Mid-term test EC10004 Introductory Computing and Data Analysis

Answer as many questions as you can. Normal Examination rules apply, you may NOT communicate with anyone else during the exam, either verbally or electronically. You have 1 hour.Your answers are to be copied into a single word document, showing the question number for each answer. Any charts should be clearly labelled and copied into the same Word document. Each question is made up of 30 marks, 10 marks will be based on the quality of the organisation of your answers.Save your Word document containing your answers to a floppy disc on Drive A as well as to your H drive.Name the document with your computer user name (e.g. hssmrg.doc) at the top of the Word Document and Write your name on the disk.


1a) Using Internet Explorer, go to and locate ‘changes in crop areas 2002-2003: agriculture in the UK’. To locate this, firstly opt for the theme ‘Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry’, then agriculture > Economics of agriculture > agricultural prices > ‘changes in crop areas 2002-2003…’. Download data (Excel or CSV format) Open the file in Excel and copy the data into sheet 1 of your workbook, getting rid of any unwanted data.. [10 marks]

b) Create pi charts showing the crop area for the categories listed in 2002 and then separately in 2003 (not the % change column), naming it as chart 1. [20 marks]

Copy your data table and chart 1 into Word as Questions 1a and 1b and save.

2)i) In Excel, evaluate the following functions (calculate y) for a variable x running in steps of 1 from 1 to 20: [20 marks]

a) b)

c) d)e)

(log10 represents a logarithm to the base 10)

Copy your answer sheet into a Word document as question 2(i), save on drive A:

ii) Create an XY scatterplot of the values for the first three of the functions in 2(a) plotted against x (separate charts), naming it chart 2. [10 marks]

Copy chart 2 into the same Word document as question 2(i) and save.

3)) Assume that an economy is characterised as follows. Consumption: Ct = g + h*Yt-1 ,Investment: It = I0 , Aggregate supply equals aggregate demand: Yt = Ct + It . Set up a worksheet with time, consumption, investment and income as your column headings. The time variable should run from 0 to 12 in steps of 1. Put the parameters (g and h) away to the top or side in a parameter box, giving them values of 75 and 0.9 to start. The starting value for income Y = 670 (=aggregate demand = aggregate supply) and a static level of investment that remains at 120 throughout. [20 marks]

(ii) Plot the time paths of income and consumption[10 Marks]