premiering on October 1 and 2, 2012.
Half the Sky is a pillar program of the Women and Girls Lead campaign, offering numerous opportunities and resources for local station engagement activities.


●  Agree to broadcast Half the Sky, Parts 1 & 2 at the time of its national feeds (PDP markets exempted).

●  Provide ITVS with a brief 1-2 page final report of the event(s). Final reports must be submitted within two weeks of your activity or event, and no later than March 31, 2013.

●  Promote local broadcast of Half the Sky using all appropriate vehicles, including station website, program guide, radio and television promos using only approved images and logos (provided on the Women and Girls Lead website)

●  Acknowledge Women and Girls Lead partners and supporters on materials using appropriate logos and language (provided by ITVS)


1. Half the Sky Community Cinema Discussion Guides are available for download on the Station Toolkit page of the Women and Girls Lead website. The guides cover the following issue areas:

●  Economic Empowerment

●  Education

●  Gender-based Violence

●  Maternal Mortality

●  Sex Trafficking and Inter-generational Prostitution

2. Half the Sky Community Classroom Lesson Plans and Film Modules
Lesson plans and film modules drawn from the Half the Sky miniseries will be available online on October 1, 2012. Educators, non-profits, and stations will also be able to order free Community Classroom DVDs via the ITVS website at that time. For other Women and Girls Lead educator resources, visit

3. Half the Sky Salon Toolkit

Half the Sky Salons are events designed for small groups to watch and discuss short content from the mini series. Different from a larger Community Cinema public event, salon screenings can be held in homes, community centers, faith-based organizations, businesses, or nonprofits. A salon screening is an intimate affair that focuses on viewer dialogue and coordinating individual action into collective impact.
The toolkit includes a 40-minute reel featuring content from the Half the Sky mini-series and provides an overview of its six key issue areas.The toolkit’s discussion topics, actions items, and handouts will inspire individuals to become part of the movement!
Salon Toolkits will be available to stations late August 2012, please request copies in advance at

[Tip: If you’re hosting a Community Cinema Half the Sky screening, make Half the Sky Salon Toolkits available to audience members interested in hosting a salon in their home, church, organization, etc.]

4. Half the Sky Community Cinema Screeners
Community Cinema preview screenings for Half the Sky will occur in 100+ cities across the country in Sept 2012. If you are not an ongoing partner of Community Cinema, you may request materials to produce a one-off screening for Half the Sky. Screenings must take place before March 31, 2013.
Screening resources will include:
•Preview screeners to share with local partners and speakers
•Screening quality DVDs (x2)
•Discussion guides covering each of six issue areas (available for download at

•Customizable event flyer templates and full-color postcards
Note: The mini-series is four hours. The screener will have a menu option to play each of six country/issue stories, about 30 minutes each, plus a 10-minute overview of the documentary. You will have the option to pick and choose the stories you want to screen.
Please submit your request for Community Cinema screeners by August 17th. The request form can be found at the Station Tool Kit:

5. Additional resources. You may also use additional resources and curricula from a variety of Women and Girls Lead films that complement Half the Sky activities. Visit for resources and ideas. You can also find more information about Half the Sky at

Half the Sky Community Engagement Mini-Grant Application

STATION ______


ADDRESS ______

CITY______STATE ______ZIP ______

PHONE ______EMAIL ______





Please answer each of the following questions and complete the budget form provided.

Event Description

1.  Provide a detailed description of your proposed activities and how the grant funds will be used to support them.

2.  How will you tie the global issues featured in the film to local issues affecting women and girls?

3.  Describe and list local and national organizations you will be partnering with to support your event. How do you plan to sustain these partnerships beyond this event?

4. Please describe how this event will support/enhance your station’s future plans for

involvement with the Women and Girls Lead initiative.

Mini-Grant Application Budget

Possible line item categories are suggested below. You are free to add or delete as best fits your project. Stations may request up to $2,000.

ITVS Funds Requested / B.
Station and/or Partner
Contribution / C.
Supplies & Expenses
Equipment rental
Event Space
Other Expenses